I have to agree with ConSigCor on this one.

Why do they need martial law?

People have over the last few decades been conditioned to accept government intrusion and check points as a way to keep them safe.

I remember in the 70's drug testing was just for commercial pilots, then the military was added, then teachers, police, fire, then if you wanted a job guess what drug testing.

Check points were not heard of in the 70's. Then they started closing roads to protect us from drunks. people said " thank God they catch all the drunks."

Then not only were they after drunks they check for tickets, bad licenses, warrants, drugs,

and soon patriots.

The airports started with metal detectors then drug/expolsive dogs now the sexually abuse the passengers, or arrest and fine you if you refuse.

Hey people the only ones to blame is the ones who allow it to continue.

Some people for the convenience of not having to protect themselves are willing to sell all of us down the river of facism.

They would never stand and fight,

to busy seeing who is the best dressed.

What is Oprah giving away?

How can I get the Credit card companies to raise my credit limit again?

Does this outfit make me look fat?

Hey the Jones got the new Chyrsler 300!!

That is what is important to them.

Some of us are to blame too!

Hey have you seen the new Glock in urban cammo?

I think BDU's are better!

Hey my reloader is the top of the line!

It is not how much you have. It is, are you using it to better the life of your family and the republic?

Or are you just aquiring stuff.

A great soldier doesn't need all the toys.

He needs the best training, and heart lots of heart.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf