when you think solar the other half of your brain should add in "Home made wind power".
You can make every part of wind power in your garage.
Get some 3 1/2 to 4 inch PVC. Cut it vertically in a spiral. Drill two holes in the thin end.
Get an old Delco Alternator (Delco because the diodes come out with a screw driver)
Mount the alternator to a vertical pole by the mount bracket. Pull the pully and drill holes for the blades, and reattach. Bolt the blades on and raise the pole with two A/C wires (outside type extension cord) connected to the Diode leads.
Raise the mast and reattach the diode leads end to the terminals of a 12V battery. The charge begins when the wind blows. You can also add a tail piece to keep it pointed into the wind or turn it by hand.
Width of the props will be about 8' across.
Makes charge when the sun don't shine.
If you mount the alternator on a table behind a bicycle it will also charge when you peddle.
Just some thoughts to keep the radio when the sun is down.