
Political Correctness Has Come to This

Posted By: airforce

Political Correctness Has Come to This - 08/13/2015 09:53 PM

Sweden now says that gay marches are racist against Muslims. I thought this was another Onion satire at first.

What happens when two of the left’s favorite “oppressed” pet groups (LGBTQ and Muslims) collide?

Last month the Swedish nationalists planned a gay pride parade (featuring everyone’s favorite day time entertainment, gay public kissing and/or heavy petting) and routed the parade through two Swedish Muslim districts of Tensta and Husby. For those of you who’ve been living under a rainbow-painted rock, Muslims don’t like gay people. And not in the, “Ew it’s gross when two men kiss, make it stop,” kind of way. No, no, Muslims will kill gay people for being gay. Or because they’re jealous of their fashion sense. Just kidding, Muslims just kill gay people for all the gay reasons.

But as much as leftists champion equality and compassion, one group came out on top… Um, I mean one group won.

Three guesses as to which group got ahead? Yep, the group associated with beheadings, gay-hangings and slamming airplanes through skyscrapers. Whoops, I mean, the religion of peace. PEACE, yo.

Here’s where it gets rich: the gay marchers were branded racists by the ‘Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights.’ That’s right, a fellow group in gayness didn’t have the gay marchers’ backs. Whatever happened to gay solidarity, united under one glorious, oiled-up rainbow flag? Perhaps the Federation for LGBT were just a tweensy bit nervous about losing their heads… or getting blood on their boas.

Two residents of the Muslim area said the gay pride march, “pits two oppressed groups against each other.” Like that’s something liberals never do...
Onward and upward,
Posted By: SBL

Re: Political Correctness Has Come to This - 08/14/2015 01:46 PM

That's the problem with appeasement and compromise; try as you might, you can never please everyone.

Far simpler and less drama to just stand your ground and retain your own society's culture.
Posted By: Breacher

Re: Political Correctness Has Come to This - 08/14/2015 11:31 PM

Actually, I saw one of those racist gay marches just a couple months ago. It is no joke.

The queers are doing impromptu "in your face" marches and strutting around any place they see Muslims gather or hang out. Around here they are doing these silent walk-through things at a couple of high profile Middle Eastern restaurants when there is a high profile public execution of queers in any of the Islamic countries.
Posted By: airforce

Re: Political Correctness Has Come to This - 08/15/2015 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Breacher:
...Around here they are doing these silent walk-through things at a couple of high profile Middle Eastern restaurants when there is a high profile public execution of queers in any of the Islamic countries.
So, let me see if I understand this. The gays are intentionally hurting the feelings of a bunch of people who want to kill them. And that makes the gays "racists." Uh, okay.

As much as it goes against the grain, I think I'll side with the gays on this one.

Onward and upward,
Posted By: Texas Resistance

Re: Political Correctness Has Come to This - 08/15/2015 06:46 PM

It would be funny if faggots and Hajjis killed each other off. Gay is too nice a word for the sodomites. They all should be bashed back into the closet for the good of society.

King James Bible
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.