Originally posted by J. Croft:
One over-eager cop wannabe and one street youth have caused a New Madrid sized racial fault line to really go active and all the race pimps and all our enemies are exploiting that tragedy to try and spark a race war.
Zimmerman and Tray-von matter not one iota.

They are merely a point of exploitation.
If not them, it would be some other incident.

There WILL be other incidents to exploit for the politics of division.

All of this has been planned out for more than a year now. OWS, Tray-Von, the WI State Fair last year, the mob thefts, all part of the plan.

Soros and the Administration as well as hardcore marxists in Congress, the lamestream 5th column and elsewhere.

Expect more of the same and for the rhetoric and violence to escalate unless Zero is virtually guaranteed re-election.

That's how it is, guys.

The War for America
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