
Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton

Posted By: J. Croft

Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/18/2012 04:08 PM

...Better luck next time:
Posted By: Total Resistance

Re: Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/18/2012 05:23 PM

Got hushed up quick...

Remember a few years ago when she lied about landing her plane in a war zone?

real video
Posted By: Flick

Re: Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/19/2012 06:20 AM

Most of the commentary following the article at the second link tends to be in agreement that the most likely culprit for the attack is Mossad, which is trying to blame it on Iran so that our government will attack Iran.
Posted By: Hawk45

Re: Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/19/2012 06:31 AM

Flick, I hate to tell you but the Mossad is the Israeli version of CIA, and NOT Iranian. They are MORE professional. If it had been them, Hitlery WOULD be dead period as they do not play or screw up.

Some of us here, well one of us, has been privelged enough to have met/worked with them in the past.
Posted By: Eagle

Re: Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/19/2012 07:49 AM

I would like to toss another thought into the mix. What about it being a false flag?

I'm not saying it is but .....
Posted By: Flick

Re: Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/19/2012 11:19 AM

Hawk, I'm well aware that Mossad is not Iranian. See what Eagle said above. If Israel wanted to make it look like Iran attempted to murder the U.S. Secretary of State (but not actually murder her because she's an ally), then a "failed attempt" would be the way to go.

If it was Mossad, and if murdering Hillary was their objective, they would not have failed.

Commenters were pointing out how this is more theater than an actual attempt on her life. With Mossad and the IDF protecting her convey, the idea that a 1-liter Citroen could get close enough to her vehicle to shoot at it and then get away without being caught stretches the imagination. Much like the idea that Egypt would try to sink a U.S. Navy ship during hostilities with Israel; or that the Vietnamese, not wanting to give the U.S. an excuse to go to war against them, would fire a torpedo at a U.S. Navy vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin; or that the communists in 1933 Germany would burn down the only legal check on Hitler's power;... or that Iran would incite the U.S. to attack it by attempting to murder its Secretary of State.
Posted By: Breacher

Re: Assasination attempt on Hillary Clinton - 07/20/2012 10:47 AM

Internal Israeli problem. Some internal group not previously on the radar there or whose threats had not been taken particularly seriously.

There are growing numbers of IDF and intelligence service "defectors in place" who pretty openly publish their own opposition to Israeli and US policy in their own blogs and not-so-underground videos. Growing numbers are sympathetic to the Palestinians and you can see a lot of Palestinian fighters now sporting weapons bought/smuggled/provided by Israeli sympathizers.

Mossad operatives? Maybe, but we would be talking about the lower grade less trusted and less trained breed. It could well have just been a symbolic "warning" attack that all is not well in the promised land, even among the chosen people. Don't forget that it was internal stuff in Israel that resulted in Rabin's assassination, and Rabin was a close friend of the Clintons.

Apparently we were talking small group much more concerned with force preservation than a suicide run on the hit. Who knows if it may have just been another one of the local groups hitting the convoy not even knowing Clinton was there, and taking potshots at the convoy because they just figured it looked like someone important enough to take potshots at.