I am in the early stages of designing a house that will hopefully be built in the next 2-3 years. This will be my family's sole residence and hopefully last residence the rest of my life. My family is presently me, wife, 1 toddler. We plan to add 1 or 2 more kids over the next few yrs. Since we are starting from square 1 and can build however we want (within reason) i would like to incorporate some sustainability and security enhancements that are over looked in typical home construction. As time permits this will become a "homestead" as well in terms of greater ability to provide for our own food needs.

So far I know I am planning on passive solar thermal design. Id like to build with concrete but not sure about cost. Probably metal roof. Well water. Also good natural gas resource but i dont know when they are going to actually drill the well. Id like to keep in mind the possibility of accepting several "long term guests" if and when shtf. The group's house in "Patriots" comes to mind.

So Im asking for any advice, ideas, little nuggets of information, etc. For example, which floor plans are more easily defendable, thoughts on alternative energy, cow vs goat, security measures, wood stove vs wood furnace, septic tank capacity, storage space, etc. Anything and everything you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated.

Please keep in mind the wife isnt as intersted in the Militant-Amish lifestyle as I might be. Some appearance of normalcy is required for her to remain happily married.

I really do appreciate any input. Thanks.

Let the odds make each heart bolder.