
MF Global, gold and stuff

Posted By: Total Resistance

MF Global, gold and stuff - 12/23/2011 06:51 AM

looks like gold will go up a lot

When people realize whats going on the collapse won't take 3 weeks, 3 days or 3 hours but 3 minutes.
Posted By: Total Resistance

Re: MF Global, gold and stuff - 12/23/2011 07:05 AM

Comex giving out gold IOU back in 2009

more recently

If there is $80B in gold IOU's with $2.7B available we might see some inflation coming if people demand their gold. Also those who do not have their gold on hand may only get a percentage of it. Most of us here probably don't own gold bricks but a couple ounce pieces at $1800 an ounce today and $58,000 in a few years might be nice.
Posted By: Breacher

Re: MF Global, gold and stuff - 12/23/2011 05:37 PM

Given all of the issues of the "disconnect" on gold and silver values, the real world "reconnect" that is visible for anyone anywhere most of the time is the auction prices on ebay.

From what I can tell, metals have taken a little bit of a hit lately.

What a lot of the paper traders have done and continue to do is trade one form of paper wealth for another, not even having the personal courage to deal in cold hard cash, as in green paper with pictures of dead presidents and and founding fathers.

Lazy greedy people who continue their marriage to a system which involves trading one sort of paper for another are not really my concern. I never did see a whole lot of that "ledger money" being pitched in on the smaller causes we had coming up from time to time, so I for one am not going to be loading up the weapons and saddling up the war horses to fight about those issues one way or the other.

Soros continues to buy himself a political movement because he spends money on a political movement. I have yet to see any widely published credible source that says "secret millionaire offers fifty ounce of gold for the arrest of __________ (fill in the blank).
Posted By: Imagrunt

Re: MF Global, gold and stuff - 12/24/2011 03:22 PM

I am just conjecturing, although I have stayed abreast of this situation (it is quite close to my heart):

The COMEX is rigged, just like the FRN, the stock markets, most elections, and everything else manipulated by the international, criminal bankster cabal aka The Babylonian Banking Beast.

As alluded by Breacher, there exists a disconnect between the paper/electronic and physical PM markets.

eBay is a rather inconsistent bellweather, but it is true that the metals have taken a hit in recent weeks, and that is due to the fact that most people do not acknowledge the aforementioned disconnect, primarily because the majority still has faith in the egregiously rigged fiat system.

MF Global has been a wake-up call for those who still hold to the misplaced belief that paper/electronic metal is the same as physical metal, and although many of those victimized by this scandal will vow only to obtain physical metal from now on, still more will continue in the fiat metal charade.

As in 2009, many, if not most, will settle for FRNs in lieu of physical PMs, and thus the charade can continue unabated.

Make no mistake that the smack-down in PM prices is being engineered in order to flush out the weak hands.

I believe that silver and gold will come down even further, and thus now is a good time to focus on obtaining PHYSICAL PMs at relative bargain prices to what they will invariably be one year from now.

Please try to look at this gross manipulation for what it represents to those of us who want to return to an honest monetary system:

An opportunity to trade fiat FRNs for physical PMs.
Posted By: safetalker

Re: MF Global, gold and stuff - 12/25/2011 07:10 AM

Here is what we all have to understand.
The goal of the federal Reserve is like that of a mining company.
They dig out the big chunks of gold with shovels and trucks and haul it away, melt it into easy to store and hide bullion bars in another country.
Then they send in poor men, with smaller shovels, to dig out the small pieces. Since they know the men will steal a few pieces they charge them for Room, board, and food. Then put in Company stores, and company transportation back to civilization. This not only gets the stolen gold but most of the cost of digging it back.
In our land they tax the small pieces back on the promise of Social Security till death, and retirement plans that they expect to wash out before they have to pay through foreclosure.
The king of England gave up our nation after 1783 in return we borrowed 18 Million dollars from the Bank of England. That bank was and is owned by the Rothschild family banks. They sit on the board of the IMF who sits on the board of the Federal Reserve Corporation. SO they print our money and loan it debt free to European banks. When Sen Paul's audit caught them they pulled all of the money back bankrupting nations and banks that they closed and sold the assets for gold.
We are next. This Corporate Government took our land in 1863 and sold it 1973 to these banks.
Soon they will find a way to clean off the infestations of man from their land and sell it to someone else for more gold.
When the gold is all gone only the few will own the gold.
If you remember the Roman law:
slaves can only carry paper. If found with gold they can be killed or beaten.
The Cannon law allows this and so does English law.
Remember your history or Spartacus will be needed again.