Originally posted by airforce:
Now [b]Sen. Charles Schumer is proposing a no-ride list for Amtrak trains . But since no one rides them anyway...

Onward and upward,
airforce [/b]
Say goodbye to Amtrak.

The only reason now to ride the train is to avoid TSA Harassment and if we are also going to be Harassed to ride the Train then we might as well Fly or as I will be doing, driving.

I checked with Amtrak on getting from my area to Arizona and it not only Cost over $900 when I could Fly for less then $100, the trip by train also took a lot longer then what it would take to drive there. So I said no way to Amtrak.

When I go to Arizona I will drive.

Politicians must be among the most stupid animals on the Earth since anyone with more intelligence then an Amoeba should know that unlike an Aircraft, a Train can not be hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center or other large building.

Also if any terrorists are more intelligent then Schumer they would know that the best way to attack a Train is not to attack it from inside the Train, but to attack it by attacking the Tracks it runs on.

Personally if I was on a Train and if terrorists attacked it I would prefer them to be on the Train and that way I would at least have a chance instead of then blowing the Tracks when the Train went over a deep canyon or river etc.

This is just about chapter on how to convert our Once Great Republic into a Full Socialist Police State.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)