
Russia Will Sell MiGs to Syria

Posted By: airforce

Russia Will Sell MiGs to Syria - 05/31/2013 08:16 AM

Folks who want to help the Syrian rebels - which means Europe and the usual U.S. suspects - are facing a whole host of problems. First, Russia announced they would sell SAM's to Syria, which makes enforcing any sort of "no-fly zone" over Syria a little more problematic. And now, Russia is selling Syria some MiG-29MM2 fighters .

This comes on the heels of John McCain's visit with some Syrian rebels, who turned out to be kidnappers .

This is not going to end well.

Onward and upward,
Posted By: swabjocky

Re: Russia Will Sell MiGs to Syria - 05/31/2013 02:04 PM

Then we need to sell F15's, F16's F22's and anything else ISRAEL needs.
Posted By: airforce

Re: Russia Will Sell MiGs to Syria - 06/04/2013 08:39 AM

The list of warmongers who think we should intervene in Syria now includes new CBS News contributor Condoleeza Rice .

...There is no doubt that it is time for the United States to make clear that it is going to engage in this effort to stop the difficult situation in Syria and to prevent its further spread, it’s already spreading across the region. So, the United States doesn’t have an option of no action....

When you have Iranian fighters in Syria, when you have Hezbollah in Syria, when you have the Syrians shelling the Beqaa valley in Lebanon, when you have the Israelis taking out Syrian installations because they fear for Israeli security you have a very serious situation on your hands and the United States really doesn’t have an option to sit on the sidelines....
All of which are pretty good reasons for not getting involved in this war, along with the impossibility of telling the good guys from the bad.

See the 3-minute video here . This really, really isn't going to end well.

Onward and upward,