That is good advice. Except!
One of the early State and National responses will be to declare Martial law. Once done the very possession of Military identifiable equipment (ie: Packs, uniforms,LDB, hats, not to mention milspec vision and weapons) could get you arrested.
I live in a military town and have a shop in a Flea market. I have gone the extra mile to buy civilian equipments that don't look like anything Military equipments or LEO equipments.
May be a big waste, but I feel worth the extra few bucks.
Problem with buying military surplus is you don't know where it came from. If some poor soul was killed and they let him lie in the sun a couple hours till transport was available the gear could still be washed, but the chemicals may never get cleaned out just bleached. I also watch many folks buying used Camel bak bladders just back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Not a good move.