I hope I can get this to make sense. While many of the members of patriotic organizations spend hours and weekends reading up on what they have been taught in school, and by the school of hard knocks, they are mostly re-digesting misinformation.
I ask that you try to accept what I am about to say until you have three not media, not governmental, and not Snopes, non-concurring references.
We the people of this country are not now, not since FDR stole our Gold, and especially since Lincoln's 1865 Declaration of Martial Law, had any rights other than those we received from our god.
The purpose of Government is to make money. One of the ways that they make money is by arresting "US CITIZENS" and charging them with commercial crimes and making them pay fines.
If they can find a large group of associated "US CITIZENS" that they have asked the media to identify as "Terrorists, Gangs, Militias, Criminals, ect" they can make a lot of money.
When they arrest a "US CITIZEN" he will immediately hire a B.A.R. certified and licensed lawyer. That "US CITIZEN" will be prosecuted by a B.A.R. certified and licensed lawyer hired by the State where they live or are arrested. Then their trial will be Judged by a B.A.R. certified and licensed lawyer who has been hired, appointed, or in some states elected to his position. This Judge is payed by the State or Federal Government. That State government is incorporated under the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corp.
When all of the evidence that is allowed by this judge is given to the Jury of your peers and they are directed to only consider that allowed evidence under penalty of law you wonder why you were convicted.
The last item on the agenda to prison is when you sign a document checked and approved by you B.A.R. certified and licensed Lawyer who is working for YOU where by you agree with the sentence and thus a Surety Bond is created for the amount of the Fines and you agree to go to prison until it is paid, or you complete some number of months or years in their Prison institution.
That bond is bought by the bank and traded on the Bond market as a Tax free Municipal Bond.
Now think about 5 members of a NJ Islamic center plotting with an FBI informant to attack Ft Dix.
The housing of federal prisoners is the responsibility of three
Department of Justice (DOJ) components: the U.S. Marshals Service
(USMS), the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), and the Federal
Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The USMS detains individuals awaiting trial for
federal crimes. The INS detains persons charged with violating immigration
laws, entering the country illegally, or awaiting deportation. The BOP
maintains custody of persons convicted of crimes and sentenced to federal
All three components obtain space for prisoners through contracts with
private contractors and through intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) with
state and local governments. In some cases, the space and services
obtained through an IGA are actually provided by a private contractor of the
state or local government entity. Private prison contractors provide DOJ
with about 18,000 beds each day.
These contractors are Corporations that sell stock and are traded on the open market.
This means that every person arrested, convicted, and imprisoned is a source of revenue, not the expenditure we keep hearing about.
The city,county,state and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corp receive the income from the sale of the Surety Bonds on their fines plus the money from the seizure of their personal property for those fines.
The B.A.R. Lawyers guild makes huge amounts of money for putting them into prisons that is paid for with our taxes.
Then the bankers and Stock holding traders make more in investment in the "Real Estate Investment Trusts" for the Independent Contractors who manage those prisons our tax dollars built and our communities pay for the Support of.
However they all pay taxes to our City,State, Federal Government from the gains.
With this kind of income possibilities the need for these Centers of increased intelligence to find those "Associated" is great, as a cost savings move, since it is more cost effective to try and convict 5 terrorists in one trial than it is for just one Burglar.
Does this explain the reluctance of the Federal and State Government to send the "Associated Illegal Aliens" who have to commit crime to eat in these hard times back to where ever they come from.