
Whistleblower Document Reveals Multi-Agency Criminal Conspiracy

Posted By: ConSigCor

Whistleblower Document Reveals Multi-Agency Criminal Conspiracy - 07/15/2023 03:08 PM

Bombshell New Whistleblower Document Reveals Multi-Agency Criminal Conspiracy To Spy On And Entrap Law Abiding Americans
Jul 10
Written By Idaho Tribune

Finally, There’s Proof.

(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — Bombshell new documents have recently come to light revealing how the U.S. Government illegally spied on and entrapped citizens during the 2014 “Bundy Ranch Standoff,” and beyond.

The document, which was authored by Larry Wooten, a former Special Agent with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), reveals the terrifying extent to which the Federal Government is willing to go to ensnare patriotic Americans who stand up to government overreach.

Wooten first made waves in 2017, after sending an 18 page whistleblower document (available in full here) to Washington State Representative Matt Shea chronicling “a widespread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, unprofessionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical, and legal violations among senior and supervisory staff at the BLM’s Office of Law Enforcement and Security.”

Courtesy of Redoubt News

This document directly led to dismissal of the case against Cliven & Ammon Bundy and several people involved with the 2014 “Standoff” because BLM and FBI agents “shredded documents at dispatch,” withheld “texts and emails that make officers look unprofessional,” and omitted evidence during the trial that proved the innocence of the Bundy family and their supporters.

At the time of the document’s release The Oregonian reported that:

“Wooten accused Dan Love, the former special agent-in-charge of the cattle roundup for the Bureau of Land Management, of intentionally ignoring direction from the U.S. Attorney's Office and his superiors ‘in order to command the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible.’

“Wooten said he learned from other agency supervisors that Love had a ‘Kill Book’ as a ‘trophy,’ in which he essentially bragged about ‘getting three individuals in Utah to commit suicide,’ following a joint FBI-BLM investigation…”

Not mentioned in press reports at the time was how BLM Special Agent Love referred to the Bundy’s as "retards," "red-necks," "douche bags," "tractor-face," "idiots," "in-bred," and that he:

“sent photographs of his own feces and his girl-friend's vagina to coworkers and subordinates. It was also reported by another BLM SAC that former BLM SAC Dan Love told him that there is no way he gets more pu$$y [sic] than him.” (p. 64)

Now, thanks to a recently released FOIA request originally made by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch Inc., 252 new pages of Wooten’s whistleblower evidence and testimony are now public, and the contents of this document are damning.

The Document, which is being called Wooten-II expands on allegations made in his 18 page memo, and details the tactics used not only against Bundy Ranch protestors, but also outlines the ongoing warrantless “military style” surveillance operations and “social media misinformation campaigns” being conducted by the Federal Government against U.S. Citizens.

Read and see the rest here.