
The Future of Warfare

Posted By: J. Croft

The Future of Warfare - 12/19/2011 12:50 PM


J. Croft

March 17, 2014

Airman Dan Hladr waddled down the hallway of this modern and clean US government facility. Waddling because he’s 360lb of greasy fat built from a lifetime of gaming and in his US Air Force uniform …just didn’t fit in it. In fact a US Air Force Captain; average height but thick with muscle stomps by trying so hard not to rip the obese Airman just for sharing his air. Airman Hladr salutes as he was taught and it takes everything the Captain has in discipline to snap off a salute back and just. Get. Out. Of. There.

Unfortunately for Airman Dan Hladr he’s self-aware enough to know open disgust when he sees it.

Fortunately for his psyche, and his heart, his destination lay just ahead.

Airman Hladr enters a Drone Command Room; it looks like a good size video arcade but equipped with the same video game. The obese Airman waddles over to a desk with a Watch Commander, a Sargeant, awaits. Airman Hladr presents his ID badge in silence, and the Sargeant scans it in silence-no they’re not friends and will never ever be friends. The Airman salutes and the Sargeant salutes back and gets back to his duties. And so does the Airman.

Airman Hladr waddles over to his assigned console-number 10 currently manned by another overweight geek turned freshly minted Airman, Airman Kelly Goode. He is at the throttle and stick of a US Air Force Drone of course, flying southbound over the border between Ohio and Pennsylvania, just south of Lake Pymatunig at about 10,000ft, at about 200mph. The status window on the bird, a Raptor, indicates about 60 percent fuel remaining and fully loaded.

“Hey Kelly, sup.”

“How’s it going Dan?”

“It goes, y’know. How’s hunting?”

“Man, what hunting? I couldn’t find anything all day, not even some Yoder chicks hanging laundry.”

“That sucks.”

“Sucks fucking balls is what that bullshit does. How the fuck do I get any points if nobody does nothing?”

“Well, that’s what the Air Force hired us for.”

“Maybe we… well, y’know-overhunted this area?”
“Dude, we had some EPIC fucking battles back in the day!”

“Muthafuck yeah we did!”

Dan and Kelly laugh. Actually, on the screen there’s a window displaying Airman Kelly Goode’s portrait, ID, and a score: 9,334. Kelly sets the drone on AUTOPILOT, works the keyboard with a deft hand belying his otherwise nerdish exterior, logs out, then slowly, shakily creaks out.

“Oh man I’m hungry Bro.”

“I just ate. At Sonic. Good shit too”

“Fuck you, Dan.”

The stench from the seat where Kelly sat hits Dan. He ignores it-God knows he’s stank that very chair up worse. Dan plops down, logs in with the same deftness over the keyboard and his ID, profile, and score pop up… 17,253.

“I ain’t ever gonna catch up to you.”

“Never say never. Never, ever, say never. See anything around the lake?”

“Naw. Like I said, NOTHING’S going on down there. No unauthorized road traffic, no boating, certainly no flying, not even an assist call today. We done and hunted all those gunloving motherfuckers to extinction I think.”

“Could be.” Could be: Dan and Kelly wistfully look at the screen with the Reaper Drone flying southbound toward Youngstown, with Dan taking the drone off autopilot and gently swinging the multi-million dollar remote controlled aircraft back around to the north…

“Man those were the days-take off and land at least ten times a day to rearm, refuel, get back to blasting hillbillies and hoodrats, and those fucking raw milk drinking Amish motherfuckers.”

Dan laughs, guides the drone along the west coastline of Lake Pymantunig, aiming his ball turrent cameras down to carefully go over the coastline. Dan, like Kelly, is obsessive compulsive; playing a game incessantly until he absolutely mastered it. For them, being in the United Air Force, under NORTHCOM-this was a game as well. A game that pays sweet for their highly specialized skill sets.

“Well, there has to be some pig fucker down there still cradling his SKS somewhere” Dan hoped out loud.

“IF they’re still out there, and IF they’re still like, smuggling-using that reservoir(Lake Pymatuning really is a reservoir that became a local tourist attraction… until recently)-then, how-“

“Submarine. That’s how I’d do it. Short distance, it’s literally under the patrol boats, and this puddle’s nothing to police compared to Lake Erie. Also makes a nice choke point.”

“Dude, they’ve been looking for such since the war began.”

“Yeah; they found them on Lake Erie, for sure, from the Mohawks and the freighters-until we shut that shit down. Fuck dude you know how many lathes, how many 3d printers there are out there? All you need is the raw materials, the blueprints, and power and you can churn out weapons all day long. And I ain’t even going into what we lost during those first days, I bet a lot of that’s still out there.”

“Get stocked up, get ready for some Tet Offensive type action.” Kelly nodded, going along with Dan’s literal armchair strategizing. Fatigue and his considerable appetite however get the better of him.

“Awright dawg I’m out. Later.” Such a wigger.

“Peace.” Both of them.

The two nerds turned drone pilots look at each other in irony, and have one last laugh. Kelly waddles off and Airman Dan Hladr’s world shrinks to his console and the Reaper Unmanned Aerial Vehicle assigned to him.

And the part of the world before him, that is his responsibility.


In a hide built inside a collapsed boat shed Brian Miller looked up in the sky with the tripod mounted Russian Zeiss glassed binoculars he bought 20 years ago when Warsaw Pact surplus flooded the gun shows that were now a thing of the past. His belt, holding his baggy pants with fresh notch holes spoke in mute testimony of the one time abundance of food that too was a thing of the past. Brian eyed and could just make out the heavily armed Reaper UAV making a fresh pass along Lake Pymatunig….

“Oh. Your shift now is it?” By Brian is a Army surplus field telephone with wire leading… well, wherever; he cranks it up a few seconds, picks up the receiver: “hold!”

Setting the receiver back down on the cradle Brian observed the barely visible US Air Force drone high up, untouchable as its horrifically efficient pilot was across the country and in the middle of an Air Force base literally in the middle of the desert-unapproachable save for perhaps a division of heavy armor with air support.

“Never say never.”

Kayla, his daughter, gingerly enters the collapsed boat shed. She sheds a camouflaged space blanket with branches taped to the outside. Dressed in whatever practical clothing could be had, she could be described as pretty, even borderline beautiful, but beauty was nothing she cared for. Not for a couple years. Like father, Kaila’s eyes and demeanor spoke of a single-minded mission. Also spoke of having hunger as a constant companion, starvation a spectre that her 90lb 5’7” frame has to struggle to find nourishment.

“Never say never what, Dad?”

“Those Goddamned drones.”

“Need an air force for that, an’ that got shot down. Or kill the dorks driving em’. Good luck crossing the Nevada desert. Or getting into Las Vegas. Old debate there, Pop.” Kayla just perceptibly, trembled with rage. “We gonna eat today?”

“Not while that bastard’s in the air going over us like the IRS. Well, this particular debate just needed a fresh approach… I just told em’ to get er’ ready to launch.” Brian had just made up his mind to change the debate.

Kayla gasps, frozen.

“Today’s the last day I’m allowing drones in MY sky!”

Kayla bounds over, hugs and kisses her Father and then runs out as fast as she can clear the rubbish and the fallen boards. Brian settles back to the tripod mounted high powered binoculars to continue observing the Reaper buzz by-it was getting closer.



Airman Dan Hladr looked down upon Lake Pymatunig like a god would his kingdom. In fact, in his Area of Operations roughly along the Ohio-Pennsylvania border he IS GOD. And ‘god’ right now had before him a lens glare and two just visible IR signatures emanating from a collapsed boat shed by the west shore of Lake Pymatunig.

“I think you might be what I’m looking for.”

Airman Hladr marks that shed as a navigation point; he’d be back in a bit to check up on it. Check up on it after combing both sides of the reservoir before checking out the farms along the border-interstate transport of ANYTHING was forbidden without explicit clearance due to the national emergency caused by those gun loving assholes and welfare recipients. Which Dan was thankful for because their half-assed revolution made his government desperate enough to find pilots for all the drones they built to make up for all the defections and desertions by the US military… of which even he and Kelly Goode were quite careful not to SAY ALOUD LEST THEY FIND THEMSELVES IN SOME DETENTION FACILITY….

Yep. War was a boon to both him, his friends and the defense contractors. I mean, what the FUCK were those flannel wearing fucknuts thinking bumping up against the government?! Their guns armed those fucking spics running dope up from shithole Mehico, the homies were shooting cops right and left… well, Dan never really paid attention to the news save for when he saw something kewl like fighters, tanks, drones, robots, grenade launchers, guns.

If those fuckholes screaming about some old parchment wanted to shoot assault weapons and blow shit up they should’ve just enlisted and gone over to the sandbox, save say a hundred thousand PATRIOTS and maybe even an entire US fleet from being destroyed. No-they had to start shit up stateside and tear the fucking nation apart.

Those were some desperate days. Oh yes; power was out, you could catch a bullet from a gangbanger or a cop or some hick in Realtree. Later, even whole military units joined in blowing their own country up-the fucking marines joined in. What the fuck.

Dan sees a IR signature bolt out from the collapsed boat shed. He switches over to optical and tracks Kayla Miller, zooming in, in, seeing she was pretty, almost beautiful; but way too plain. Thin too but so is everyone who isn’t working for the government in some way. Too little to eat would never be one of Dan’s problems.

Captain Ashley Barnes, USAF struts over to see Dan Hladr’s latest prey and no, she’d never be confused with pretty.

“What do we got Airman?”

“Ma’am, got suspicious activity in that collapsed boat shed: light reflection off perhaps observation binoculars, and the IR signature is just barely detectable, like there’s mylar in there. Also, this girl (Kayla)suddenly ran out of there. It’s an observation post.”

“Blow it. Make it a nice show. Remind those Amish who’s in charge.”

“On it.” Dan steers the Reaper drone about in a wide arc-this particular UAV is a great improvement over the first generation Predator drones that flew over Iraq, Afghanistan, and in pacified urban areas but it wasn’t some fighter jet you could pull snap rolls on. More than one ex-fighter jock tried that… not a good thing to be responsible for the loss of Uncle Sam’s toys because you were too dang rough.

Dan had a patient touch.

Dan maneuvered the Reaper around, line up in an attack run.

“Not the same anymore Ma’am.”

“Yeah. But let’s kick this anthill over, see how many ants scurry out.” Dan selects from the weapons aboard the Reaper the 76mm laser guided free flight aerial rocket pods. Cheapest ordnance was always expended first, and with things the way they were domestically-hell worldwide-shooting off a big ticket item like a Hellfire missile…. Better have a damn good reason to as replacements weren’t coming as they should.

Or so Dan heard, not that he’d ask why. Not a good ideal to ask why these days. Dan’s not stupid that way.

Dan lines up the simple crosshair on the collapsed boat shed.


Brian Miller didn’t need the binoculars to see the Reaper drone do its lazy circle about. Brian eyes the ex-Army field phone by him, momentarily.

Brian picks up the receiver… then hangs up; it didn’t matter. He couldn’t run far enough, fast enough to escape the likely death from the likely attack-a salvo of the new laser guided 76mm FFAR that’s being launched right now, right in front of him.

“Father in Heaven, take me home and watch over my childr-“

Ten 76mm free flight aerial rockets explode on the collapsed boat shed, around the trees and weeds about.

Kayla Miller spins about, falls on her butt, watching in horror as the United States Air Force takes yet another person out of this world. Her dad. She watches as just visible the Reaper drone fires more rockets into several nearby homes.

Just to make sure.

Just because the undoubtedly morbidly obese virginal zit-faced nerd could blow her Dad and her neighbors to she hoped, heaven.

Kayla couldn’t grieve. Not now. She had to get the hell out of there, and fast!


Dan Hladr watched through the Reaper’s electronic eyes at the young woman looking back at the collection of homes and boat sheds he just blew up. He regarded her… she wasn’t a MAM-military aged male, and, she wasn’t armed. Others would be armed and those he’d be hunting for now that on his tactical display of the vicinity symbols designating lower cruising, slower, lower-tech drones were being launched or dispatched to where he engaged, hopefully, some domestic terrorists. He’d worry about the point count later; his priority now is to provide overhead coverage, just in case this does turn into a battle.


Kayla moved fast.

Going into the brush she grabs a long backpack, camouflaged poncho and ducks into the brush. She heads toward her home, now on fire, to disappear in the smoke and thermal flare. Hoping her precaution’s enough she unzips the backpack pulls out something short and wrapped in cloth and unwraps it…

It’s a Mosin-Nagant carbine, disassembled into two sections; a cut down stock with magazine and the barreled receiver with bent bolt and Burris Fulfield rifle scope.

Possession of this sniper rifle is a death sentence-if she was very lucky that death sentence would be executed where she was found. The way she looked, that likely wasn’t going to happen… it didn’t the first time.

Kayla worked fast she was going to need her rifle really fast. Her hands grab a screwdriver and she does the screw holding the magazine to the stock and the other magazine screw in the tang in the receiver.

“Don’t shake, don’t sweat” she tells herself-unscrewing, she hurriedly fits the barreled receiver to the stock, then screws the rifle into unity and pulls back the long bent bolt back. Grabbing five 7.62x54 rimmed cartridges loads the magazine slowly, surely… as this battle allowed. Slamming the bolt home and loading a cartridge Kayla now pulls out a long cylinder. Yes she should’ve put the suppressor on before she loaded up. A fitting at the muzzle of the barrel accepts the suppressor and she attaches.

Kayla Miller looked around. She was in concealment, but this wasn’t cover. Worse, she risked being pinned against the reservoir and yes she could swim-but not with her rifle. She wasn’t strong enough anymore.

And yeah about that she thought bitterly: that shipment they were expecting, that her now late father had telephoned to “hold” they needed that food! Kayla and her group hadn’t had a full meal in nearly two weeks. They’d run out of even the emergency rations two days ago and Kayla had been forced back to her bitterly acquired habit of searching under every rock and log for grubs, earthworms and such.

She had the energy to shoot. She had the energy to get out of that immediate area. What she wasn’t sure of was did she have enough gas left to get out of the battle zone?

If the Pymatunig Militia didn’t rise to the occasion, if they chose to hold fire, hide and hope this attack just blows over, she’d be found. She’d be found and her way or their way she would be dead.

She’d already done the rape. That sure as hell wasn’t happening again.

Kayla moved past the brush, across the street to a stand of trees in a sprint. When she reached her new position, she collapses, and tries to gather her strength for what’s next. She really had to think about what she’d do next but that was about impossible when your mind’s about food all the time.


Airman Dan Hladr guided his Reaper UAV around, looking for the fight.

“Master Chief, this is OHP; establishing perimeter, over?”

“Master Chief here, over.” Being the top shot among the drone jockeys at Nellis had given Dan the nickname Master Chief, in honor of the Halo game character. Dan watched his tactical display as the lower, slower drones closed in. State Police and County Sheriff units had stopped at roadside intersections in a 1000 yard perimeter to cordon off the area. Dan zoomed out on his tactical display; an Army Combat Brigade out of Warren were already dispatching Blackhawk helicopters loaded with troops.

“Master Chief, this is 3rd Artillery Company, transferring FAO to you over?”

“Roger that, I give you something to shoot at, over.” And it’s so good to work with people you can work with. Combat had a brutish way of sorting things out and teamwork was the essential ingredient to combating a wily, desperate, and at times surprising enemy.

They could fight-he HOPED they’d fight. He could blast them himself with onboard ordnance and/or direct 155mm gunfire from the Army Combat Brigade artillery in Warren. That was always fun to watch them blow shit up, but he preferred to get the credit himself. He earned more points.

What worried him was if it really was just a observer with a field glass. Times are tough, even for the government.


Nearby homes filled with hungry, desperate, scared people just like Kayla who’ve had their backs against the wall. Innocent-even innocent of helping the resistance! Kayla didn’t need any more motivation to wage war against the government-but those fuckers were more than happy to keep giving them to her.

Kayla knew how to give back. And, she could. She improvises a field position through the brush, resting her suppressed, scoped Mosin-Nagant rifle through the brush, the muzzle just inside, makes damn sure the buttplate is firmly on what’s left of the meat of her shoulder. Kayla inhales, deep, lets half out and pauses her breath-no she wasn’t going to make a loop in the sling she needed to be as mobile as possible.

Kayla finds a State Trooper in his duty uniform, holding a scoped M-4 type carbine, and settles the Fulfield II reticle crosshairs on him.

She squeezes…

FFBAP! No not the shhhh the movies lied to everyone about, but with the brush and the noise distracting the enemy… hopefully that’s enough.

Kayla keeps her eyes open, follows through perfectly on the trigger-and her effort’s rewarded with the puff of blood coming from the 7.62x54 steel core round blowing through the oath traitor.

Sniper doctrine called for Kayla to immediately move to a second shooting position. Kayla however wasn’t going to expose herself to automatic gunfire in the open with a bolt action rifle. She cycles the bolt, ejects the empty cartridge, chambers a second round as fast as she can and settles down on the rifle, looks through the scope, looks for a second motherfucker to blast…

…Motherfuckers took cover!

Well, she was told when she started fighting back this shit would happen; take incoming or someone just gets popped and yes you will be ducking for cover and whatnot. It’s to be expected and in the past would’ve afforded her the opportunity to dash for that second shooting position and have some more fun.

Not anymore.

Kayla looks up from her scope, sees one of those unit portable jumped up model airplanes. Shit!

Kayla thought back; by the time the shooting back had started, the us government (never again getting the respect of capitalization) had fitted gunshot detectors on every last low and mid level drone it could. Now the tactic that had initially been worked out was to quickly overwhelm the operators controlling them with as many weapons shooting at the people those drones were supposed to support as possible.

The tactic works IF you have enough people pulling triggers to overwhelm the OPFOR, and defeat them quickly enough so that fire supremacy could be established. Then it was supposed to be a matter of engaging the drone operator and you get a new drone in inventory…

…Doesn’t work with supporting Predator or those fucking Reapers. The Predators were bad enough; fly up to 10,000 feet hit your position with a thermobaric version of the Hellfire… no you’re not going to engage with Pappy’s goose gun. Yet when they had air assets to take on the Predators they became easy meat buzzing about but those fucking Reapers-DAMN, SNAP OUT OF IT!

Kayla looked around.

Nobody else was shooting back at these motherfuckers.

That drone was circling about and she got a look through her rifle scope-aw hell no it was armed with a fucking grenade launcher?!

Well this has turned into a ripe shit sandwich.


Airman “Master Chief” Hladr was getting audio and video feeds from the locals on scene at the battle area, along with one low level armed drone-that will be useful, he thought.

His commander stands behind him, just close enough to see him at work, but not too close due to the ripe seat he was occupying. Brian was in for it…

Dan worked the feeds, the Reaper drone, the overall situation like a maestro. A maestro looking for targets to engage.

“Ma’am I don’t think they’re wanting to fight today.”

“A state trooper’s down.”

“A lone sniper? We’ll flush em’ out.” Snipers were bad news on the ground, Dan knew that much and those Ohio cops had a reputation for never taking anyone caught with a scoped rifle intact.

Dan checked out the feed from the State Highway Patrol drone; it had gunshot detection, night vision-no IR that was too expensive and increasingly unavailable. Did have the 25mm grenade launcher with the programmable fused rounds. Kewl.

Dan let the State Trooper drone look around, hoping to see any kind of movement. His own sensor suite being much more capable Dan zoomed in with thermals, but those house and brush fires he so enthusiastically lit with his first attack were going to make that not work.

“You put too much on that attack Airman-now our tango’s got cover for her IR signature.”

“If only these rebels would make a stand up fight-“

“If only but you guys chased them under the proverbial rock.”

“Ain’t my fault they got the shit end of the paradigm shift in warfare Ma’am.”

Airman Hladr watched his displays; whoever shot that Statie was alone and quickly surrounded.

“This one’s experienced Airman. Note how he’s not making for a second shooting position? She’s fought under drones before.”

“He doesn’t move his position’s going to be compromised real fast. Looks like that Trooper knows what he’s doing with his drone.”

“You think he’ll get the points Airman?”

“You’re kidding right?!”


Kayla Miller watched the low level drone come up on her position: if she fired now, hit, and swatted that fucking little drone out of the sky she might get away-but that Reaper drone… she was certain it was a Reaper… would bag her; if she moved, she would certainly be spotted and have a missile lobbed at her; if she stayed in place and waited things out her position was certain to be found.

Kayla was also certain her fighting group had turned punk on her and was laying low thinking the same thing she was.


She wasn’t getting out of this. Not now.

Motherfuckers! Can’t fight, can’t even fucking run-all because nobody else would step up and fucking engage these fuckers…

…There was that Reaper flying out of reach a calm voice told her. And, it told her, you know why:

December 16, 2013

“Warren Base” was a set of caves dug out from a sewer line in Downtown Warren-nothing to comment about there. Kayla Miller made her way down the sewers to the camouflaged entrance, made entry….

The base itself was something else; the entrance was a dogleg with the long portion at an angle, with a armored fighting position at the end equipped with a .30 Browning and an array of microwave magnetrons hooked up to a bank of batteries.

Kayla walked forward-she was in full civilian winter garb, her rifle and field gear in a duffel bag. She approaches the fighting position and a Guard is there.


“September” Kayla replied. “I’m going for the challenge coin now.”

“Nothing sudden.” Kayla slowly eased into a coat pocket, pulls out a sheared off Challenge Coin-a token. The Guard goes into a small jewelry cabinet with an alphanumeric code, looks up a code, pulls out a second challenge coin-also sheared.

They slowly approach; the Guard at an angle to provide a clear field of fire for the Browning. Overkill, but these days…

They mate the sheared challenge coins up-they match.

“Proceed, Commander.”

“Sho thang.” Kayla Miller walked past the position, made a right and now she was in the base proper. Kayla passes offshoot rooms with Uniformed Militia Troops bunking, a Mess Hall with more Uniformed and Civilian garbed Militia and Resistance Fighters eating-which Kayla really wanted to go in and help herself so bad but duty calls. That duty compelling Kayla to go all the way to the end of the main hall, passing machine shops, production lines churning out bombs, ammunition, chemicals of this and that.

Soundproofing; old drink holders, foam mattresses and such helped dampen the noise. God knew where they got the power from but having this base under a city was a slick, risky move. Seems to be working so far though.

Kayla reaches the end; another Guard and Kayla produces from another pocket another sheared challenge coin, another challenge, another correct reply, another sheared challenge coin reunited and Kayla was granted entry into the Command Center of the Northeast Ohio/Western Pennsylvania Resistance.

A uniformed Militia Commander is there to greet Kayla personally.


“Yeah, not by my choice there Sir.” To Kayla the Commander had earned the Sir as he, his unit, and others like them and him had bailed her and her fighters, and a lot of others like her when the shooting started.

Oh, for sure she repaid the favor back, had long proven her worth as a fighter and a squad leader. Had a lot of fun giving the enemy payback for everything they did to her, everything they took from her.

“War goes like that, Kayla. Come on in the conference room-we got a plate waiting for you in the mess.“


Fuck yeah there was food for her! If there was a constant to Kayla’s nightmare existence it was hunger. Fatigue can be slept off, fear passes, rage came and went with combat and whatever atrocities she bumped into. Hunger-that was a regrettable constant. One of the enemy’s most effective weapons, and God damn them for it.

Kayla and the Commander enter the Conference Room; it was about half full of representatives of all kinds of Resistance cells and units. Everyone from rebelling US military units to Militia, to bands of everyone from street gangs to Occupy Protestors who put down the placard and picked up the rifle to neighborhoods that had quickly evolved into militia to Libertarian from compounds who found they had simply isolated themselves and made themselves an easy target-and got out just in time.

A lot of people didn’t.

A lot of those people weren’t here.

“We’ll begin now” the Commander started, striding to where he can address everyone; by a map of the United States that had a vastly different complexion than it is now. Simply put, a lot of hinterland was plain, most delineated mines, roads, railways and the military bases and cities were under the red of the enemy. Friendles were shades and unless they were in the country they had areas of operation, not territory under their control.

Kayla remembered an earlier map that had a lot more area under their control-in fact they WERE expanding rapidly but…

The Commander addressed his audience; to a man and woman were hardened, angry people. “We’re being paralyzed by all the drones the enemy’s been producing-you all saw the effects of that first hand trying to get here today... Operationally we can’t do anything until the drone situation is addressed. That is our one priority and that’s why we’re being pushed back, carved up, and being defeated in detail. All of you know that part.

“What you don’t know is that until the situation with the horde of drones the enemy is operating can be addressed, our unit size operations are coming to a standstill until we can come up with better counters.”

An old Militia Commander rises; “What about interdicting FEMA? They’re still sweeping up all the homeless and welfare cases.”

Nothing we can do. It would be of benefit to increase your efforts to track down whoever is involved with production, transport, and use of drones and take them out. That’s priority one. The only priority; we can’t do anything else until that’s handled!”

“You think we got enough bullets left for all the pasty nerds left in this country flying them muthafuckas?” A Pittsburgh gangbanger spoke up and half his face was badly scarred. He was definitely in constant pain Kayla thought.

“You saw the production lines down the hall right? You’ll all be taking out of here what you can-we got one more op out of this base…. We built this base right under downtown Warren about 20 years ago after Waco, hoping that the enemy wouldn’t be too crazy as to bomb their own facilities to get at us. Well, we just got intel that they’re putting a headquarters above us and an firebase nearby. We’re going to strip this base down to the last useful bolt, turn it into a gigantic fuel-air bomb and blow them to hell.”

“Damn you got another base?” Kayla had to ask.

“We’ll tell you when we can.” The Commander usually liked to play things close to the vest. It was irritating; Kayla like everyone wanted to know just how the war was going. After all she was fighting it on the front lines(so to speak)but she also cherished the need to keep your mouth shut. And make those who wouldn’t shut the fuck up.

An aging Hippy turned guerilla rises: “So what exactly is moving in there?”

“C3, interrogation facilities, new fusion center-that sort of thing; too much heat upstairs for us to stay. We’re going to make it too hot for them too.” A chuckle waved through the audience. Yes everyone in the room and in the base can appreciate a good fire.

A little later, Kayla was in the Mess Hall chowing down on instant mashed potatoes, the last of a field kitchen ration that wasn’t big enough for her. The Commander approaches.

“Mind if I join you Kayla?”

“Sure.” Kayla kept eating but she wasn’t being disrespectful, she was very hungry.

“How’s your Dad doing?” There was a wistfulness in his eyes, regret. A lot of that.

“Still at it, and he’ll keep at it til’ he can’t. That’s what he had to say, and that was it. You going to have anything for those drones? Cuz’ if you don’t I don’t think this war’s going to go much longer. Just my opinion of course.”

The Commander gathered himself. “Maybe. Tell your Dad this: for what it’s worth he’s right, we should’ve started fighting five years ago. Give him my regards.”

Now, March 17, 2014

Kayla Miller could just imagine her situation through the constant hunger…

She was under cover, the house and brush fires made the immediate area too foggy for thermal and with her space blanket turned ghillie poncho she was for the moment invisible.

She had fired however and nobody on either side was a rookie anymore. They had a general ideal which direction she was. They had two drones-one low flying and close in and the other buzzing about way up that had murdered her father. And she was certain, she was going to be surrounded-but retreat, even movement, was out of the question because one drone or the other would pick her up and pick her out.

Her unit was supposed to be around. Her unit was supposed to have engaged the State Troopers and given the drones too many targets to engage as they chewed up the ground units. That was doctrine but that doctrine hadn’t worked of late. Half her command of ex-OWS protesters, street hoodlums, veterans, hunters, Amish(?!) had perished as the about all seeing, all hearing hordes of drones buzzed and made guerilla warfare as they had practiced it so briefly impossible.

She can’t be mad at them. They were doing exactly what she was doing, making the same calculations, and coming to the same bad math.

She would fight. It would be her last one. There was nothing else to be done about it. And, she hoped, that would allow the rest of her unit to retreat and fight another day.

And lose. No they weren’t going to win the war now.

Kayla mounted her rifle to shoulder, looked through her rifle scope; the State Ticket Salesmen had a semi rig pull up, stop; three ground drones, each on four off road wheels and mounting a belt fed machine gun and grenade launcher happily wheel out the back. Icing on the cake.

Kayla had no rifle grenades nor the means to mount them on her Mosin-Nagant and certainly no homebuilt panzerfaust. Sprinkles.

Well, she had her rifle and she had ammunition; Kayla Miller would show those motherfuckers just who had given them all nightmares this past summer! Good times. She aimed at the nearest one of those ground drones; she knew the model, it had a particular spot that was a one-shot kill, and…

FFBAP! The suppressed Mosin sent another steel core round right at the robot, right where its design fuck up was at and the machine sparked and smoked and malfed and went inoperable.

Kayla cycled the bolt back, quickly stuffs two rounds she grabs off her stock into the magazine, slams the bolt home…

…as the other two drones charge forward, State and County Sheriffs in tactical and duty uniforms following with M-4 type carbines. About 20 and damn did Kayla wish yet again for a M-14 she could’ve laid them out. Her last one got wrecked by a too close call with a drone, ironically.

Too much confidence, boys… she quickly lined up the crosshairs on the second machine-yes they’ll have a fix on her position for sure-and fires, FFBAP-and gets another spectacular show of drone death but no time to appreciate! She cycles the bolt, aims… and they take cover again. Chumps.

That last ground drone gets behind a house as well, damnit. Kayla searches the brush, the houses with her rifle scope looking for stupid.

Stupid turns out to be her: that low flying drone is overhead and circles about!

Damn got caught up with the ground assault and got picked out by the low flyier. A couple of goose guns-12 gauge shotguns with 30 inch full choked barrels could’ve taken that out but her unit, her crew, her friends were not here this time.

The low flying drone turns about, lining up a shot with the onboard 25mm grenade launcher…


Airman Dan Hladr watches off the drone feed the drone lining up a shot on a clump of vegetation, with just the barest hint of a suppressor tipped rifle. Dan had looked carefully, tweaked the sensor feed off his own Reaper drone and there was just enough of a heat signature off that, you just knew it was a rifle.

“You’re going to leave the kill to the State Police?” His commander more stated than asked. Dan was no fool about that-now Brian on the other hand would’ve automatically pickled a Hellfire on that position and got the points but Dan knew one of their own had died.

“You don’t have to ask that with me.” Dan was ready however if there was a fuckup.


Kayla Miller raises her rifle up, aims at the incoming drone, disregarding camouflage, her position. She aims through the rifle scope-trying to remember up angle and range and the size of her target and calculating for the holdover…

Across the way the State Troopers, County Sheriffs finally see Kayla and as one cut loose with roughly aimed fire from their M-4s.

Kayla ducks but not in time-she’s hit in the shoulder by a 5.56mm round!

“Fuck not again!” She sure as hell hoped it was outside the 75 yard hyperlethality range and was just a .22 ice pick, which was bad enough. Just bad luck and too far for their short barrel carbines to really be effective outside a vital shot.

The ground drone rumbles out from behind the house it was taking cover and aims its heavy armament… Kayla’s big mouth at getting shot locks her position in as it too has gunshot detectors.

Kayla looks, sees the low flying State Police drone, sees it fire its 25mm grenades at her.

Then an explosion, heard from a short distance-wow what had gone up?!

A grenade explodes behind her-fucked up on the range but that way off explosion keeps going… wait, not an explosion… a rocket!

All the enemy as one look to see it climb as well.


Airman Dan Hladr watches the massive heat plume and trajectory of some kind of rocket:

“Launch warning, launch warning, I repeat launch warning!”

This got his Commander’s attention: “What is it?”

“Don’t know. Not a SAM it has two-no three heat plumes. Currently eastbound.”

“Rebel fighter?”

Dan and the Commander look at the visual as the Reaper’s optics tear away from Kayla Miller and towards this new threat. The computer made a generated image of the Rebel… fighter- “Those are rocket boosters: I’d bet it’s some kind of garage built jet and they launched it from a trailer or launch rail. It’s not anything we had in the inventory Ma’am.”

“I’m calling Wright Patterson, have them scramble.”

“I’d tell those Blackhawks out of Warren to back off until we can handle this.”

“Can you engage?”

“I can but that thing’s going to break the sound barrier any second now-my drone’s not built for a dogfight though.”

“Do it to em Hladr.”

“Roger that, going in with Hellfires.” Dan’s Reaper had no air to air missiles as the nascent Rebel Air Force had been driven to ground by North Atlantic Treaty Organization fighters of all kinds-overwhelmed by numbers and tech as too many of the practically invincible F-22s had been retained.


Kayla watched as a miracle took place before her eyes; as one both the remnant ground drone, the aerial drone and the entire assault team turned 180, headed toward the source of that rocket blasting off. Kayla looks at the head of the rocket trail… it splits in two like a fork in the road.

10,000 feet above Pymatunig Lake the Rebel rocket boosted fighter’s boosters separate and go their separate ways-as a Hellfire SLAMS into the right booster and EXPLODES IT just barely clear of the fighter…

The fighter itself is a homebuilt copy of a stealth drone but in a more streamlined delta shape that emphasized air combat.

It doesn’t have a pilot.

A dome turrent near the nose automatically swiveled, tracked the Hellfire missile streak back to the Reaper drone gently buzzing a few miles away.


Dan watched as the Rebel drone-yes it’s a drone as it performs a 12g snap roll and heads straight for his drone at near supersonic speed.

“Commander, that’s a drone! I got a visual, but I don’t have a radar lock nor do I have enough of a heat signal-that thing’s got stealth!”

Can you jam or override the signal?”

There is no signal! You better get those jets here fast!”

“In bound in less than a minute.”

“Giving it everything I fucking got!”

Dan mashes on his triggers…


Dan Hladr’s Reaper Drone ripple fires every last Hellfire laser guided missile, every laser guided 76mm guided rocket at the incoming Rebel drone. They ride the beam locked… “locked” on by Dan as he’s relying on a visual-yes the military has a lot of kewl shit and being able to track by image was one of them.

The Rebel Drone waits until the last possible second then snap dives downward at a rate impossible for human control, and Dan’s desperate ripple-fired barrage of repurposed air to ground missiles misses. Neither type of laser guided ordnance is geared toward aerial combat and they fly off wherever.

This new drone on the other hand does a wide loop upward. Its next target is the Reaper drone.

Kayla Miller still in her hide digs out a blowout kit and applies it to her shot left shoulder. She watches as the enemy advances toward the launch site. She was also certain that every last pig in Ohio and PA were going to be vectored in and around them. Which is why she hurries with her blow out kit.

Overhead, two F22 Lightning fighters charge in at supersonic speed, their sonic booms deafening!


Dan Hladr got comm. Feeds off the F22 Raptors as they entered the battle:

“Razor two do you have lock?”

“Negative-not enough radar return nor heat signature.”

“Well that’s damn interesting. We’ll go in with cannons-hope that thing don’t have AIMs itself. Charge!”

Dan watched as the F22s closed in on the rebel drone…. Closing in on his drone.


Kayla patches herself up with the blowout kit. She gathers her wits and her strength…

Looks like the State Troopers launched another of their drones-one of those trashcans with helicopter blades with a slung under machine gun turrent. Fine she’s dealt with those before.

Amazing what one can do when you too have air support… Kayla looks skyward over Pymatunig Lake…

Overhead the mega-million dollar F22 Raptors close in on the Rebel drone-it too heads directly for the stealth fighters and FIRES-it has a automatic cannon of some kind and it fires a short burst-the first Raptor takes small 50BMG Raufoss rounds in the wings, tail and left engine-it smokes!


Airman Dan Hladr is desperately trying to pilot his 400mph Reaper drone out of the battle zone, he’s clearly outclassed. Nervously he and his Commander listen in on the air battle:




They watch as the hit Raptor turns, tries to flee on one bad engine and quite a bit of damage.

“That enemy drone has a heavy machine gun-if it had had a 20mm cannon it would have bagged him.”

They watch as the crippled Raptor tries to flee and the remaining F22 attempts to get behind the Rebel drone-which pursues the crippled jet.

“He’s got to bail out-it’s coming for him.”

“Airman you remember just how expensive those birds are?! He’d be lucky if his career’s over!”




The Rebel drone closes on the cripple F22-explosions can be heard over the intercom.


The crippled F22 comes apart in midair. Because Dan’s trying to get the Reaper out of there he can’t see what happens himself but the transponder for the first F22 is gone.


The Rebel Drone FIRES its lone 50BMG heavy machine gun, the Raufoss rounds it fires are an exquisite blend of armor piercing tungsten, high explosive and incendiary compounds that impact on the smoking, crippled F22 and EXPLODE IT!

The lone remaining F22 closes in but as soon as the explosion happens that drone executes a snap turn at an impossible rate-impossible for a human to execute. It comes back on the Raptor and FIRES-as the pilot executes a loop; one round impacts the right rudder and disables it.

The Pilot does an Immelman but as he does the drone turns and intercepts as he inverted! It FIRES another short burst impacting the cockpit!


Dan and the commander can only look on helpless as the second F22 is taken out. It moves to take out the Reaper.

“Permission to self destruct my bird Commander-“

“Do it!”

Airman Dan Hladr punches in his code, flips open a cover and hits the red button.

His signal and displays go blue.


Overhead Kayla watches the hated Reaper drone explode overhead-she laughs and claps, her pain, fatigue and hunger gone.

Perfectly distracted, that machine gun armed hover drone closes in on Kayla and is about to fire when 50BMG Raufoss rounds explode on it and the ground around it, exploding it! The whole thing catches Kayla by surprise!

She watches the Rebel drone swoop overhead-it looks like a small stealth fighter, kind of. Nimble critter she thinks as it circles the battlefield; although there are plenty of ground targets it doesn’t engage.

“Well, fuck-they got some more work to do on it.” And with that Kayla rises, her Mosin-Nagant rifle in hand and runs toward the enemy closing in on her group, the fighting intense.

They still had problems; if they can’t hit that one ground drone’s sweet spot it’ll give them all kinds of problems. And as all of them deal with that problem, the State Troopers and Sheriff’s Deputies will give them a few other problems. Fucking drones-oh and there’s that one other low flying drone…

…Which her drone (yes Kayla thinks of it as her drone now) FIRES at-and stops, missing. Adjusting in the blink of an eye “her” drone decides to act like a oversize air-to-air missile and HIT the cheapo low flying drone taking it and crashing into the woods!

“Oh you fucking asshole! NO!” Oh well, she heads to the first shooting position she can get to shoot those motherfuckers in the back….


Two Air Force Security Guards accompany two plain grey suited Government Agents as they enter the control room.

“Commander, Airman; we need you to accompany us for a debrief.”

The Commander and Airman Dan “Master Chief” Hladr look at each other with dread….


Kayla watches as her group overwhelm the last of the on scene State Troopers and they crumple; she’s been patiently stalking one of the bad guys with pretentions of being a sniper-and FFBAP! Her suppressed Mosin-Nagant rifle connects yet again, hitting him right in the neck! His Observer just starts running…. Kayla cycles one last round, aims and connects, sends the fucker down.

Kayla goes over to the Sniper-and he’s got a M-14 with a scope and suppressor!

“Holy fuck, Christmas came today, yo!”

Kayla slings her rifle, takes his rifle as he’ll never need it again. She strips his gear, his Ghillie suit, his uniform, boots, pistol belt-nice Sig. She slumps down by a tree, enjoying the moment.

A young Amish man in camouflage bearing a FAL rifle runs to her.

“You alright Kayla?”

“I’m good. Got hit by a .223 but I’ll make it.”

“See you got yourself a M14 again.”

“Yep. Got some of my taxes back.”

They laugh. “How we set?”

“We’ll be burying some people-four I think.”


“We got us a couple prisoners though.”

The two of them smile. God help those poor bastards.

“Yeah-good thing that drone was launched; that would’ve been the end of us!”

“Think we tipped them off though.”

“Yeah. But it couldn’t have been helped I think-imagine if you hadn’t launched it and those fuckers had captured it. Speaking of-“

“We made sure nothing electronic remains.”

“Leave the rest of it.”


“I want them to know enough to make them afraid of us again.”

“Ah. Good point.”

“There’s another one over there Michael, can you strip him for me?”

“I got it. Need any help?”

“I got myself. Hurry up we gotta get out of here before they start dropping rounds down on us.”

As she finishes a BUZZ can be heard-overhead she was certain a Predator drone had been dispatched and just as certain artillery out of Warren would be dropping down on them.

Too bad that base underneath Downtown Warren got raided before it could have been blown. That would’ve been fucking awesome to watch—seeing those government buildings all blown up, all those bureaucrats and agents ripped apart, burnt, screaming in agony.

Just a taste of what they done to the country.

March 18, 2014

Airman Dan Hladr sits before those two grey suited G-men and the two Airmen. He was exhausted, having been interviewed literally ever since the battle. They have before him a report.

“Crash confirms your hunch, Airman-homebuilt drone. It had its armament and whatever it used for a guidance system stripped out of it.”
“What-how’d they come up with the jet engine to fly that thing?” Dan’s curiosity overcame him even though these bastards had put him through the proverbial ringer.

“It’s a ramjet.”

“What? Oh-that explains the rocket boosters.”

“Yeah. And since there were no control signals of any kind that means it was completely internally guided. Damn, they leapfrogged ahead of us-how did they do that?!”

Dan shook his head. Maybe NOW this would be over and he could get some rest, he’d certainly earned it. Even if he took the hit for having to blow up his own drone he wasn’t sorry-better his own hand than give the Rebels another notch. The Battle of Pymatunig Lake was a bad enough defeat as is.

The other G-Man spoke up. “Well, Airman, you did your best under the circumstances but someone has to take the fall.”

“Wait! What?! You mean-you can’t!”

“Take the Airman into custody Gentlemen.”

Dan Hladr screamed and the Air Force Guards jump on his corpulent ass and start to beat the crap out of him… eventually to secure him but thugs are thugs. The Government Agents watch as the fat drone jockey gets the beginning of his punishment for failing his government.

Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 12/19/2011 02:24 PM

Speaking of 300lb diabetic drone jockeys...
Posted By: drjarhead

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/09/2012 05:56 PM

We'd better have some serious techies, that is for sure.
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/09/2012 11:14 PM

Originally posted by J. Croft:
“I got this.” Angie Kent gathers herself. She approaches the family, the father still reached down, frozen. “It’s going to be alright. I just need you to sit up, show me your hands, okay?”

The father has his hands fully around the grip of the revolver tucked in his seat. Gripping hard.

Berth Two: the lucky blueshirts approach the car, open the door.

“Ma’am, step out the vehicle-I know you know the routine.” Snickers erupt.

The immaculately dressed woman gets out, stands erect with dignity… with a remote control.


She mashes down on the button before anyone can react…

…there’s a explosion in the PT Cruiser; a bursting charge rips out sending fuel to mix in the air, burning embers of mothballs like fireflies suspend in the air…

…the fuel-air mixture reaches the correct ratio on its own and the fuel detonates in a blast wave.
That's a real interesting story J. Croft but that part is a bunch of crap. Whose side are you on? Patriots would never blow up themselves and their family to take out some TSA perverts with them. Your portraying patriots like the freaking damn muslims who wrap themselves with explosives and detonate themselves to kill Israelis. The vast majority of patriots are Christians and no patriot would commit murder of their own family and suicide.
Posted By: Kimber_45

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/10/2012 05:57 AM

I agree. No patriot is gonna do a suicide bombing. The big plan is to do everything possible to live in order to fight another day.
Posted By: safetalker

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/10/2012 04:11 PM

Texas Resistance
You are probably a young person.
However in my junkets abroad with the Green machine I met older (68-75) folks who would do just that. If the lady had no questions in her mind that the family would end up in a work camp or worse a research facility the though of going to Yahweh together would seem the better choice.
While a younger person would adopt the reasoning that they can escape later the elderly will always know that once in they and their loved one will never escape.
The Muslims have no lock on suicide attacks. They learned it from youths with white cloths emblazoned with a Red Cross. History is filled with courageous men and women who went to guaranteed death in lieu of captivity. Some took their family, some their friends, and others were able to take just the enemy.
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/10/2012 04:52 PM

safetalker, you are sick if you would set off a suicide bomb. You would go straight to Satan in Hell not to Yahweh. Patriots will never be suicide bombers like the damn Hajis. What kind of a militia are you in safetalker?

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/10/2012 05:39 PM

I don't mean any harm but you need to read the story again. Bill Buford's (the truck driver) wife, who's name is Sharon, pulled a .45 on him and took the kids. He was number one in line.
Psycho chick was driving a green PT Cruiser, she was second in line (she is the one that blew up the place). She was alone.
The other kids were with mom and dad in a Dodge Charger. They are seventh in line.
Suicides don't go to Heaven.
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/10/2012 06:06 PM

OK HARBINGER, you are correct it was another couple that had their children with them not the suicide bomber woman. But she still killed their children and other innocent Americans. Patriots are not suicide bombers and should not be portrayed as suicide bombers. I don't want anyone reading J. Croft's story to admire suicide bombers and become one.

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/10/2012 07:35 PM

I agree, no back story on crazy lady. Maybe J ment to portray her as being tired of it all. The goons were drooling waiting on her she had her filland saw the check point as the best way to get as many as possible. If she was just suzy homemaker before shtf she may not have known how strong the blast would be. She wasn't Milita that far in, she wouldn't have snapped like that and would've made a smaller bomb, or didn't count on the fuel truck, she was a good looking middle aged broad tired of getting raped. we read the same story and both got a different meaning.
J what's her story. And hurry up with the next part.
Posted By: Breacher

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/11/2012 12:36 AM

Hey, it is pure speculation to figure on who would be doing what when they figure some particular buttons got pushed so far. It is pure arrogance to think that every individual resistance operative in a leaderless resistance is going to abide by a uniform command structure, rules of engagement, or enemy contact protocol.

If the guy wants to tell a story, let him tell a story. I am not seeing a whole lot in it that I am going to straight up call totally FOS from what I have seen.

Nobody in 150 years has seen Americans really pushed to the limit "en masse", and to put it bluntly, not seen white people really pushed that far. Whites in particular are not accustomed to these things, so reactions are going to be among the most unpredictable.
Posted By: Lord Vader

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/11/2012 12:54 AM

It is quite apparent at least to me that some of the members have Zero Idea on how or what is needed to WIN the coming Civil War or Revolution, or what some Patriots, will out of desperation believe they need to do.

This War that is being forced upon us may be a very very nasty and vicious War and may require Patriots to be as vicious and nasty as our Enemies or even worse.

Now lets take the story that J. Croft posted, while I disagree with certain parts of it, I do not disagree with the part you Texas Resistance are having a problem with.

Take the part where the device is detonated, to compare that in any way with a Palestinian Suicide Bomber is totally ridicules. A Palestinian Suicide Bomber deliberately targets Birthday Parties, Bar Mitzvahs, and Weddings meaning he targets Civilians, the Bomber in the Story Targeted the Government Bastards Manning the Checkpoint and the Civilians were what is referred to as Collateral Damage. And Collateral Damage is and has always been a part of waging War.

That's a real interesting story J. Croft but that part is a bunch of crap. Whose side are you on? Patriots would never blow up themselves and their family to take out some TSA perverts with them. Your portraying patriots like the freaking damn muslims who wrap themselves with explosives and detonate themselves to kill Israelis. The vast majority of patriots are Christians and no patriot would commit murder of their own family and suicide.
It is not what J. Croft posted that is a bunch of crap, it is your reply that is the bunch of crap and to me is proof that you don't know crap about fighting the War that we will be fighting and what the enemy will do to those who they capture.

In this War that we will be fighting, being captured may mean not only imprisonment but torture and eventual death and our Enemy, most likely will not limit torture and death to just the actual Freedom Fighters who carry weapons, but will torture and Murder our Wives and Children if they get the chance. So it is not only the Right but the Duty of a Patriot to Kill his Family if that is what is necessary to keep them from being taken alive by the Enemy.

There was a saying during the Cold War Better Dead then Red and that is still true today.

Liberty or Death, Live Free or Die, Victory or Death, and my Favorite and the Motto on the Bedford Flag and my Signature VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die) are all mottos that every Freedom Fighter should live and die by. And taking action that you know will result in your own death, in order to Win a War or a Battle or to save a Brother Freedom Fighter or to even just Kill your Enemy is not Suicide, or at least is not the same thing as killing yourself because your Girl Friend told you to go F yourself and broke up with you.

Would you say that a Soldier or Marine who jumped on a Grenade to save his friends was going to hell because he committed suicide, well would you. Saving your Family from torture is the same thing.
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/11/2012 10:53 AM

Wow, and I was thinking the German General/pedophile was what would get the flak going...

Point by point:

TEXAS RESISTANCE-one thing we won't have is a unified command structure nor a unified code of conduct. You're going to have various groups and lone wolves of varying capabilites, goals, and boundaries. Some will be capable and many not so much. Competing intermediary and immediate goals will most certainly trip things up. And boundaries... a lot of the posters and most all the militia are moral to a operational fault. A lot of those that will arise will either have those moral boundaries ripped away or just not have them. That's the way it is.

And I WILL be writing up the Suicide Lady...

KIMBER 45, SAFETALKER-Depends on who gets recruited or can come up with whatever. The Palestinians have been pushed against a wall for so long, the terrs have no problem finding suicide bombers.

TR, PART 2-Not meant to be admirable, she chose her route, fate and Murphy put her where she wound up.

HARBINGER-Oh yeah, her story's going to shed a lot of light on things...

BREACHER-Americans reactions are most definetly going to be the x factor and x factors are not predictable. Interestingly enough it gives a storyteller a lot more latitude than you'd realize... mebbe Mr. Blowtorch will make an appearance.

SNIPER 7.62X51-the Militia and Patriots are overwhelmingly Christian. Most Americans are not, and would likely be more open minded about offing themselves and whoever of the enemy with a bomb if properly motivated. I imagine some of the more hard pressed groups in the upcoming will seek out just such people.

In World War 2 at the Battle of Midway, at least one Navy pilot crashed his plane into the Japanese heavy cruiser Mogami-out of patriotism but also desperation; America had the war on the line at Midway and if Japan could finish off America's last three operational aircraft carriers they had an unimpeded way to taking Midway, Hawaii, and likely the Panama Canal as well, which would set back the war effort a good three years-three years for Japan to solidify their control of the Pacific, invade Australia and with Nazi German technology combined with their resources could have WON.

That pilot knew it and that's why he made the suicide attack. They all did.

...Really I thought you guys would object to the crazy Kraut pedo general. Part Tres is being worked on.
Posted By: McMedic

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/11/2012 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Breacher:

Nobody in 150 years has seen Americans really pushed to the limit "en masse", and to put it bluntly, not seen white people really pushed that far. Whites in particular are not accustomed to these things, so reactions are going to be among the most unpredictable.
Very true.

When a man or a woman loses everything to include their own sense of dignity and self-worth they will do things that seem to us, completely irrational. They have nothing to live for and figure they can take a few with them since they want to check out anyway.

A man(or woman) that has nothing left to lose is a dangerous animal. I fear one of that type more so than the one who straps on a bomb for the thought of earning 72 virgins, or whatever the going rate is these days.

The jihadist suicide bomber can be a fickle creature, so much so that many times they are sent in with a backup plan that may include a secondary triggering system under the control of his handler or even a sniper on a rooftop to ensure the deadman switch functions as intended. Some are coerced into carrying out the mission by threat of harm to family members.

An American man or woman that has been humiliated, made destitute, widowed, persecuted or otherwise mistreated by "authority" will, in my opinion, be much more determined and much more reliable.

Not that I condone it.
Posted By: Breacher

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/11/2012 06:47 PM

The person with nothing left to lose might be dangerous, but also look at those with a lot to lose, a whole lot, especially when they decide to focus their resources into the fray. That is what the Mafia did in WW2, effectively turning Italy from Axis friendly land to the place where one of the main Axis leaders was eventually lynched in the street.

Really gets impossible to predict a lot of these things. I could easily write a backstory to the woman suicide bomber thing.

There have been some alternate history sci-fi of what would happen if the Axis powers had made it to occupy the US, or Parts of the US. My take on this, the various mafias would represent the economic backbone of a lot of the resistance that operates behind enemy lines. Corrupting enemy forces, terrorizing informants and the police, and brokering access to smuggling and supply routes with the outside world.

The Nazis quickly embraced the criminal element of occupied France, but the more religious and moralistic Italians did not work that way, neither did the highly religious Poles.

I could see California officially not having much of a resistance except in the Jefferson state areas, but the urban centers, not a single occupation convoy would roll anywhere without paying some unofficial road taxes. Fighters in the conflict zones would expect resupply from many (if not most) of the same shipping containers delivering material to occupation troops and supplementary police, along with a lot of the collaborator law enforcement types quickly and wisely learning how "silver or lead" choices end up working when it comes to lucrative resistance activities like dope fueled underground warehouse sex parties, kidnap for ransom activities against high ranking enemy and collaborator figures, and various unofficial "hostage rescue operations with a prisoner escape" which would in reality be prisoner exchange arrangements.
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/17/2012 04:14 PM

Originally posted by J. Croft:
Wow, and I was thinking the German General/pedophile was what would get the flak going...
I don't think anyone here would stick up for damn pedophile queers.

Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
It is quite apparent at least to me that some of the members have Zero Idea on how or what is needed to [b]WIN the coming Civil War or Revolution, or what some Patriots, will out of desperation believe they need to do...[/b]
It is apparent to me that some militiamen do not understand one of the most important aspects of guerrilla warfare which is to strive above all to the win hearts and minds of the people. If freedom fighters kill innocent citizens then soon the freedom fighters will not have enough support from the population to have a chance of defeating tyranny.

Also killing innocent people is immoral and cowardly and if you kill innocent people you are likely to be burning in Hell forever for it. Brave men choose death before dishonor. I wonder how many men here are really ready to fight for our God given constitutional rights and are not just keyboard commandos?


Military mastermind: Lawrence of Arabia's 15 principles of modern guerrilla warfare

1. Strive above all to win hearts and minds
2. Establish an unassailable base
3. Remain strategically dispersed
4. Make maximum use of mobility
5. Operate mainly in small, local groups
6. Remain largely detached from the enemy
7. Do not attempt to hold ground
8. Operate in depth rather than en face (i.e. not in lines)
9. Aim for perfect intelligence about the enemy
10. Concentrate only for momentary tactical superiority
11. Strike only when the enemy can be taken by surprise
12. Never engage in sustained combat
13. Always have lines of retreat open
14. Make war on matériel rather than on men
15. Make a virtue of the individuality, irregularity, and unpredictability of guerrillas
Posted By: Leo

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/17/2012 05:15 PM

I'm one of the ones who is ready for what comes and full well understands what is necessary to restore our Republic and our Constitution. I also understand that we are here to defend the citizenry from such individuals.

Just so you know, I am not alone. I only roll with men with integrity and a moral compass.

We must persevere to the end and must be victorious unto death. Cowards need not apply.

You forgot 16. Shoot, maneuver and communicate. Its kind of important.

Leo out
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/17/2012 05:34 PM

Yes, being able to shoot, maneuver and communicate is essential. T. E. Lawrence should have listed it too.
Posted By: SBL

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/17/2012 09:37 PM

Originally posted by HARBINGER:
I agree, no back story on crazy lady. Maybe J ment to portray her as being tired of it all. The goons were drooling waiting on her she had her filland saw the check point as the best way to get as many as possible. If she was just suzy homemaker before shtf she may not have known how strong the blast would be. She wasn't Milita that far in, she wouldn't have snapped like that and would've made a smaller bomb, or didn't count on the fuel truck, she was a good looking middle aged broad tired of getting raped. we read the same story and both got a different meaning.
J what's her story. And hurry up with the next part.
Perhaps an individual who is terminally ill; cancer, AIDs, etc. If they know they don't have long to live, they may figure that they should at least make their death productive.

While I don't condone suicide, and don't understand why most people who choose it make that decision, I can see where a "martyr's death" would be more desirable than sputtering out in a hospice during a time of war.
Posted By: Hawk45

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 07:22 AM

Patton's first rule of warfare. "You do not win by dying for your country. You win by making the enemy bastard die for his country!"

Patton's second rule of warfare. "ATTACK!"

Simple but effective.
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 11:17 AM

Patton's second rule of warfare "ATTACK!" is great when you command the U.S. Third Army but since all the militia has are scattered bands of irregular volunteers we need a different strategy. The militia can’t win by fighting an invading enemy toe to toe on their terms with conventional warfare. You pick and choose your battles until the enemy bleeds out from a thousand cuts. You win with hit and run guerrilla warfare tactics keeping the enemy engaged on hundreds of simultaneous fronts so they never know when, where, or from what direction they will be struck from next.

I am looking forward to J. Croft’s next installment and I hope he illustrates examples of sound tactics that we all can learn from.
Posted By: drjarhead

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Texas Resistance:
Patton's second rule of warfare "ATTACK!" is great when you command the U.S. Third Army but since all the militia has are scattered bands of irregular volunteers we need a different strategy. The militia can’t win by fighting an invading enemy toe to toe on their terms with conventional warfare. You pick and choose your battles until the enemy bleeds out from a thousand cuts. You win with hit and run guerrilla warfare tactics keeping the enemy engaged on hundreds of simultaneous fronts so they never know when, where, or from what direction they will be struck from next.

I am looking forward to J. Croft’s next installment and I hope he illustrates examples of sound tactics that we all can learn from.
Point though is that even using guerrilla insurgency tactics it is going to take offensive tactics.

In fact, it is MO that guerrilla insurgency tactics should be almost exclusively offensive in nature.

Deny them the things they need to make war. Demoralize them. Wear them down.

Yeah, death by 1000 cuts.

I really have to say that the initial actions in this will be decisive in determining the outcome. That is something which I truly believe.
Posted By: drjarhead

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 05:09 PM

dupe smile
Posted By: SBL

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 06:13 PM

If it is a multi-national occupation force, the Europeans will be the weak link. Over the last 10 years, Europeans have been vehemently opposed to having their troops in harm's way, especially when they are taking casualties. Even during the American Revolution and War of 1812, the Whig party in Britain was passionately anti-war (which is why loyalists here in the New World were called "Tories.").

I imagine the Europeans will provide most of the aircraft and technological support, while the third-world armies will provide most of the manpower. Convince (via lots of casualties) the Europeans to recall their troops and equipment, and the third-world armies will be SOL and sitting ducks; basically a WWII-quality occupation force. We'll have a target-rich environment and only mediocre resistance.

The X-factor here is China. China has the technology like Europe does, but also has massive numbers of troops AND doesn't regard human life, so the Chi-coms won't mind sending legions and legions of troops to their death. Russia has a similar wartime philosophy.
Posted By: drjarhead

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 06:45 PM

Originally posted by SBL:
If it is a multi-national occupation force, the Europeans will be the weak link. Over the last 10 years, Europeans have been vehemently opposed to having their troops in harm's way, especially when they are taking casualties. Even during the American Revolution and War of 1812, the Whig party in Britain was passionately anti-war (which is why loyalists here in the New World were called "Tories.").

I imagine the Europeans will provide most of the aircraft and technological support, while the third-world armies will provide most of the manpower. Convince (via lots of casualties) the Europeans to recall their troops and equipment, and the third-world armies will be SOL and sitting ducks; basically a WWII-quality occupation force. We'll have a target-rich environment and only mediocre resistance.

The X-factor here is China. China has the technology like Europe does, but also has massive numbers of troops AND doesn't regard human life, so the Chi-coms won't mind sending legions and legions of troops to their death. Russia has a similar wartime philosophy.
Pretty long supply lines.

A very long distance for an amphibious assault.

Crush them at the outset.

I know we'll have our hands full.

On the good side, what credibility does the govt have if they have to bring in foreign troops to put down a domestic insurrection?

So if someone brings chicom forces in, seems the best way to handle them is to crush them before they can get them here.
The Enemy Within is definitely the one to destroy first. We cannot leave them at our backs while we face off against Latin America, China, whatever.

As for Russia, I see them as a potential ally of sorts. At least a potential source of heavy weapons beyond what we can, ummm, confiscate. wink
Posted By: Breacher

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/18/2012 07:27 PM

China is a total wild card in this, totally, and there are several scenarios on that which nobody is looking at but must be taken seriously because they are all based on current reality:

China splits into regional factions, with an internal revolution going on, breakaway republics have differing foreign policy.

Differing, but not openly opposing Chinese factions make different diplomatic offers to different factions in the US. One such offer made to California is economic aid and free trade status in return for land mass in sovereign areas. Heavy economic development in those areas provides jobs and salvages the economy of the Chinese controlled areas.

With the Chinese come their internal struggles. An opposing Chinese faction makes a diplomatic deal with the Pacific Northwest Alliance. They recognize the area is not an economic basket case and wants to secede from the union anyway. They will provide military aid, weapons, aircraft and heavy equipment in return for again, economic autonomous zones, but they also want to establish a large military base in South Eastern Oregon. Your intel discovers that this Chinese faction opposes the California faction, but will not openly fight them in China.

The Beijing government them moves to openly threaten the political leadership of both Chinese factions which have established a foothold in the US, major internal strife in the Chinese Communist party will determine whether or not the pre-positioned Chinese forces begin fighting each other, act as a unified invasion force, or train here while fighting each other for land mass inside China. All are entirely possible.

Alaska wants to declare nationhood, international oil corporations are backing it due to the Alaska Nation doing away with several restrictive federal regulations on oil drilling and harvest of other natural resources. The Russian diplomats move in, start agitating not just for the Alaskan Sovereignty, but that should the Alaskan nation move to annex Northwestern Canada, the Russians will provide foreign aid and payment. They initially support a peaceful referendum process in Northwestern Canada, to give the regional residents the option of a civilized divorce from the far away rule of the Canadian government. Texas and Russian Oil Tycoons start heading to Alaska, duking it out oil mafia style over who gets control of the worlds most valuable oil reserves.
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/27/2012 11:46 AM

NOT part three yet, but they're rolling out a completely autonomous drone:

The Future of Warfare
Up Front:

•I'm currently proof reading, and enjoying immensely, the new book "Kill Decision" by my good friend Dan Suarez. It's about autonomous drones. That's legendary timing for a new book (on top of that, his approach to the genre blows away Clancy at his best). So, as you can see, I'm particularly jazzed about this topic right now.
•I've done some consulting with Northrop Grumman on the future of drones.
•Finally, if you want to get ahead of the curve on this, read some of my older posts on drones and supermpowerment over the last four years.
Onto the post:::

Here's the future. Courtesy of Northrop Grumman.

It's an autonomous aircraft/drone that has a full weapons bay (4,500 lbs). Say that word again: autonomous. That's the breakthrough feature. This also means:

It can make its own "kill decision." Again and again and again. That decision is going to get better and better and cheaper and cheaper (Moore's law has made insect level intelligence available for pennies, rat intelligence is next).

It isn't vulnerabe to a pilot in Nevada directing it land in Iran. Oops.

It will eventually (sooner than you think) be the "Queen," making decisions for thousands of smaller swarmed (semi-autonomous) drones it lays on a battle zone (aka "city").

In sum: It allows an unprecedented centralization of conventional violence.

Granted, it will be possible for small groups to put together systems like this on the cheap. For offensive or defense reasons.

However, I'm much more worried about their ability to automate repression, particularly if combined with software bots that sift/sort/monitor all of your data 24x7x365 (already going on).

end post.

That is the defense industry high tech version of the drone I had the rebels come up with in The Future Of Warfare. Deployment of these weapon systems will give the enemy a nearly perfectly reliable weapon system-one unemcumbered by conscience or vulnerable to having deep cover operatives (Patriots) turn them against their masters. Our window of potential victory's closing rapidly!
Posted By: Breacher

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/27/2012 12:04 PM

As sophisticated as the autonomous drone is or could be, it is still basically a highly automated boobytrap. Just like a landmine that in its most basic form asserts a quasi military doctrine over a small postage stamp size patch of land (step here and get blown to smithereens), the highly automated boobytrap would in theory analyze behavior and movement patterns through any number of more sophisticated methods than a spring and tripwire, but the concept is the same, a tripwire event takes place, the machine takes hostile action.

It always seems to be the dumb ones that are the most dangerous and unpredictable and boobytrap warfare is always and will always will be intelligence information driven.
Posted By: Sisu

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/27/2012 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Breacher:
As sophisticated as the autonomous drone is or could be, it is still basically a highly automated boobytrap. Just like a landmine that in its most basic form asserts a quasi military doctrine over a small postage stamp size patch of land (step here and get blown to smithereens), the highly automated boobytrap would in theory analyze behavior and movement patterns through any number of more sophisticated methods than a spring and tripwire, but the concept is the same, a tripwire event takes place, the machine takes hostile action.

It always seems to be the dumb ones that are the most dangerous and unpredictable and boobytrap warfare is always and will always will be intelligence information driven.
I never saw it that way... Thanks!
All war tactics are ancient, just the delivery changes...

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/27/2012 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Breacher:
China is a total wild card in this, totally, and there are several scenarios on that which nobody is looking at but must be taken seriously because they are all based on current reality:

China splits into regional factions, with an internal revolution going on, breakaway republics have differing foreign policy.

Differing, but not openly opposing Chinese factions make different diplomatic offers to different factions in the US. One such offer made to California is economic aid and free trade status in return for land mass in sovereign areas. Heavy economic development in those areas provides jobs and salvages the economy of the Chinese controlled areas.

With the Chinese come their internal struggles. An opposing Chinese faction makes a diplomatic deal with the Pacific Northwest Alliance. They recognize the area is not an economic basket case and wants to secede from the union anyway. They will provide military aid, weapons, aircraft and heavy equipment in return for again, economic autonomous zones, but they also want to establish a large military base in South Eastern Oregon. Your intel discovers that this Chinese faction opposes the California faction, but will not openly fight them in China.

The Beijing government them moves to openly threaten the political leadership of both Chinese factions which have established a foothold in the US, major internal strife in the Chinese Communist party will determine whether or not the pre-positioned Chinese forces begin fighting each other, act as a unified invasion force, or train here while fighting each other for land mass inside China. All are entirely possible.

Alaska wants to declare nationhood, international oil corporations are backing it due to the Alaska Nation doing away with several restrictive federal regulations on oil drilling and harvest of other natural resources. The Russian diplomats move in, start agitating not just for the Alaskan Sovereignty, but that should the Alaskan nation move to annex Northwestern Canada, the Russians will provide foreign aid and payment. They initially support a peaceful referendum process in Northwestern Canada, to give the regional residents the option of a civilized divorce from the far away rule of the Canadian government. Texas and Russian Oil Tycoons start heading to Alaska, duking it out oil mafia style over who gets control of the worlds most valuable oil reserves.
Before I start, you'd support this?
Posted By: Sisu

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/27/2012 05:37 PM

Originally posted by HARBINGER:
Originally posted by Breacher:
[b] China is a total wild card in this, totally, and there are several scenarios on that which nobody is looking at but must be taken seriously because they are all based on current reality:

China splits into regional factions, with an internal revolution going on, breakaway republics have differing foreign policy.

Differing, but not openly opposing Chinese factions make different diplomatic offers to different factions in the US. One such offer made to California is economic aid and free trade status in return for land mass in sovereign areas. Heavy economic development in those areas provides jobs and salvages the economy of the Chinese controlled areas.

With the Chinese come their internal struggles. An opposing Chinese faction makes a diplomatic deal with the Pacific Northwest Alliance. They recognize the area is not an economic basket case and wants to secede from the union anyway. They will provide military aid, weapons, aircraft and heavy equipment in return for again, economic autonomous zones, but they also want to establish a large military base in South Eastern Oregon. Your intel discovers that this Chinese faction opposes the California faction, but will not openly fight them in China.

The Beijing government them moves to openly threaten the political leadership of both Chinese factions which have established a foothold in the US, major internal strife in the Chinese Communist party will determine whether or not the pre-positioned Chinese forces begin fighting each other, act as a unified invasion force, or train here while fighting each other for land mass inside China. All are entirely possible.

Alaska wants to declare nationhood, international oil corporations are backing it due to the Alaska Nation doing away with several restrictive federal regulations on oil drilling and harvest of other natural resources. The Russian diplomats move in, start agitating not just for the Alaskan Sovereignty, but that should the Alaskan nation move to annex Northwestern Canada, the Russians will provide foreign aid and payment. They initially support a peaceful referendum process in Northwestern Canada, to give the regional residents the option of a civilized divorce from the far away rule of the Canadian government. Texas and Russian Oil Tycoons start heading to Alaska, duking it out oil mafia style over who gets control of the worlds most valuable oil reserves.
Before I start, you'd support this? [/b]
Alaska is almost another country even more than Texas. The scenario is scary but could happen in an economic meltdown. The United States used to be plural. The state are supposed to be part of the republic by choice and have the option to divorce... It was bottom up and now it as it has been for a long time top down. I think we fucked our selves with the 17th amendment. Also it is going to always be a football game for the foreseeable future. Conservatives vs. liberals, vs yellow vs poor, vs republitards vs dummycrats vs feminists vs gays. All this shit is encouraged to make you into something less then a human being.
Posted By: Breacher

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/28/2012 05:20 AM

I am not saying what I would or would not support, but a possible reality, based in part on the historical precedent of the breakup of the old Polish Republic which happened a few times in the 1600s and 1700s, then functionally sort of again in the 1900s.

My imagined scenario:

USA, Canada and Mexico functionally merge for a time, the "North American Union" with free travel between all states, sort of. But then the issue would not become one of immigration or migration of any worker class, but the major asset owning class. When the entire enchilada dumps in value due to lopsided trade deficits. International corporations will demand something for their dollars, foreign governments will demand something, so they will move to buy land.

Canadian land will be nearly worthless just by virtue of nobody wanting to freeze to death most of the year. I'll throw a quasi sci-fi twist into this one: Asian interests buy huge chunks of Canada, get their hands on HAARP and weather control weapons, and attempt to bring about "peaceful use" of the weapons to warm up the northern provinces, causing the unintended flooding of much of the pacific and Japan. Japan threatens war over it, wins in the International courts, and is given the Chinese holdings in Canada, which they begin moving large numbers of refugees to. Same with Indonesia, Phillippines and other Island nations. Canadians try to resist, but international public sentiment is against them, and in a major voter referrendum, the money and productivity brought by the Asians is a determining factor in letting them stay. The breakup of Canada into newly Asian owned provinces marks a beginning of the internationalized ownership of the NAU.

Europeans start asserting ownership in the Mexican mainland, Mexicans resist, citing their old constitutional restrictions against non-citizens owning land. Again, a voter referendum, and the majority which supports the NAU wins.

The USA gets hit by economic downturn and major weather disruptions, but the NAU keeps the economy going for another couple of decades. Again, foreign ownership of large tracts of land is the result of them calling in their ownership of US dollars in propping up the US government, thus, German military bases in Arizona are only a start, other nations establish their own autonomous zones, then demand their own internal security forces.

Patriotic organizations are manipulated by all parties involved to be against the NAU, but the end of the NAU would not mean the re-establishment of Old America, no, the reality of massive tracts of land owned by foreign countries which sometimes even go to war against each other means that when the NAU breaks up, the new maps are a checkerboard of autonomous zones, but Washington DC remains a capital in name only. The old US federal government would still exist, just as far as US troops and an expanded Marshall's service can reach.

Out of all of that, one of the most viable independent nations from an economic, strategic and military standpoint would be Alaska with chunks of western Canada. Mostly white, already involved with international trade, but with its own opposing internal political factions.

1: the "we got ours so fuck everyone else" crowd. Armed and isolationist enviro-nazis, led symbolically by Native Americans, but functionally by descendants of early settlers. They attack all development and want the Alaska nation to remain mostly wild and "unspoiled". They see an economy that can be sustainably small through controlled state owned exports. They make an alliance with old school communists in Russia in an attempt to fight off the oil cartels and Russian developers. Both them and their allies in Moscow lose to the political reality. Through a series of thinly disguised contract murders, their leadership are decimated and scattered into the wilderness by the Russian tycoons. They sympathizers can be found in every town and city while they continue to fight against immigration and development.

2: The patriot alliance; old line Republicans and new immigrants to Alaska, along with Canadian sympathizers. While an extremely powerful international lobby and economic force, and capable military force made up largely of leftover USA military assets abandoned in Alaska and purchased from failing independent states, they also suffer from infighting. The international intrigue tries to steer clear of conflict with the patriot alliance, buying off whichever factions appear to be up and coming, and quite often being forced to fund infighting among the factions. The Patriot Alliance being a loose coalition of unlikely political bedfellows spend most of their time at each other's throats, but when united, are responsible for the breakoff of Alaska from the NAU, and starts the cascade of breakaway movements from the NAU. A stated purpose of their original political leadership is that the breakaway republics would attempt to re-establish "Old America" with a capitol somewhere in Montana.

With the threat of the Patriot Alliance against the NAU and the Washington DC government, and heavy infiltration of Washington DC politics by PA agents and sympathizers, the Washington DC government invites international police and military forces to assert a presence in areas where the population is ripe for rebellion and joining of the PA. In some cases, they try to convince people to join the DC government and respect the NAU which is tongue and cheek referred to as the "Texas Government" and largely corporate ruled, in other cases, deportations to Alaska become common, however those joining the American Diaspora to the last frontier get there to find it a mess, and with political infighting common among the PA, with hard core resistance to everything being carried out by the small but highly competent and effective isolationist Alaskans. We will call them the "Call of the Wild" party. The COTW party then gains an underground support base among natives everywhere, from Alaska on down to southern Mexico.

The Texas government rules the NAU, and heavily armed trade convoys sporting the NAU flag and NAU mercenaries are quite often the safest and most reliable means of trade in an otherwise deteriorating US. While the DC government will use political pressure and limited force to bully taxes and financial support from the NAU, the NAU asserts its charter through a combination of treaty law and judges they own. They see themselves as the inheritors of Americas original "Manifest Destiny" doctrine. This time, spreading north and South.

At some point, in an attempt to re-unify the nation, and enhance the "National Identity" of the NAU, the Texas government constantly agitates for an invasionary war on South America, citing an official alliance between an aging Hugo Chavez and the Nuclear armed Persian Gulf Coalition.

We could really play this out even in scenario play to the point there are no more clear cut "good guys" or bad guys, but there is right and wrong, on the personal scale, and survivors, and entrepreneurs, and constant conflict, but personally, I think maybe actual functional Nationhood would not survive any of these major changes for a long time. The Ideals of the founding fathers, yeah, but in different forms depending on where you are and who you are in the whole checkerboard of autonomous zones.

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/29/2012 09:56 AM

I can agree with you, maybe not exactly but close. I fear America as founded is a memory to be closed in a history book. Even the life with what few freedoms we have left. I had more but had church my mind is in another place now.

God Bless,
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 01/30/2012 02:12 PM

Before I post the next installment I have to address Breacher's commentary...

I could readily see any actually revolting Patriot groups and states manipulated and abused by the inbred psychopathic bluebloods to further destroy the America they utterly hate. Our America. And yet, not resisting is not an option.

Our America has never existed really officially. We've had this United States monstrosity that has made an utter mockery of the hopes and aspirations of generations of Americans and all of Mankind.

Stating that, it absolutely MUST be a priority for any and all Patriot groups and eventual political entities that emerge to not just purge the land of the enemy but make Our America a reality that will be unassailable-even at the point of nuclear tipped ICBMs.

Anyone not on board with that merely works for the enemy and doesn't know enough to know he's being played.
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 02/03/2012 01:54 PM

Via Global Guerrillas, the 199 buck drone:
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 02/16/2012 02:57 PM
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 03/05/2012 01:19 PM

Why Autonomous Drone Tech is Advancing so Quickly

Drone tech is mostly about controls engineering, much more than any of the physical technologies involved such as energy storage, airframe design, propulsion, etc. (although concurrent advances in those fields help improve performance). Controls engineering is at the heart of what makes it possible for a tiny, very unstable, quadrotor drone to maneuver like a hummingbird.

Until recently, that wasn't possible. Now, given Moore's law (particularly the exponential curve that shows improvements in calculations per unit energy), it is possible to make a drone fly and swarm like an insect at an affordable cost.

Here's a reference point: In my early days studying Astronautical Engineering, I focused on the design of control systems. We built controls that could turn unstable, high performance jet aircraft and spacecraft designs into stable, usable platforms. To do that, we used expensive computing platforms to make the calculations needed to correct the flight of an unstable jet/spacecraft prototype up to 32 times a second (if we didn't, the system would instantly tumble/fail/become a smoking hole). In contrast, these tiny drones make corrections at a blazing 600 times a second on inexpensive chips.

On top of all of that, the drones currently in the lab aren't merely keeping themselves stable for human control/piloting like most of the drones now in use. They can now control themselves individually and as a swarm.

So, basically, the only barrier to advances in autonomous drone tech are improvements in controls design, made real in software. That means the pace and breadth of the advances in autonomous drone tech will be fast and furious for some time to come.

Today's video is by the head of the UPenn drone lab (I think he should brand all of the videos coming out of the lab as "controls engineers gone wild"). New items to watch for in this video. Drones that can:

* Lift heavy objects as a swarm (payload scales).
* Build complex structures as a swarm.
* Sweep buildings.
* Operate without GPS to navigate and map structures.
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: The Future of Warfare - 05/29/2012 09:01 AM

Alex Jones shoots down some RC drones with shotguns: