I really doesn't take a lot of wind to operate a wind generator..

The slightest breeze, you look up and your making power..

It does take frequent wind though....

So wind solar combo is a nice way to go...


I have a 220' deep water well, and a wind pump that pulls the water to the surface, and into a 10,000 gallon tank...

Less deep your well.... The smaller the wind pump needed...

So wind is pretty versatile for many uses..

Hell, find the grind stones, and you can make your own mill powered by wind...

It is up to what you can imagine and rig up...


if your not worried about being 100% set up to start, go with a tank and wind or solar water pump or combo....

Have a root cellar at least down 8' if it is warm where you live..

Mine had to be 12 feet to maintain 50 degrees 40 degrees in the winter..

In the summer the lower shelves in the cellar are cooler so I put things needing to stay cooler lower... In the winter that reverses, so I move the veggies that need to be cooler, higher on the shelves..

That will handle the veggies and fruits

Have a wood stove that has the capability to cook on... so if you don't have propane or natural gas, you can still heat and cook...

Be sure to can every food you can..pressure cooker or bath...

Don't can meat by bath type.

Go with a generator for emergencies,and small solar system to charge batteries for fridge or freezer..

if you don't need lights, use oil lamps to start.

please have proper fire extinguishers.

Make the system, so you can add as you go... Unless like me you think there is not much time left..

Remember, you can start off more primitive and add luxuries to the system, as you raise the money....

PS... raise the money as fast as possible.

Solar panels can be set up to add more as you go..

I would recommend you get as large of a wind generator, as you can foresee needing..

PSS... there are some cool primitive food cooling and storage methods, such as the two pot system..Check youtube for Ideas, I found several there..

As far as electricity goes..... You can run just the essentials, and add more panels, batteries, and wind chargers as needed.


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf