Even when they monitor some people who have had some "wrongdoing" a whole lot of it is extreme overkill in a lot of places.

On that shooting incident with the deaf guy, there is an issue with a lot of people in law enforcement having that odd syllable dropping "academy" or "street" manner of speech that can be hard for a lot of normal people to understand. Unfortunately, I could clearly hear "DROP THE KNIFE" in that video, no slurred speech, no dropped syllables, it was pretty clear.

I don't know if maybe the guy was just bewildered as he was a street vendor trying to sell the cop a knife or something, but from what little I can see in the video, the cop stopped his car and jumped out because something alarmed him to the point he felt he needed to deal with it right away.

Too bad for the guy, and that half-measure of having a weapon in your hand but not raised or something just is not smart to do in those situations. Either have it out of your hand or go game-on. In between does not work so well, obviously.

I don't think I can quite step up to calling it murder if the guy was deaf, but a lot of the gun vs knife training that shooters get these days goes on the assumption that they are up against a determined martial artist who is capable of inflicting a fatal blow within seven yards, when in reality that is a challenge even for some fairly skilled people on their best days.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.