
Who Really Owns Your Child

Posted By: ConSigCor

Who Really Owns Your Child - 02/15/2010 04:08 PM

Who Really Owns Your Child When It Comes to Vaccination?

Christina England

Drug companies foster many techniques when it comes to vaccinating our children. These range from taking away full parental rights, to dangling nice ‘juicy carrots’ in front of our unsuspecting and trusting children. This is done in the way of gift vouchers and pizza parties. Parents from around the world are finding that there is no longer the freedom of choice when it comes to vaccination, as the drug companies are employing their very own ‘child catchers’ to trap their little ones with freebies that they are unable to resist.

Firstly, I am going to discuss how drug companies and the Governments are taking away our parental rights from right under our noses.

Stories from around the world are pouring in stating that children as young as 12 years old, are being given the right to agree to have the HPV vaccine, even if their parents have said no to the vaccine.

In the USA, the Government is trying to pass laws which will enable schools to give the HPV vaccine to children even if their parent has said no.

“Two bills in the New York State legislature would, if passed, allow healthcare practitioners to vaccinate children under 18 against HPV without their parent’s consent. The bills would require the vaccinations before children could attend school, leading to the interesting potential scenario of schools vaccinating kids without their parents’ consent simply because the child wants to stay in school.

Even without the inevitable controversy over whether under-18s should be able to get preventive care from their doctors without their parents hearing the details of their sex lives, the bills read like full-employment acts for Merck (MRK)’s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)’s Cervarix.”

The Republic Broadcasting Network report the full story.

However, in the UK this is no longer under discussion, it is a reality and has been for a while. This was first reported by the Daily Mail – The worries over the cervical cancer jab and the questions that must be answered by Barbara Davies. She stated :-

“According to Department of Health guidelines, the decision over whether or not to have the jab lies with the patient, whatever her age, if she is deemed capable of making the decision by her GP or school nurse.

One leaflet sent out by schools poses the hypothetical question: ‘What if my daughter wants the vaccination but, as her parents, we’d rather she didn’t have it?’ The answer reads: ‘The decision is legally hers as long as she understands the issues in giving consent, but the nurse would much rather have your permission as well.”

I contacted my member of parliament Nick Gibb MP who in turn wrote to the Department of Health on my behalf.

Gillian Merron the Secretary of State for the Department of Health wrote back the following:-

“The courts have stated that under 16s will be competent to give valid consent to a particular intervention such as a vaccine, if they have sufficient understanding and intelligence to understand fully what is proposed.

This is sometimes known as ‘Gillick competence’.”

Freda Birrell a political advisor for the UK Government on HPV vaccines and a fellow member of feels very strongly on the subject. In emails concerning the subject she says that if a child goes against her parents decision and is vaccinated with Cervarix and then has a serious reaction immediately after the vaccine, ending up in hospital as a result, then the responsibility for the child reverts back to the parents.

This is because the hospital cannot get the child’s permission to carry out surgery or tests, it has to be be parents. Freda asks who would be held responsible for the child having this reaction and continues by adding that it cannot be the child and it cannot be the parents because they did not want their child to be vaccinated in the first place, therefore has to revert back to those who accepted the child’s decision.

If when there is a school trip parents have to give permission for their children to go on this, if permission is not given then the teachers cannot take the child because if anything happened to him or her on the trip, then no doubt they could be sued. Same applies to eye checking, getting new glasses, going to the pharmacy, these all come under the control of the parents.

Both Freda and myself want to know how this all changes with vaccines. How does a law that will not allow a child to have medical intervention, such as an Xray without the parents consent and yet allows the same child have a vaccine without the parents consent, make any sense? The simple answer is, it doesn’t. Freda and I have put this to the Government and are still waiting for a reply.

We believe this is totally disgusting and an outrage. Children are young and vulnerable that is why parental permission is needed for basic healthcare needs. A child cannot go into a pharmacy and buy even a tablet for a headache and yet when it comes to vaccines they suddenly are given adult responsibilities.

Just to make the decision really easy for the child a few British boroughs are using incentives. These were first introduced for the HPV vaccine shortly after the HPV vaccine hit the market.

In 2008 the Stockport Express interviewed Dr David Baxter consultant in communicable disease control who had this to say:-

“The vaccination can prevent around 70 percent of the viruses that cause cervical cancer. I don´t know the details of Jade Goody´s case but it is possible that if she had received the vaccine it could have prevented her cancer.

“We have tried writing to girls who are missing out on the vaccine but it doesn´t seem to work. We have also tried texting and ringing but we still can´t reach everyone, so we have been talking to a college in Stockport to see if their beauty therapists would be interested in giving manicures and pedicures to girls who receive the vaccination.”

He added: “We need to think of other initiatives to get them to come in.”

No need to worry Dr Baxter as Birmingham have done this for you in the way of shopping vouchers. The Birmingham Mail tells all in an article entitled Cervical cancer jab teens being ‘bribed’ with vouchers

Birmingham, apparently is giving away to every child who completes the programme, which includes three Cervarix shots, shopping vouchers worth £45. These vouchers are Love2Shop store vouchers. Love2shop Gift Vouchers are accepted at over 18,000 top UK stores and days out. These include-

Argos, Alton Towers, Boots, Bhs, Barratts, Brantano, Bonmarche, Bella Italia, Comet, Carphone Warehouse, ,Debenhams, D2, Ethel Austin, Ernest Jones, Goldsmiths, JJB Sports,Halfords, H.Samuel, House of Fraser. HMV, La Senza, Legoland, Laithwaites, Matala,New Look,Principles, Peacocks, Priceless Shoes, River Island, Ryman,Shoe Zone,TJ Hughes,Waterstones, Warehouse, WH Smith, and Wilkinsons.

One parent called the scheme ‘bribery’ another said that her 17-year-old daughter was offered the vouchers after she refused the vaccine, she said the whole scheme was ‘unethical cohesion’, adding that where money is concerned, it will deter children away from what they really want.

As we all know there are very few children who can resist a free shopping spree, especially when top fashion stores are involved, to bribe an unwilling child to have a vaccine with lures of free shopping is pure evil and is the sort of behaviour that is frowned upon in parenting classes. Obviously not when it is the drugs companies dishing out the treats.

The website Seroxat Secrets had this to say on the matter-

“Dangle a carrot huh?

Now I’ve heard of doctor’s being given incentives to prescribe drugs, even key opinion leaders in the world of psychiatry paid wads of cash to hype up drugs when they haven’t even looked at all the data… but patients being paid?

A better incentive would be to tell these young woman how long the vaccine was trialled out for and whether or not they have conclusive evidence that everything will be okay 10 or 20 years down the line. They may also want to tell them that GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of Cervarix, have already admitted using young girls (as young as 9 in some areas) as human Guinea Pigs in HPV vaccine Cervarix trials”

This can be backed up with the article I wrote Girls used as Guinea Pigs in HPV Trials Admits GSK

where I show documents proving GSK are using our girls to experiment on. I suppose it does make sense to pay a patient if they are part of experiment but usually it is ethical to tell the patient first.

Bribery has been used around the world to coerce parents and children to sign up for vaccines. It seems that drug companies will stoop to any level to also give us freebies to have their vaccines.

One recent initiative offered Pizza parties, Detroit Public Health Department decided to hold pizza parties in exchange for vaccines saying that pizza parties were a great idea.

They decided that these should take place in schools. The new ‘tasty scheme’ was offered to Detroit schools after the Christmas holidays (well why not?) Autism Today Online explained how this worked in their article Public “Health Department” Sinks to an all time low When Detroit school children returned from the Christmas holiday break, each class had the opportunity to hold a free pizza party. The Detroit Health Department teamed up with Happy´s Pizza setting the guidelines for the free party: if 80% of the returning children from each class bring a signed permission slip to receive the H1N1 vaccination, their class will get the “free” party.

First the drug companies and Governments take away parental rights to refuse vaccines then they team up with stores and food outlets and use bribes to tempt our children whilst they are at school. This reminds me very much of the scene from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on YouTube entitled the The Child Catcher That begins “Here we are little children, come and get your lollipops” sadly, just like the film the man offering the lollipops is actually offering something much more sinister instead.