
Lessons from what's happening in Greece

Posted By: Flick

Lessons from what's happening in Greece - 06/07/2012 05:49 AM

10 Things That We Can Learn About Shortages And Preparation From The Economic Collapse In Greece

When the economy of a nation collapses, almost everything changes. Unfortunately, most people have never been through anything like that, so it can be difficult to know how to prepare. For those that are busy preparing for the coming global financial collapse, there is a lot to be learned from the economic depression that is happening right now in Greece. Essentially, what Greece is experiencing is a low level economic collapse. Unemployment is absolutely rampant and poverty is rapidly spreading, but the good news for Greece is that the global financial system is still operating somewhat normally and they are getting some financial assistance from the outside. Things in Greece could be a whole lot worse, and they will probably get a whole lot worse before it is all said and done. But already things have gotten bad enough in Greece that it gives us an idea of what a full-blown economic collapse in the 21st century may look like. There are reports of food and medicine shortages in Greece, crime and suicides are on the rise and people have been rapidly pulling their money out of the banks . Hopefully this article will give you some ideas that you can use as you prepare for the economic chaos that will soon be unfolding all over the globe.

The following are 10 things that we can learn about shortages and preparation from the economic collapse in Greece....

Read the rest here .
Posted By: airforce

Re: Lessons from what's happening in Greece - 06/07/2012 09:30 AM

Greece is just the tip of the iceberg. Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, and Ireland aren't too far behind. And Europe is running out of countries that can bail them out.

Think it can't happen here? Take a look at Detroit. Or Stockton, California , which is on the brink of bankruptcy. If Stockton does, it will join Central Falls, Rhode Island and Jefferson County, Alabama, which are already in bankruptcy. And the entire State of California isn't faring much better. I could easily argue the economic collapse in the U.S. has already begun, much like Greece.

(On a side note, I always get a kick out of those anarchists in Greece who are rioting, demanding the government keep funding pensions. I would suggest those anarchists look up "anarchism" in the dictionary.)

Onward and upward,