
As for the clubhouse side, an organization I'm involved in has a legitimate clubhouse. We made the decision many years ago to keep it dry, for two principle reasons. One, there are a lot of stupid people who will think nothing of three cocktails, coolers and/or beers. Those people hit the road when the night ends, and they get a DUI. Or worse, they kill somebody and the guy who holds the liquor license, or owns the building where the liquor is consumed, gets nailed with a hefty suit, and quite likely will lose everything he owns. Sometimes it's the drunk who dies, and suddenly, he becomes a model citizen and again there's a hefty suit.

The other reason not to have alcohol served (for profit) is that it's a tough business. I used to go to a lounge with had drinks ranging from 3 dollars to well over thirty. He operated for about five years, running a restaurant and bar. Even if your draw is bottom-priced drinks, you still have to invest in stock, hire a staff (you don't want to be having a day job, working at a bar till 3AM and trying to keep the wife and kids in your life) and account for incidentals.

For example, how many shot glasses are enough? 100? 200? 10?When a person breaks one or tosses it in their handbag, are they easily replaceable. How about a legitimate bottle of Grey Goose Citron. It's clearly a luxury and definitely a speciality item (after all, you can use Absolut or Smirnoff) and what do you do when it runs dry. What do you do when all you've got left is Russian Prince and somebody decides they're going to drink you dry. What do you tell the alky when you're out of corn whiskey and he's got a 1911 on his hip. What if you get robbed? Vandals? Employee theft?

There are some good ideas about stockpiling liquor. I'd rather, every payday go get a 26 of something worthwhile, than buy gallon jugs of vodka and rum. When I need to bribe a QSM or line private who is willing to let "one" spare clip go missing from inventory. When I need to take advantage of an alky enemy officer who is more than willing to sit around with a civilian who happens to have an old bottle of Jack and just wants info on something mundane.

Good ideas, some worthwhile.