
Division and a Possible Solution

Posted By: RandyMack

Division and a Possible Solution - 03/08/2011 04:45 AM

Division and a Possible Solution

I sit here today thinking over the problems we face, watching the internal fights going on, the accusations, the arguments, the discourse and the 10,000 other reasons we seem divided. I sit here and I see a problem, a major problem. I sit here and I keep thinking that if we don’t begin to unite together, we’ll surely hang together….or separately.

What do you do when someone begins shouting to everyone that you are a BATF agent, or some other “plant”? What do we do when we think someone might actually be a BATF agent or some other fed/LEO? We normally plant our data on the net, or air our dirty laundry, and very often we are mistaken in the data, or we further divide the community over personalities, and “sides”. How do we get past this? How do we move beyond those issues, and actually find resolution to them? I know that if someone slanders me, I can take them to court, present my complaints, and have a judge/jury determine whether the accusations are valid or baseless.

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of it. I’m tired of only hearing about fights, division, coups, false accusations, liable and slander. I’m tired of hearing about sites that delete people’s posts because one of the moderators doesn’t like that person, for personal reasons. So, the question is, how do we handle and address this problem? How do we bring those guilty of division to face the consequences of their actions? How do we bring evidence we find about those who aren’t what they appear to be, and expose them for what they are? How do we resolve the fights that go on, in a way that puts an end to it, with the true wrong doer being brought up to the forefront and the victim having their resolve?

We used to have Grand Juries, and Common Law courts to handle this, now the majority of us don’t even know what a Grand Jury is, or how they are formed. How many of us actually have experienced a Common Law court? This is something to think on as well…how do we implement them later if we don’t know what they are today, and no one has “experience” with them?

When the normal courts wouldn’t hear particular cases, the Committees of Safety established courts to hear complaints about Tories and those inimical to the cause of liberty, or other important matters to their cause. Should we begin looking at these means to solve the problems we face today? What are your thoughts on this, and don’t be shy, toss out your 2 wooden pennies.

Re: Division and a Possible Solution - 03/08/2011 09:37 AM

The point man on this is Charles Stewart and does a lot of work with functioning common law courts, a couple Oregon courts recognize them as legit.

If you would like to talk to Charles on the phone I would be glad to send you his number.

Re: Division and a Possible Solution - 03/08/2011 09:38 AM

Better link
Posted By: Tuscarora

Re: Division and a Possible Solution - 03/08/2011 04:42 PM

Honestly maybe i'm looking far to deeply into this but I think it would be a good thing if BATF agents started posting on here...

I'm open about my employment status, and honestly I don't give a shit about what my employers "think" (term used loosely)about what conversations I have with who, or how I conduct my personal life.
Posted By: RandyMack

Re: Division and a Possible Solution - 03/09/2011 07:54 AM

I'm not really talking about cops, but those on the federal payroll, that aren't law enforcement, who pretend to be something they aren't. I prefer peace officers though, to police. Also, I know of Charles, and his work. thanks for the suggestion.