The Indians had the best ideas. They simply found hard to reach places at the edge of forests and planted among the scrub. They planted greens, maize, and onions along with various herbs hey used for medicines.

The stopped and picked what they needed and left the rest to feed the animals. Instead of cultivating rows they planted among other brush that provided protection to the new plants and never moved rocks that while hard on a plow was great for the new plants getting water and protecting the seeds and the roots from digging animals.

If you remember the stories of the Pilgrims the Indians taught them to place two seeds into the head of a small fish. The fish decays and the seeds grew.

If you find some places in the outback with small brush just add some seeds and come back and look at the progress. It will probably grow better and faster than with your Chlorinated and Fluorinated home sprinkler, and larger too.