
Eric Holder May Be Held in Contempt of Congress

Posted By: airforce

Eric Holder May Be Held in Contempt of Congress - 05/03/2012 07:27 PM

Rep. Darrell Issa is circulating a draft contempt order for Attorney General Eric Holder for his refusal to cooperate with the congressional Committee investigating the Fast and Furious scandal. (64 pages in pdf format, for those interested.)

Predictably, Rep. Issa doesn\'t seem to be getting much help from the House GOP leadership . Speaker Boehner would not say if he supported move by Rep. Issa, and his staff would not comment on the record.

Shep Smith is right. Politics is weird. :rolleyes:

Onward and upward,
Posted By: fal3

Re: Eric Holder May Be Held in Contempt of Congress - 05/03/2012 08:46 PM

Last night I spoke with a couple patriots very concerned about voting the Big 'O' out of office. Their reasoning was that if he was gone, the country would be well on its way to getting turned around.

I had to explain to them that if there were patriots in Congress and the Senate, he would have never gotten as far as he has in undermining our Constitution. They seemed surprised. They have been lapping up all the propaganda from the Republican party that says they will make a difference. Nonsense !

There are few Constitution-supporting elected officials in DC today. Even if we elected Saint Paul to the Presidency, it would make no difference.

The Congress is filled with self-serving politicians who care NOTHING about liberty, freedoms, or what is right. Unless THEY are replaced, we will have four more years of the same.

It is no wonder that AG Holder has no fears of being indicted or thrown out.