
Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG!

Posted By: Flick

Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/09/2013 04:39 PM

This is worth watching. Jones clearly went into this interview knowing Morgan's M.O. and denied him any chance of succeeding with it. CNN's producer burst out in tears during the break (reported on Lew Rockwell's site).

Link to part 1.

Link to part 2.
Posted By: donttreadonmebmg

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/09/2013 04:46 PM

LOL, that was good!
Alex... Alex... Alex... Alex... Alex let me ask you a question. Alex... Alex... Alex... Alex...

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/09/2013 05:55 PM

Go back to where they took the guns if you don't like it!
Posted By: ConSigCor

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/10/2013 07:36 AM

Piers Morgan defeated by Larry Pratt in Gun Control debate
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/10/2013 12:13 PM

Yeah you try talking over Alex Jones...
Posted By: Flick

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/11/2013 07:19 AM

Like or don't like Alex Jones, say what you will, but also give credit where credit is due.

Alex Jones: Best Night of Television Ever
Jon Rappoport

Piers Morgan (CNN) thought he might pump up his horrendous ratings and avoid having to go back to England. So he invited Alex Jones to come east and appear on his show.

They would discuss gun control and the petition to have Morgan deported. It would be good television. An interesting conversation. Perhaps things would get contentious.

But Morgan’s producers and bookers had made a fatal error of judgment.

To say Alex was loaded for bear is a vast understatement.

He crashed the television party in a way it’s never happened before.

You could call it: the internet invades mainstream media. But that doesn’t begin to do it justice.

This was one man attacking the whole rotting corpse of major media, attacking the fascists of the federal government, attacking the psychiatric/pharmaceutical cartel for dispensing drugs that cause people to kill other people, attacking the host of the show for daring to come to these shores with his putrid put-on Brit arrogance, attacking the brain-dead premise that fewer gun murders equals a far, far better nation (England), swearing an oath that the US government will not disarm the citizenry...and Alex made all this happen in just the first seven minutes of the interview.

You could go back in the archives and comb through the history of television in this country and never find seven minutes like this. Never.

It broke through the fake civility of moronic, pundit-driven, stacked-to-the-ceiling-with-utter-bullshit news programs like a car driving through a showroom window at 80mph.

Go to infowars and watch it.

Then tell yourself you’re not dreaming, because you’re not. It happened.

If you were, by chance, tuned to the BCS championship game between Alabama and Notre Dame and missed the real slaughter on CNN, catch it.

According to Alex, one of Piers’ producers broke down and cried during the interview. Oh dear. Horrid. I hope the producer had friends to console her in their little mutually constructed elite bubble. Cocktails, tranqs, perhaps a visit to a shrink might be in order. No doubt, this is a case of PTSD, and might necessitate a long recovery.

No, the idiots at CNN were definitely not ready for this. They were blindsided. Piers tried to remain calm. That was his only strategy. He would be the voice of reason. Stiff upper lip and all that.

It worked about as well as waving a feather in front of a typhoon.

Which, when you think about it, is how the people of England handle their fascist government and their falling-apart society. “Look at us, we’re clueless with feathers.”

No doubt Piers is telling himself he stood up to the cave man from Texas, revealing to the American people how pernicious gun owners are. But that wasn’t it. That wasn’t it at all.

Instead, this was cardboard television reality taking a dozen torpedoes amidships.

Alex did it exactly the way you’re supposed to do it when you want to destroy the whole stinking mess all at once. You give no quarter. You go on the attack from the first moment. You don’t let up.

You ignore the nicey-nice stuff.

I’m sure there are some boomer gun advocates out there who think Alex “presented an unfortunate face of the responsible gun-owner community.” They’re dead wrong. They don’t understand what an attack against tyranny requires. They never have.

You put the fascists on the defensive. That’s rule number one. You put them through the wall into the next county. You hit them with the truth so hard they never recover. That’s the goal.

It happened last night.

I watched the whole curtain of the television Matrix explode. I watched it with a joy that comes from knowing, for a long time, what such a moment would look like if it ever came to pass.

Then it did.

Thank you, CNN. This was your finest moment, your only authentic moment in all your years of building an insane consensus about reality.

Thanks, Alex. You came through like a champion.

Posted By: ConSigCor

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/11/2013 12:06 PM

Morgan gets shot down by young man.
Posted By: Archangel1

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/11/2013 01:27 PM

Morgan is a idiot and a blowhard. Do not ever allow anyone to say that tyranny could never happen in the US. It has and it continues.

The US government interned the Japanese and their families living in the US during WWII. Two-thirds of all interned "Japanese" were American citizens.

- Japanese immigrants were generally not allowed to become citizens until 1952.
- The 1922 Cable Act specified that women marrying aliens ineligible for naturalization lose their US citizenship.
- Japanese businessmen who were prohibited from becoming citizens had 10 days to liquidate their businesses after 12/7.
- Children of Japanese immigrants were often called "non-aliens" rather than citizens.
- I am aware of at least one "non-alien" that was forced to resign his naval commission. He reenlisted in the Army.

I hold no grudges about the past; however I know what evil is, witnessed what it does and see it happening again.

Hold the line and "never forget"...
Posted By: The Greywolf

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/15/2013 07:51 AM

Tried to check out Info wars and Prison planet this morning...

Looks like Alex Jones sites are under attack..

My anti-virus software block numerous attacks as the site loaded..

I backed out before the site completely loaded, because the attacks kept repeating over, and over, the longer I tried to let it load...

My software said the risk from the attacks was "High"...

Just wanted some of you to know if your not protected don't go there today...

Posted By: Lord Vader

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/15/2013 09:39 AM

Originally posted by The Greywolf:
Tried to check out Info wars and Prison planet this morning...

Looks like Alex Jones sites are under attack..

My anti-virus software block numerous attacks as the site loaded..

It seems like the Commies are nervous and desperate. They need to keep the People in the Dark about their plans to convert our Republic into their Commie Utopia.

That is the best reason to use Linux. With Linus you don't need Anti-Virus or even a Firewall.

Right now I am running Ubuntu Linux as my main system and I am running it off a Live CD and I have my Hard Drives disconnected.

I also have a Win XP System but I do not go on line with it.
Posted By: J. Croft

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/15/2013 03:14 PM

I work off XP as well, it does the job.

I don't worry about anti-virus because I use public computers. Their worry. Also anonymous.

A decade ago AJ would come off like a loon to the average American but we're really on the edge here. Might as well hoist the black flag and be done with it.
Posted By: The Greywolf

Re: Jones - Morgan interview on CNN - OMG! - 01/15/2013 05:04 PM

It loads now without attacks...