The anarchists are doing it here in VA too:,0,187529.story

RICHMOND - Gov. Bob McDonnell is among several governors who have received threatening letters from an anti-government group.

McDonnell's office received the letter on March 31 from a group called Guardians of the free Republics. The letter was turned over to the FBI and the Virginia State Police.

Press secretary Stacey Johnson said in a statement that McDonnell and his family are secure.

According to the FBI, the letters demand that the governors leave office within three days or risk being removed.

Investigators don't see violent threats in the group's message but fear a broad call for removing top state officials could inspire violence by others.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.