Originally posted by McMedic:
This is not a personal attack, just another viewpoint.
I have read many of your posts in my time on this forum. I hold the utmost respect for the intelectual stalwarts such as yourself and ConSigCor. Furthermore I do not become insulted at the slightest indication that one does not completely agree with me.

I hold no illusions as to who Lincoln was. While I stated that I agreed with his decision, even evil people find themselves on the right side of a fight, just as good men can find themselves on the wrong side.

I use myself as an example. While no one thinks the war in Iraq was about free Iraqis, it was purportedly about WMD's. For my own part, it was totally different. Since 9/11 I could not forget the horrible images burned into my mind. Not those of people leaping from the towers or the mounting body count. What horrified me the most was streets filling in middle eastern cities, Baghdad in a near riot of celebration at the world media showcase of death. I fought for vengeance pure and simple. Does that make me a good man on the wrong side of a wrong war? Or just evil. I suppose I'll have to wait until those pearly gates come into view.

I see the Confederate Armies the same way as myself. Just good men maybe on the wrong side.

To say the war was about slavery is to say that combined arms is about indirect fire. Both statements are grossly inadequate, and misleading to the point of nearly being false.

I agree that American history has been buried in commie lies and half-truths. In my previous post I was only trying to present the case as to the founders intent, which honestly was at odds with slavery. I simply see any attempt, anywhere, anytime to undermine what the founders did as intolerable.

I do not believe that the 13th Amendment would have come any sooner than December 6, 1865 without a Union victory through the war. Nor do I believe that slavery would have been abolished in the south if the CSA were allowed to stand. I have yet to find, or be presented with evidence to the contratry. In fact the so called "Jim Crow" laws, as written seem to indicate that it would have indeed endured for some time.

A country that tolerates slavery kills freedom with a blade across the throat.

A country that tolerates centralized government kills freedom like a cancer.

The latter gives us more time, hopefully enough time to find a cure.

With a hearty hand shake and a sharp salute...

"The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." -Jack London