Originally posted by J. Croft:
Wow, and I was thinking the German General/pedophile was what would get the flak going...
I don't think anyone here would stick up for damn pedophile queers.

Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
It is quite apparent at least to me that some of the members have Zero Idea on how or what is needed to [b]WIN the coming Civil War or Revolution, or what some Patriots, will out of desperation believe they need to do...[/b]
It is apparent to me that some militiamen do not understand one of the most important aspects of guerrilla warfare which is to strive above all to the win hearts and minds of the people. If freedom fighters kill innocent citizens then soon the freedom fighters will not have enough support from the population to have a chance of defeating tyranny.

Also killing innocent people is immoral and cowardly and if you kill innocent people you are likely to be burning in Hell forever for it. Brave men choose death before dishonor. I wonder how many men here are really ready to fight for our God given constitutional rights and are not just keyboard commandos?


Military mastermind: Lawrence of Arabia's 15 principles of modern guerrilla warfare

1. Strive above all to win hearts and minds
2. Establish an unassailable base
3. Remain strategically dispersed
4. Make maximum use of mobility
5. Operate mainly in small, local groups
6. Remain largely detached from the enemy
7. Do not attempt to hold ground
8. Operate in depth rather than en face (i.e. not in lines)
9. Aim for perfect intelligence about the enemy
10. Concentrate only for momentary tactical superiority
11. Strike only when the enemy can be taken by surprise
12. Never engage in sustained combat
13. Always have lines of retreat open
14. Make war on matériel rather than on men
15. Make a virtue of the individuality, irregularity, and unpredictability of guerrillas

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper