Originally posted by ParaSkS:
This is true. However, the Pilgrims are not perfect in their relations. They just needed good relations to survive, not from the goodness of their hearts.
That is a huge stinking pile of Bull Excrement.

How the F*ck would you know what was in their hearts any more then I would know what is in anyone else's heart, so just give me a break, I am no longer in the mood for people posting what they don't know crap about. If you want to post that your Father, Family and Friends are worthy of Sainthood go head at least you should have some idea what is in their hearts, especially your Father.

And you can also post about the Tribes in your area and what the relationship was between them and the Settlers, at least that is something you may have a little first hand knowledge about.

So the Pilgrims treated the Wampanoag with respect for 50 Years because they needed them to survive, oh yea and you are on this board so that after the War you will be appointed supreme Leader of the Free World.

The Pilgrims only needed help that first year, they did not need help for 50 Years. You remember that Pequot War, do you really expect anyone to believe that after that war the Pilgrims still needed any help from the Wampanoag for basic Survival.

the Pilgrims are not perfect in their relations.

How about letting all the other members of this board know who other then our Savior is perfect in their relations with anyone.

NO ONE IS PERFECT, Not the Pilgrims, Not the Native Americans, Not Me, Not You, Not my Friends, Not my Family, Not my Father, Not your Friends, Not your Family, and Not your Father.

We are all FAR FROM PERFECT and we have all done something that we would not have done if we were Perfect.

I have done things that I now regret and I bet you also have done something or will do something that someday you will wish you hadn't and maybe it will be something that was not very nice.

And since I have mentioned your Friends and Family including your Father, I will add this.

I bet your Cop Friends and your Father in his job as a Cop has at least one time issued a ticket for some BS Offense like no Seatbelt or enforced another Law that is a violation of a Citizens Rights. And I believe there are not many Cops who have not done this, since their Job is not to reason why but to just enforce the darn Law.

The Pilgrims are part of my Families History and I know a little more then you do about them. I have even visited the Museum and looked at my Family Cradle, and I have actually talked to some Native Americans including Nipmuc, Narragansett and Pequot about what us Whites did. And even though I Hate Gambling I feel if anyone is going to benefit from a Casino it should be those who we victimized and stole from in our quest for Land and Power.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)