
Survival Tracking

Posted By: Rodnryl

Survival Tracking - 04/17/2009 05:31 PM

Having the ability to track animals or people can be a matter of life or death in a survival situation or when operating as an insurgent. If (when?) the enemies of our country start to round up patriots we won't be able to go to china-Mart and pick up a few things, so living off the land might be a requirement.

I ran across this site a while back and thought it was interesting:
It is ran by a Search And Rescue (SAR) team member in California. Most of the site deals with tracking animals but his SAR area can teach a few things on tracking humans and how to cover our tracks. Learning the tracks of a few edible animal species could be a benefit in the event you have to live off the land. MRE's are ok, but some grilled meat would taste great after a few weeks.

It's a great site to interest kids in the wilds. The graphics are good and you can print most of what he has on it for field use.