While I believe the question is rhetorical about the "New Fusion" project I will explain for those who don't know.
In the beginning the federal government had little if any access to State LEO and Emergency Management files, sources, and intelligence. This was reported to diminish their ability to prevent local anti-American groups from plotting "Terrorism'.
The States were also not allowed access to Federal and fellow state files, sources, and intelligence. Thus allowing local anti-American groups from outside the states to operate in their states. It also created a problem when Federal and out of state agencies conducted operations unknown to the state LEO and the Governor's Office.
To clean up the problem the Federal Government established these fusion centers where the State, the Federal Government, and local agencies could meet and "Share" files, sources, and intelligence on known anti-American groups.
If you remember last year the story that surfaced about the fliers in Oklahoma about who a potential Terrorist was. You know you and me and every Christian, ex-military, pro-lifer and of course supporters of Ron Paul.
In my state last month they moved into a new federal and state funded building and provided full time manning.
Thus if these offices have access to DHS, IRS, FBI, CIA, State police, local police files, sources, and intelligence on potential anti-American Terrorist groups made up of Christian, ex-military, pro-lifers and of course supporters of Ron Paul what else do they know they are keeping under wraps.
Since Lil Barry changed the foreign agents permission to allow INTERPOL to operate within our country could they also have access to the state, federal, and surrounding states files, sources, and intelligence on potential anti-American Terrorist groups and Christian, ex-military, pro-lifer and of course supporters of Ron Paul. Why not?
Then this year Lil Barry created the regional Governors boards which just so happens to overlay the 10 FEMA Regions. This board provides the ability for a local "Presidentially Selected Governor" to activate the region's National Guards, State police, Leo, Emergency Management, and resource use in an emergency that these Governors can decree.
Can you say North American Union?