Anyone who waits another month, will be completely scrod, and I am not exaggerating.
Then I will be totally, utterly, completely scrod.

I have no preps, I used to, but I lost all of them do to a situation beyond my control.

I also only have one 1911 and one 10/22 Ruger and no Ammo, since I had to sell my FAL and my AR15 to pay for my Mothers Funeral last year.

Like it is said, when it rains it pours and if it wasn't for bad luck I would have no luck at all.

I hope to be able to get another AR15 this Summer but if the SHTF before I am able to get it, well at least I know where I am going when I die.

At this point the best and only thing I can do is pray.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)