This is more evidence that Black People are extremely stupid and I wish they had never been brought here.

Isn't Alabama a Shall Issue State and pro gun. Crap like this is going to cause a lot of problems for Blacks, and they just may end up wishing they were still slaves.

I wonder what Al and Jesssie will do the next time a Mob of Blacks attempts this crap and the Man on his porch defends himself by emptying a Pistol into the F***ing Mob and since even Blacks who are still children love to beat up on White People, what will Al, Jessie and the ignorant Black masses will do when the white man who was defending himself kills some 14 or even 12 year old Black Scum.

And Blacks have even more they should be concerned about, which is, what if a lot of White People get ticked off enough by these Barbaric Blacks and get a little payback, like what happened in 1921 in Tulsa, and what happened in I believe it was 1949 Florida.

I will take a guess and say that White People will start having a Firearm on or near them if they want to sit on their porch and they just may shoot at any group of Blacks that even approach them. By the way does Alabama have a “Go Ahead Make My Day” Law if they do I suppose some Blacks are going to get shot if they even approach, in a threatening manner, a White Person., out in public.

Blacks better start learning Math, and what being a Minority actually means in the real world.

In the United States Whites are still in the Majority and Whites own the Majority of Firearms so it is not smart for Blacks to be pushing White People too far and that is what they are now doing.

It wasn't all that long ago that the Klan had a lot of members and if Black People keep pushing their luck, the Klan will use that to recruit a lot more members out of all the by then very ticked off White People who just want to live without fear of being attacked just for BEING WHITE.

It used to be Blacks who were in fear of White People and now it is White People who may be in fear of Blacks and the World keeps turning and soon it may again be the Blacks turn to live in fear of White People.

Any one who know much about European History, will know that Europeans aka White People, can be extremely VICIOUS and fully capable of committing acts of extreme CREULITY and DEPRAVITY when pushed and even for the pure enjoyment of it, so it behooves Blacks to understand that they are not the ones in Power, and even if they are the majority in their City, in the entire Country they are totally outnumbered and out gunned by White People and if you add in Mexicans and others from south of the border and Asians, both of whom don't get along all that well with Blacks, they just may finally understand what it is like to be one Zebra surrounded by a Pride of Lions.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)