Cough, Cough,

Guys, help me out here a minute. To the best of my knowledge, since we hit Libiya with bombers for his involvement in Germany this particular camel jockey has kept his head down outside of his own country. 6 weeks ago he had a nice strong growing econmy.

We have attacked a country that has not made a move on us, nor has made any attempt in many years to do so. We have not tried to interfere with internal issues with Russia, Georgia, Chechians, North Korea, Cambodia or Rowanda or many other places.

If you were in charge of or a part of the forces there and you have been attacked from outside countries when you are dealing with an internal issue. How would you respond?

Round up all of the nationals from those countries attacking and start executing them? Find ways to launch any attack you could on their home soil? What would be off limits to you if it was your homeland being attacked by outside forces?

Brothers I fear this will be what the future may hold. Then you will have your excuse and reasons to suspend the constitution and implement martial law on the land.

Looking at this does not make sense to me why we are involved unless it is a shell game to divert peoples attention away from something else. Think about it, why are we making another country willing to do anything to hurt us when they did not attack us?

Are we now using this as the future mold for action? That if we do not like your countries politics we now have the precident set that will promote attacking it?

I am not supporting this particular camel jockey, but I am having issues supporting what would appear to be state sponsored terror and this time it is not the camel jockey starting it.
