I had a propane fridge in another camper a while back and it seemed to eat up the bottle like crazy. It was an older rig though. The propane burning element kept the inside from freezing which was nice, sort of, but never really warmed the place like just running the stove did.

I think I posted elsewhere though about a thing I witnessed on the freeway once, where an older camper was on the side of the road with a little fire in it. By the time I pulled over, got my fire extinguisher out and got out of my car, the whole thing was engulfed in flames. The people had bailed out of the thing, but had they been sleeping instead of driving, I think they could have been roasted. So after that, I never wanted to run propane in a camper and decided that whenever I got a bigger one in the future, my dream camper would be set up all electric.

My recent one is not going to be my final camper, it is just my alternate home rig more or less temporarily if SHTF in the short term. I want to upgrade to something bigger and better in the next year or so and move into it and start doing some traveling. I just missed a good deal on a school bus for conversion but you know how that goes, when the great deals come along, I have no money, when I have a wad of cash, there are no really good deals around.

Over the course of the last six months I got what I thought has been some pretty good deals on solar panels, so I bought a bunch in anticipation of whatever I end up with and figure that I can sell them on local Craigslist at a modest profit to update and expand my inventory when I can. I have them in several sizes so I can cover a roof by working around whatever other stuff is on the roof of a camper.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.