What do you call a cocaine ring at the University of Oklahoma?

A football huddle.
--Joke currently making its way around Oklahoma.

Why do drug cops spend so much time working the poorer black and Hispanic sections of town, but completely ignore college campuses, where drugs are even more rampant?

People keep telling me drug laws are not racist but, the fact is, racism has always been the driving force in drug laws and drug enforcement. Why else the recently-done-away-with disparity between penalties for crack and powder cocaine?

Speaking of cocaine, it's criminalization a hundred years ago was largely based on racism. (Why, did you notice that, under the influence of cocaine, black men and white women dance together?)

I'll go one step further. Concealed carry gun laws have their roots in racism, as well. Here in Oklahoma, all that was originally required for a "concealed carry permit" was the approval of the county sheriff.

White folks were approved. Blacks, naturally, were not.

Onward and upward,