"Apparently Mak didn't read this part."

I did read your question and you are refusing too see the answer. You were already told "No". So I was saying (to help you since you apparently needed it seeing as you asked the question) what you can do because there are no testing kits.
You need to use your computer for researching versus just asking questions and refusing the answers. There is so much knowledge to be had that is easy to obtain because of the computer world. You need to use that to the best of your ability before it is all lost.
No one on here can always give you the answer because it requires a lot of time and energy but you can be directed into the right area to look. You got a simple no, and I am letting you know what you should do in order to obtain that information. So if for further discussions you don't actually WANT a answer, don't ask the questions.
This is not a pissing contest or who's thing is bigger then who's. This is about people coming together for one common goal. If you can not stand by that, then maybe you should not be on here. If you can stand by that, then by all means keep posting. When you ask a question you need to look at ALL of the answers. Mine was a simple where to look up your answers.
We are all suppose to be on the same page, please get on it.
