Para, you are joking right????? I will agree most cops don't abuse their power, but for you to defend this guy like this is crazy. If there was a reason the women needed to move, such as things you stated, wouldn't it have been more prudent for him to reply with "Maam, there is bike race coming this way" or "Maam, there is construction going on and we don't want you to get hurt". but fact is, we both know that isn't the case. Everywhere I have ever been when there is construction or anything else going on, the area is marked and usually blocked. This is simply a case of a cop being an ass.

And you want an example of even one cop being like this. Back in the mid 90's I was involved in a car accident. Minor fender bender with no injuries. The woman had a child with her, but instead of checking on her child first, she jumped from her car yelling, screaming and cussing at me that I had better have insurance. When the cop arrived, he spent most of his time flirting with her and taking a statement from a "witness" who happen to be related to her. The way the accident report was written, there was no feasible way it could have heppened that way. i went to police station to talk with the assitant chief of police. I introduced myself and he had the accident report in his hand. At no time did he EVER refer to me by my name, first or last. Ever time he addressed me it was "fella." He was "explaining" to me the law, when i asked him a question, he became even more disrectful and ordered me out of the police station and if I didn't leave I would be arrested. Now, I made sure that I was respectful, polite and non-confrontational. After all, I was there telling him his officer was wrong and if I came in belligerent there was no way he would listen to me. He is now the chief of police. At a neighborhood watch meeting, I heard this same officer telling us how he could stop drugs in our town if we would only suspend the constitution. My feeling was if we did that, he would have his jack boots on in a heartbeat.

So don't tell me every person that puts on a uniform is here to serve and protect. Sometimes assess do make it onto the force, and sometimes they even make chief.

Homeland Security begins with the Second Amendment

1st Corps 4th Div