
Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a

Posted By: ConSigCor

Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a - 01/20/2013 01:15 PM

Thousands of armed protestors gathe...assault rifle rallies across the country

Raleigh Capital Building Rally For Gun Appreciation Day…Video Message For Rhinos
Posted By: Kimber_45

Re: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a - 01/20/2013 03:03 PM

AK15 lol
Posted By: Imagrunt

Re: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a - 01/20/2013 06:21 PM

Those are some great photographs!

May God bless all those brave men and women for exercising their inalienable rights!
Posted By: ConSigCor

Re: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a - 01/22/2013 07:07 AM

January 21st, 2013
John Mackey and Stewart Rhodes at Idaho Gun Rally

Enjoy the YouTube video of Oath Keepers’ founder Stewart Rhodes’ speech at the Coeur d’ Alene rally:


John Mackey Gun Appreciation2013


Here is the link for local television news coverage of John Mackey’s Oath Keeper “Gun Appreciation” rally in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho on Saturday, January 19, 2013.

John Mackey has been with Oath Keepers since our beginning, and has served in various offices at national level as well as with Nevada Oath Keepers and Idaho Oath Keepers. John tells me that he estimated about fifteen hundred attendees at the rally in Coeur d’ Alene.

John’s featured speaker at the rally was none other than Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.

NOTE FROM STEWART: This event was a smashing success. With only one week notice, John Mackey and the rest of the crew in Idaho Oath Keepers put together a wonderful event, with an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 people in attendance at the busiest time of the rally. Most were open carrying pistols, and some were even open carrying semi-automatic rifles such as AR-15s (which is especially fitting, considering that such weapons are now being demonized and targeted by the hoplophobes). Hats off to John, Scott, Dave, Joe, “Ranger Rick” and the rest of the NE Idaho chapter for their hard work. A special thank you also to Black Sheep Sporting Goods for hosting the rally on their property. It was also great to see Washington State Rep. Matt Shea, who is a shining example of what an oath keeping state legislator looks like.

I am very glad I was able to make this rally, and I salute the folks in Idaho who showed up and helped to send a strong message to the oath-breaking perfumed princesses in DC of MOLON LABE!

At this rally, John Mackey read the great public statement of Bonners County Idaho Sheriff Daryl Wheeler, wherein the Sheriff makes it clear that his oath was to defend the Constitution, not to obey politicians who have strayed beyond its bounds. Go here to read that statement.

John Mackey also read a heartfelt, hand-written letter from a local police officer who wanted the crowd to know that he will honor his oath, and will defend their right to bear arms. We will post that letter on our site as soon as possible. Both of those fine men join an ever growing tidal wave of peace officers across the nation, many of them Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, who are stepping up to declare their devotion to the Constitution and their commitment to refusing to enforce any violations of the Second Amendment no matter where they come from – be they by means of legislation, executive orders, or treaties. Their oath is to the Constitution, which includes the Second Amendment. And they will keep it.

I encourage you to step up and join those brave peace officers by making your own public pledge to defend the Second Amendment, by going to our new Molon Labe Pledge site.

You can sign the electronic pledge anonymously, or use your real name. Up to you. What matters most is making your own personal commitment to never disarming and to standing firm in defense of your rights. The most critical audience for that pledge is the man in the mirror. Commit to YOURSELF that you will not disarm, you will not register, you will not comply. And then commit to your children, and children’s children, that you will honor your oath and will defend their birthright of liberty. And help us to make it clear to each American patriot that he and she is not alone, and to each oath keeping peace officer that they have your support. We are legion!

Feel free to personalize that pledge and repost it on your own blog, Facebook page, in your favorite chat forum, or anywhere else online. Just please include a link to our site.

For the Republic! (and Molon Labe),

Stewart Rhodes
Posted By: ConSigCor

Re: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a - 01/22/2013 07:29 AM

Nutnfancy Rally Speech at Capital: Official Version!
Posted By: donttreadonmebmg

Re: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies a - 01/22/2013 05:27 PM

both of them were great!!!