
"Who Is He to Judge, Seriously?"

Posted By: airforce

"Who Is He to Judge, Seriously?" - 05/23/2014 09:33 AM

You know the world has gone topsy t...t more often than I do the American one. And once again, Vladimir Putin has a point.

Russian President Vladimir Putin trained his pugnacious rhetoric on President Barack Obama on Friday, answering an allegation that he has lied about Ukraine with the jab: “Who is he to judge?”

In an extensive interview with CNBC at an economic conference in St. Petersburg, the Russian leader insisted that he hopes for a peaceful outcome to the crisis in Ukraine and will support the presidential election there on Sunday.

He flashed anger when he was asked about the American president’s claim that he has lied about Russia’s role in stoking conflict in Ukraine.

“Who is he to judge?” Putin said, according to an interpreter. “Who is he to judge, seriously? If he wants to judge people, why doesn’t he get a job in court somewhere?”

“I don’t think he accused me,” Putin went on. “It’s his point of view. And I have my point of view when he comes to certain things.” (...)
Onward and upward,
Posted By: Bill Alexander

Re: "Who Is He to Judge, Seriously?" - 05/23/2014 11:06 AM

How dare Putin Insult our Dear Leader..He has every right to Judge this Man...well at least he Thinks he does...What a asshat Can"t we Trade President"s for the rest of Oblowmes Term? Its been a LONG six years with this Idiot In Chief!!!