Whether it is within a department or a larger bureaucracy competition still arises, for if they are to improve their position they have to expand and in order to do that they take over other bureaucracies or advance within the department by pushing the other guy down and running up the score where the end justifies the means and they do not care how many innocent people they destroy along the way, nation-wide the conviction rate is 99% or higher, private investigations show numbers as high as 37% false and malicious prosecution.

Do not take these agencies lightly, they are a very real threat and present a clear and present danger to the individual and organizations.

Seattle PD and the ATG for WA state are going after gangs with a huge amount of media and uninformed (because the media misinforms) support of the public, example; Son's of Liberty Riders motorcycle association is being listed as a gang, a single individual warming up his motorcycle on the street in front of his house can be charged under the new Seattle Police department rules and the ATG is working on federal funding to make it a state wide law.

This is not fun and games, this is war and you are the target, be careful out there.

PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ