
It seems maybe Beck got off on the wrong foot, when he was at CNN.
I think he continued the fantasy when he first got to Fox.

But if you take his message in complete context. I really think he has been coming around to see things as most of us see them.

Hell there are many of us that don't agree on every issue, but we listen to each other. I may not agree with anarchist view. But I do believe that this country was founded with as little Government as possible. As close to anarchy as we could be and still remain united.

My friends I think we are falling into the trap of never seeing a change in someone. We cry for the sheep to wake up but fail to see when they do.
Beck started off saying how crazy any patriot was. Now he is calling for all patriots to unite. I believe he has called for " Faith, Hope and Charity". If that isn't one of our basic values in the patriot movement.

If not, Then I will eat my hat.

He has a different view of the way to return to the Republic, he preaches Non Violence like King. I and many of you hold a different view. We have prepared for the violence we expect.

Gentlemen and Ladies I pray everyday that his way will succeed and we will never need to use those weapon we train with.

If you are praying the other way, then you are not a fellow patriot of mine.

To pray for war means no matter how much of the old Republic of our founders came back into existence, you would never be satified.

What I have seen in Beck lately is a man who says what he thinks Knowing his days are numbered. Either by being pulled from the air, destroyed by the very media he is part of,or maybe killed by some left wing socialist/ communist.

He will only have a short time to say his piece.

I suggest listen with an open mind, do your own research (as he asks you to do every night), then make up your own mind.

But anyone here who comes into a situation with a made up mind can never adjust to the new reality we will face.

In other words this is a chance to test your ability to adjust as things change, and they will change.

We all preach about freedom, let's do the very thing we claim to love. Be free minded individuals, willing to give all for the liberty, we were given.

Yes given, Any of the wars most of us have fought in, were for other peoples freedom.

Our freedom has not been in jeopardy since WWII.

Until now....

Most of us alive today,will have our chance now to stand for freedom.

Some will be executed by the enemy for our beliefs,

some will stand like Beck till crushed.

Some of us may have to fight.

Many will run and turn on their brothers.

But your chance to fight for your freedom is coming.

Whether you do it like King, or like Washington and the founders.

or like Benedict Arnold.

Your chance is coming. I promise you!!!


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf