It is even worse than that.
we look at drains like Welfare, unemployment Insurance (Not covered by any insurance Company rather in many states is covered by the State by charging rates to an employer),Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps. These just touch the tip of the blade.
We forget "Unearned income credit refunds', Disaster assistance, Flood Insurance, Federal and State retirement.
When a tornado strikes an area and the State Governor asks the Federal Government will pay 25% of the damages in grants and low interest loans.
The day is coming soon when all of these drains will be cut back.
They will be cut back because the Elected Felons will see that these unlike the biggies are easier to trim and still stay in office.
We had all better start looking for that second career. There are already street protests scheduled by the Black Panthers, the SEIU, and the Mexican groups. They too see that as soon as the drop in the bucket of Retirement, Medicare, isaster loans and grants to States and people that their slice of the Pie is next.
The only hold up is that pesky 2nd Amendment that keeps them at a disadvantage. When Lil Barry declares Martial Law and gun collection there will be no one to oppose their demands.
Soon after that the banks will close and the eaters will be shopping in your neighborhood.