
AWRM Poll: Interested in Trapping Lures and Baits?

Posted By: airforce

AWRM Poll: Interested in Trapping Lures and Baits? - 04/21/2012 09:05 AM

The formulating of trapping baits and lures are, in my opinion at least, a fascinating hobby within a hobby. Most trappers simply purchase their lures and baits from various vendors, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I've always been a cheapskate, and I have the added advantage of having certain formulas and techniques passed down to me. If there's any interest, I'm willing to share some of these lures and baits here.

To be sure, trapping isn't what it used to be even a few years ago. If you ask me how many foxes or raccoons I'm willing to trap, skin, and process for a lousy ten bucks, my answer is "Not very many." Add to that the sad fact that my arthritis keeps getting worse every year, and it's pretty obvious that my trapping has slowed considerably. This past season, it was nonexistent.

But that may change. Fashions are fickle, and maybe fur garments will stage a comeback. And if the economy becomes dire enough, well, I may not have a choice. Ten bucks is certainly better than nothing.

If no one's interested, that's fine. There aren't many books around on making lures and baits, and maybe I can write one and sell it on Kindle. But I thought I'd gauge the interest here first.
Posted By: airforce

Re: AWRM Poll: Interested in Trapping Lures and Baits? - 04/22/2012 08:15 AM

Bump. If I actually take this project on, I should really start soon. The months of May, June, July, and August are considered the bait-making months, and they're fast approaching.

Onward and upward,

Re: AWRM Poll: Interested in Trapping Lures and Baits? - 04/22/2012 08:00 PM

I'd be interested and thanks.
Posted By: airforce

Re: AWRM Poll: Interested in Trapping Lures and Baits? - 04/23/2012 02:09 PM

Well, seven was my minimum threshhold. See this thread for my first entry in this series. Comments and questions are always welcome. I'll even accept criticisms now and then. wink

Onward and upward,
Posted By: Savo1

Re: AWRM Poll: Interested in Trapping Lures and Baits? - 12/07/2012 08:09 PM

When I was still trapping, I only stopped cause life got to busy. But me and my brother had nusiance trapping persmits, So we would keep some red and grey fox, after the season to collect urine for next trapping season. Well one thing we noticed was when we ran out of carcuses from the prior season, and put them on "Old Roy" their urine got a very strong odor to it. We determined that was not acceptible. So come late june, we started suppling them with groundhogs, to get their urine smelling. Well after a couples of years of that, we decided fox urine prices wasnt that bad after all.