Sniper 762X51,
How about this: Give up the Pointless insults and start working on posting more than "how much you hate cops" and "Pilgrims were this much different from Puritans" and do something productive.

I know what I know. You know what you know. Fine. At least present your information in a way that people can understand, not just tell how much this information is wrong, and make some pointless comments on 'family, friends, and father'.

NO ONE IS PERFECT, Not the Pilgrims, Not the Native Americans,
I never meant that the Pilgrims were perfect. I was intending on the meaning that they were not the amazingly good people that you implied they were. Also, they DID need the Natives to help them survive so therefore they based their relationship more off of their own survival.

I respect all of the patriots and true Americans on here and everywhere else, I hate to 'flame' a brother Patriot, or insult. I wish only to gain more knowledge and this discussion drove me to research more into the topic.


oh yea and you are on this board so that after the War you will be appointed supreme Leader of the Free World.
What the hell does that mean?

It doesn't matter how you start something, or how you do in the middle. It matters how you finish it
Paramilitary SKS