
2 cents on the topic of survival

Posted By: mak9030mag

2 cents on the topic of survival - 05/29/2010 04:59 PM

A individual can have all the knowlegde in the world on the topic of survival.

If said individual doesn't have the proper mind set of I can and Will survive.All that knowlegde is no good for him/her.

If ever placed in a survival situation.Convince yourself I can and Will survive.

If it takes the individual to stop every 5 minutes to convince him/her self.

Saying out load if permisible. I can and Will survive.Then so be it.

Over time the lenght between stopping and convincing ones self, I can and Will survive.
Will increase until survial becomes, [it ain't nothing but a thing], just like breathing.

Ask anybody that is forced to live on the streets or in the woods.
Posted By: DICK WOLF

Re: 2 cents on the topic of survival - 05/30/2010 04:05 PM

I think have the applied skills give people the confidence to have a positive mindset.

Its going to be very hard for thoes who dont have a clue.

Self motivated people have a better chance at surival.
Preditors on the street Survial will come natural.