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10 dire consequences #155113
11/07/2012 03:37 AM
11/07/2012 03:37 AM
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10 dire consequences of Obama’s re-election victory

Mike Adams
Natural News
Nov 7, 2012

As of this writing, it looks like Obama has a lock on the electoral college victory, although it simultaneously appears he has lost the popular vote to Romney.

What does an Obama re-election mean for the next four years in America? Now that he’s in his second and last term, of course, Obama no longer needs to restrain his actions according to popularity. He can simply unleash any desirable executive order and rule by decree, bypassing Congress as he has frequently promised to do.

This puts America in a very dangerous situation, given Obama’s well-demonstrated desire to destroy freedom and liberty in America. Remember: Obama is anti health freedom, anti food freedom, anti GMO labeling, anti medical freedom and anti farm freedom. He’s the one who issued an executive order claiming government ownership over all farms and farm equipment, in case you forgot that little fact.

He’s also the guy who just recently issued an executive order merging Homeland Security with local corporate entities to grant the executive branch of government a power monopoly over the nation, bypassing the courts and Congress. You probably haven’t even heard about that one, because he secretly signed it during Hurricane Sandy.

Given Obama’s atrocious track record on freedom during his first four years in the White House, here are my top 10 predictions for the next four (if America even lasts that long before ripping itself apart):

#1) Huge expansion of TSA and the surveillance state

Watch for TSA to expand its occupation of America by setting up checkpoints on roadways, sporting events, malls and “surprise” locations. Expect to see TSA agents become even more belligerent and lawless as they ramp up their sexual molestation of innocent victims.

#2) Expansion of secret arrests of American citizens

Obama secretly signed the NDAA, legalizing the secret arrests of U.S. citizens while denying them due process. Obama also authorized secret “kill lists” that claim to authorize the U.S. government to assassinate targeted individuals.

With his re-election in place, expect Obama to start issuing a mass of “kill orders” that will even start targeting political opponents.

#3) Acceleration of national debt blowout and endless fiat currency creation

Under Obama, the national debt experienced a massive blowout where Obama added trillions of dollars to the existing debt:

Right now, Obama is overseeing a trillion dollars a year in additional debt — an amount that simply cannot be sustained without running smack into a financial catastrophe. It now appears that financial collapse it going to occur under Obama, not Romney.

#4) Rapid expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion

Monsanto and the biotech corporations have thrived under the Obama administration thanks to USDA collusion and scientific fraud.

Over the next four years, expect GMOs to dominate the U.S. food supply while the Obama White House rejects any effort to try to label GMOs on a national basis.

#5) Increasingly dictatorial government health care

Obamacare will grow like a cancer, pushing Americans into mandatory vaccinations that inject children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum.

Look for the Obama administration to wage even more wars against raw milk freedom, farm freedom and food freedom, all while requiring yet more foods to be pasteurized or fumigated under the guise of “food safety.”

#6) Immediate surge in sales of guns and ammo

Obama has promised to try to destroy the Second Amendment and deny Americans the liberty to own firearms. With his re-election, expect to see a massive surge in gun sales as more people attempt to stock up in anticipation of gun bans (or government gun confiscation).

#7) Accelerated erosion of the Bill of Rights and civil liberties

Under Obama, civil rights, human rights and the Bill of Rights will be rapidly eroded. This goes hand in hand with the cancerous growth of government. As government expands its power and confiscates more economic resources, it simultaneously destroys individual liberties and due process.

This isn’t to say that Romney would have been any better, of course. Both candidates were philosophically invested in the rapid expansion of Big Government.

#8) Continued destruction and looting of the U.S. economy

Under Obama, the financial looting of the U.S. economy by the global bankster elite will continue. The same would have been true with Romney, by the way.

Under Obama, America’s unemployment rate will continue to head skyward, entitlements will be expanded, and the USA will be plunged into a tyrannical welfare state dominated by mindless zombies who have no cognitive grasp of reality.

#9) A “giant sucking sound” of employers leaving America

Ross Perot was right! That “giant sucking sound” is the sound of employers leaving America in droves, hiring offshore workers instead of creating jobs in the USA. And why? Because employers can’t afford to pay Obamacare mandates and still stay competitive in the global marketplace.

#10) Stepped-up attacks on veterans and preppers

Returning U.S. veterans will continue to be vilified by the Obama administration, to the point where even more veterans will be arrested as “terrorists” for engaging in fundamental preparedness strategies such as storing food, water, medicine and ammo.

Watch for the liberal media to join the White House in painting veterans as “dangerous” individuals needing psychiatric medications. Never mind the fact that the media owes preppers a huge apology in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: 10 dire consequences #155114
11/07/2012 06:48 AM
11/07/2012 06:48 AM
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And the apropriate responses:

1) Be a dickhead every time you get searched or inconvenienced in any way. Practice personal security on a regular basis and look for opportunities to defend yourself against any level of inappropriate surveillance. Capitalize every single opportunity to discredit any and all police state tactics, from ridiculing "Fusion Centers" being used to enforce parking violations to harassing surveillance cameras. One aspect of this, harass and threaten those who direct cameras on your property without your consent, cooperation or permission. The government putting cameras on the street is one bad thing, them getting a clear view of your driveway is a worse bad thing, let them know that, especially when they don't readily share the information with the victims of crime.

2) Secret arrests: Yeah well, the payback is a bitch program for snitches is a start, but more importantly those situations have to be verified and recorded. All such secret arrests situations should be treated appropriately as unlawful kidnap situations. If they can't be stopped in progress, then retaliate. Engage in counterintelligence whenever possible, run interference, expose operations, leak information when possible, identify individual agents and shotcallers when possible. Boycott those who do business with them, boycott their families, boycot any family businesses. This is critically important part of punishng a police state because it usually goes hand in hand with "crony capitalism" which is a capitalist society, but only for those with political connections, sort of a waypoint between fascism and feudalism. What it depends a lot on is the loyalty of functionaries who financially benefit long after their participation in police state actions.

#3) so what, that's the macroeconomic issue, and unless you are a multi-millionare there is not a whole lot you can do about it. Grab whatever currency you can relatively morally and ethically (legality not an ethical or moral issue) and convert it to real wealth. Any retard who continues to convert wealth to stock market and machine feeding financial wrangling has been warned. At this point, I am trying to figure out why I am supposed to have so much pity on those who cry woes about how the paper they shuffled became "lost wealth" when they were not investing in things like farming, construction and manufacturing.

#4) Start a garden, invest in a farm, make your own food shopping choices. Farm to fork investment is growing, but not fast enough. Personally, in my garden this year, the non-GMO stuff died off and the GMO stuff was what actually gave me some edible food, but financially was horribly inefficient. I spent far more on gardening stuff than I would have spent at the farmer's market once a week on Sundays.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: 10 dire consequences #155115
11/07/2012 07:46 AM
11/07/2012 07:46 AM
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10 dire consequences of Obama’s re-election victory
How about nine dire consequences and one good consequence.

The way I look at it
#6) Immediate surge in sales of guns and ammo
is not a dire consequence but is a good consequence.

Although it will make it harder and more costly for me to purchase the AR-15 I need to get and the ammo.

Another issue is how much more crap will Patriots peacefully endure before they take violent action.

And there is yet another issue.

What if these two things occur:

#8) Continued destruction and looting of the U.S. economy

Under Obama, the financial looting of the U.S. economy by the global bankster elite will continue. The same would have been true with Romney, by the way.

Under Obama, America’s unemployment rate will continue to head skyward, entitlements will be expanded, and the USA will be plunged into a tyrannical welfare state dominated by mindless zombies who have no cognitive grasp of reality.

#9) A “giant sucking sound” of employers leaving America

Ross Perot was right! That “giant sucking sound” is the sound of employers leaving America in droves, hiring offshore workers instead of creating jobs in the USA. And why? Because employers can’t afford to pay Obamacare mandates and still stay competitive in the global marketplace.
And what will happen if the idiots who supported Obama and now find themselves unemployed or realize that they are still unemployed begin to understand that they have been lied to by Obama, is it not likely that at least some of them might be angry enough to riot and to even take direct physical action against his administration or even Obama himself.

The majority of Militia and other Patriots are moral and basically nonviolent people which is why we have sat on our butts and not yet taken any direct and violent action against those who have violated our rights.

But as I see it, the majority of Liberals are not as moral or as nonviolent as Patriots and Conservatives in general and are a lot more likely to resort to various levels of violence when they are angry about what they feel is an injustice or even a perceived injustice.

As evidence of this all that is necessary is to think about what the type of people who are some of Obama's supporters and mostly liberals have done in the past, like when King was Assassinated or more recently what happened because of Rodney King being beaten by Cops or the totally innocent man who was savagely beaten by Black Animals on his own porch in Alabama because of what happened to a Black Criminal in Florida.

And it is not only Black Liberals who have a tendency to be violent or at least behave badly just think of the Wall Street protesters. And there was the Anti Gun Protest in I believe Denver where a Liberal Anti-Gun demonstrator who happened to be one of leaders of the Anti-Gun group physically assaulted one of the Pro-Gun demonstrators, who by the way was carrying a sidearm yet did not defend himself. The Liberal was arrested for assault.

If the Feds are worried about anyone using violence they should be a lot more concerned about the Liberals then any Conservative including Conservative Militia and any other real American Patriots.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: 10 dire consequences #155116
11/07/2012 09:08 AM
11/07/2012 09:08 AM
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#5) Practice personal health when and where you can, make connections with online and foreign pharmacies and reduce your footprint in the health care system. On the other hand, if you get sick, might as well sign up for what you are paying for anyway. I used to pay upwards of $200 for a pair of eyeglasses in the late 1980s. Now I can get them mail order from China for $39.95 and I think they are all coming out of the same factories.

There are medical professionals who can and will provide health care for cash. Use them. Move to and interact with alternative cash communities. A lot of doctors end up living and working in those places anyway.

Personally, I am not on board with the raw milk thing. You make your choices, I'll make mine. I don't want to roll the dice on food poisoning so I get pasteurized milk at the store, but if you want your own cow in the back yard, more power to you. I hear that bootleg raw milk goes for $15 per gallon in some circles.

#6 Buy guns, ammo, magazines and some accessories. Buy extras for trading around, especially among older folk. Old folk who will be passing along soon anyway should consider it a legitimate source of spare income to go buy extra guns for cash and barter purposes. Respect a modest markup on guns in return for some privacy, and respect the privacy of buyers and sellers who seem legitimate. Remember, only the government hands high end hardware over to a bunch of dopers sporting gang tatoos and are fresh from the last massacre they pulled off down in Mexico. Use common sense with this, but yeah, buy extras and trade them around privately. That creates a resource pool of usable weapons out there which has a reduced enemy intelligence footprint as time goes on.

#7) Agitate, resist, retaliate when your rights are violated. Be rightfully offended and show it when someone implies support for the violation of rights. The flip side, don't do anything to facilitate victimization. The police state likes to use high crime as a justification for their actions, but you always need to stress that they define and create much of the crime they supposedly fight against. Take a realistic look at tolerance for community programs which help the poor and be merciful to the poor from the standpoint that you don't want people getting desperate enough to turn to crime for survival, especially when they might lose sight of what is immoral vs what is just illegal. Engage in vigilantism when appropriate, but be absolutely ruthless with criminals who align themselves with the police state as an empowerment play.

If you find common criminals who utilize the police state in order to facilitate crime, then they need to suffer the wrath of vigilantism. Any connection they have with the police state apparatus should be made very public by the vigilantes.

#8) Harden, hide, decentralize your wealth. Engage in cash and barter business wherever possible, divorce your capital from the system whenever possible. Do NOT, however allow yourself to be reduced to the depression that keeps you from producing wealth. The working poor are the key to a lot of things in this country, and suffer an effective 80% tax rate. Teaching and facilitating self sufficiency to the working poor will seriously inhibit the function of the oligarch crony system.

#9) Think locally, act globally.

#10), Veterans and preppers also exist at several different levels of society. Play the payback is a bitch game when you can get away with it. Learn and know who the enemies of freedom are and make sure they feel the bite in the ass when Karma comes back to them. Promote prepping to the mainstream, network with other preppers, establish and support the survivalist enclave communities.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: 10 dire consequences #155117
11/08/2012 03:02 AM
11/08/2012 03:02 AM
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Obama decision puts America on trajectory toward financial mega-disaster

Mike Adams
Natural News
Nov 8, 2012

The re-election of Obama was more than the mere selection of one man over another; it was an endorsement of a set of economic policies that are now launching America into a trajectory that can only end in economic disaster.

With the election now etched in the history books, America has endorsed an endless government spending spree that can no longer be held in check. There is only one outcome now for the United States of America: A grand finale blowout of money creation, hyperinflation, collapse and tyranny.

This point is not a debate; it is mathematical fact. Just as 2 + 2 = 4, the economic policies pursued by President Obama and the Federal Reserve can only equal the utter financial demise of the U.S. dollar. This is explained in more detail, below.

Fortunately, the number of U.S. dollars in circulation around the world serves as a kind of “heat sink” that slows the arrival of the final blowout collapse. So this process may take years to unfold, but Obama seems to determined to accelerate its arrival for reasons that may become clear as you continue to read this article.

The curse of compounding debt

Presently, Obama is spending over $1 trillion a year more than the U.S. government confiscates in so-called “revenue” (taxes, essentially). Because the global demand to purchase this much debt is insufficient to cover the full amount, the private Federal Reserve has stepped in and promised to purchase the U.S. debt by issuing more fiat currency that the U.S. Treasury will owe back to the Fed. This is now being called “QE unlimited.” It means unlimited money creation.

Mathematically, this is called “the curse of compounding debt.” It means you’re paying interest on the money you borrowed to pay the interest on the money you already owe. As this debt compounds, it multiplies itself over and over again, quickly escalating to the point where it ends catastrophically.

During this process, which can take several years to ramp up, the debt blowout is not immediately obvious. In the early years, prices keep rising but not necessarily rapidly enough to cause immediate panic. Sure, the bread you buy this year costs 40% more than the bread you bought last year, but nobody is carting around wheelbarrows of cash… not yet, anyway.

As the currency devaluation and price inflation reach their stride, more frequent price increases start to concern citizens who suddenly discover their paychecks are rapidly becoming worthless. This inevitably leads to protests in the streets, and in an Obama administration — staffed by economic juveniles who are astonishingly ignorant of market principles — this will quickly lead to dreaded PRICE CONTROLS.

Why price controls cause immediate supply shortages and starvation

Once the price controls are announced, it’s time to hunker down, lock and load, and start protecting your stored food. Why? Because price controls always lead to immediate shortages.

A price control is an artificial government restriction on the free market trading of goods or services. It’s economics 101: When prices are kept artificially low, demand is made artificially high while supply can’t keep up. The result? Empty food shelves.

The empty food shelves will, in turn, lead to riots in the streets. Why? Because people are starving, angry and panicked. Imagine the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy multiplied by a thousand, happening everywhere from coast to coast. That’s a small hint of what’s coming for Obama’s America.

Riots in the streets lead to Martial Law

Once the riots in the streets reach a crescendo, the President will have little choice but to declare Martial Law and use the opportunity to deploy troops on the streets. From there, the nation already has one foot in the door of runaway police state tyranny.

This is the point where, historically, nations have engaged in the mass rounding up of political enemies or “undesirable” demographics: The Jews, the rebels, even the academics as we saw in the Communist-led Cultural Revolution in China.

There, the communists (i.e. the 1960′s equivalent of today’s Obama followers) rounded up over 7 million human beings, targeting farmers, academics and anyone who could think for themselves, and then slaughtered them in cold blood.

I know this from first-hand accounts, by the way. Remember: I speak Mandarin Chinese, and I lived in Asia for two years. I have personally spoken to survivors of the Chinese holocaust — people who escaped and fled to Taiwan.

As explained on

The widespread phenomenon of mass killings in the Cultural Revolution consisted of five types: 1) mass terror or mass dictatorship encouraged by the government – victims were humiliated and then killed by mobs or forced to commit suicide on streets or other public places; 2) direct killing of unarmed civilians by armed forces; 3) pogroms against traditional “class enemies” by government-led perpetrators such as local security officers, militias and mass; 4) killings as part of political witch-hunts (a huge number of suspects of alleged conspiratorial groups were tortured to death during investigations); and 5) summary execution of captives, that is, disarmed prisoners from factional armed conflicts. The most frequent forms of massacres were the first four types, which were all state-sponsored killings. The degree of brutality in the mass killings of the Cultural Revolution was very high. Usually, the victims perished only after first being humiliated, struggled and then imprisoned for a long period of time.

This is where America is headed, folks. The TSA fulfills the “mass terror / dictatorship” role once it is deployed on the streets of America. Meanwhile, Obama’s supporters are already engaged in threats of violence against all political opponents, and inciters of violence like Michael Moore have promoted videos encouraging destruction and violence while saying things like, “We’ll burn this mother f*%#er down,” followed by “Yes we can” in Spanish. (Si, se puede.)

In this kind of behavior, we are watching the rise of a new gang of violent-minded Obammunists who can’t wait to engage in the mass murder of conservative Americans: Farmers, veterans and especially gun owners. The desire is to have them all rounded up, tortured, and then either murdered or sent to re-education camps. This is where it’s all headed now.

The ten steps to tyranny under Obammunism

Getting from today’s America to an oppressive, tyrannical “Obammunism” police state is faster and easier than you think. Here’s how it might unfold, in review:

1) Runaway government spending forces nation into debt spiral.
2) Fed prints new currency and buys debt, compounding existing debt.
3) Debt explodes, causing runaway price inflation.
4) Rising prices lead to citizen protests.
5) Government initiates price controls to try to halt protests.
6) Shelves are emptied of food as people starve.
7) Mass riots begin.
8) Government initiates Martial Law.
9) Troops are rolled out onto the streets.
10) Under the cover of Martial Law, the mass rounding up of political opponents begins, complete with torture, public humiliation, murder and re-education camps.

Obama supporters are almost universally ignorant of history

This is not mere conjecture, this is HISTORY, and history is doomed to repeat itself, especially among those who are ignorant of it.

And nobody is more ignorant of history today than Obama supporters who seem to have no clue that they are members of a personality cult that has swept them into a dangerous fervor where anything is excusable: Threats of violence, rioting, murder and worse.

America is just a few steps away from all this not just happening, but actually being socially acceptable! “We rounded up some rebel preppers today,” will be the announcement on the evening news. “And sent them to rehabilitation camps.” (The newsroom cheers…)

Mass murder in the name of Obama

Many times in humanity’s past, this very thing has been accepted as perfectly legitimate by intelligent populations. German citizens, for example, saw this happening right under their noses and believed it was acceptable behavior by a government. The same is true for the Chinese under Mao Zedong and the citizens of Cambodia under Pol Pot.

What makes you think today’s zombified voters — people are have already been brainwashed to give up their constitutional rights in response to an utterly fabricated “war on terror” — will be any smarter in their response to a planned financial collapse?

The inescapable truth of the matter is that Obama’s followers will commit mass murder in his name — gleefully, willfully and with a sense of pride and even patriotism. There is no wrong that can be committed in Obama’s name, his cult followers believe. And the fact that those people are now leaning towards violence in their political rhetoric is a red flag warning of dire things yet to come.

People like Michael Moore are racial instigators of violence and hate. And yet, astonishingly, his video remains perfectly acceptable to YouTube, the same video site that bans anything critical of the TSA (as I personally found out last year with the release of my “TSA Help Wanted” video).

Those who preach hate and violence must be stopped

The endless racism attacks on conservatives by Obama supporters are reprehensible and even dangerous. They risk inciting a backlash from conservatives who, frankly, are far better armed than the Obama crowd.

When Bill Maher recently warned Romney supporters that “Black people know who you are and they will come after you,” he made that statement in total ignorance of the sheer number of AR-15s awaiting whatever hapless gang bangers would even attempt such a suicide mission.

Really? You want to hunt down some whiteys and have a go at some race-based crime? While some feminine-leaning “metrosexual” men may be easily found in cities, once you venture out into rural America, you’re facing a different beast altogether: Country boys can unleash a 7.62 x 51mm round through your skull at 600 yards, and if pushed into a corner, they have no moral reservation against killing someone who threatens their family or community.

Don’t mess with conservative America, folks. All that talk of hatred and violence is only being tolerated right now because country boys don’t want to waste the ammo on you yet. Keep up that talk, Michael Moore and Bill Maher, and sooner or later somebody who has run out of patience is likely to teach you what “reach out and touch someone” really means in U.S. Marine Scout Sniper school.

I don’t condone any of that, of course. My advice is for Obama cultists to tone down the violent rhetoric before they set off something they wish they hadn’t. Violence is never the best way to resolve political differences, although throughout world history it has certainly been the most common way.

The bottom line in all this is that once the debt collapse begins, it’s the preppers who have the firepower, the skills, the food, the water and the farmland. It’s the veterans, the farmers and the local sheriffs who have the know-how to get through tough times. While Obamabot voters have put America on a collision with economic collapse, they remain clueless of the reality that they are bringing about their own destruction in the process.

After all, who would you rather be hanging with when the collapse comes: Michael Moore, or James Wesley Rawles?

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: 10 dire consequences #155118
11/08/2012 06:32 AM
11/08/2012 06:32 AM
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Here is the map

[Linked Image]

The blue areas are places where people are demanding socialism because their environment is so locked in when it comes to resources but in a lot of ways, they don't have access to the resources in the red areas due to economic controls, lack of land ownership and the fact that the government is still the largest single employer in the red areas too. They gravitate to the blue areas also because they often have the best social services resources. What is a lot more subtle are the issues of cronyism in the red areas, and those who have gone from the red areas to the blue areas often carry those resentments with them and define the culture in the blue areas. Remember even the early black ghettos of the 1940s and 1950s were urban enclaves populated by Blacks who were no longer safe in a lot of the country areas due to Klan activity. In the late 1990s to early 2000s, a lot of Black Americans feeling pressure from immigrant populations had ended up moving back to the rural south and that population, surprise surprise, is not particularly loyal to Obama but is also at relative peace with leftover elements of the Klan to the point that even the SPLC undercover operatives have not successfully instigated any serious incidents for a long time.

What is true at this point however is the old stopgap against poverty in the old version of the US has been taken away - free land. The Blacks running away from the Mexican takeover in California and the whites running away from nonwhites in general in the urban areas (and California) have had to buy back in, so if they were not relatively well set up in those cities in the first place, the return to the rural areas does not work out so well since there is no more free land, and what land is cheap has so many regulations attached to it that economic survival still has a lot of artificial challenges.

Urban centers in the US of the 1700s were in a lot of ways, the same, except there was always a pressure valve available: head west. the criminally inclined usually had that as an escape route: get the hell out of the city or get caught and hung. Anyone could head out west and seek their fortune. Right now the entire push is "get a job, find your place in society, pay your bills, cast your vote". Then some people quickly figure out that they are not allowed to have career level jobs for whatever reasons, and without career level jobs, they are forced to live on subsistence level jobs. It's not like "hey the fish, the cold, the timber and the open range are out there you lazy fuck, go out there and get your own living". Try living in freedom right now. There are guys going to jail for staking out a little spot in the back end of some BLM land or National park and thinking they can subsistence farm, or worse, cut some timber and mine some ore. Fish or hunt illegally, you are looking at serious jail time if on federal land, and total disenfranchisement from gun rights in a lot of cases.

Those were EXACTLY the conditions that Karl Marx was talking about in his book "Das Kapital". What he got at was the intolerable conditions in late 1800s Europe where industry and rural land were owned and controlled by people other than the common folk.

The early American Revolution, and to a large degree the French Revolution were against a distance aristocracy in the midst of an economic situation where a lot of newly wealthy people were fighting against those who had actually not been very productive for a very long time and were only fighting for their established arrangements. The aristocracy in those countries had stagnated. The poor at that point had the pressure valve of westward and wilderness area expansion. That's why so many people sat out the Revolutionary war in the US, and during the Fresh Revolution, just plain got on ships and left.

The people who remain will want personal liberties and equalities, and assuming a relatively universal level of economic opportunity, just want their rights to their own property. The issue comes up in the next wave of revolutions when those economic opportunities are not even close to well distributed. In the big cities, it is supposedly a "meritocracy" but in reality, it is cronyism in a lot of ways, that third leg of the French thing "fraternity" is an issue of "fraternity" if you are in the right "fraternity". That's why much of today's politics is the fight over which fraternity gets their place at the taxpayer funded trough. The next layer of fighting is over which semi-private group gets allowed to build and feed at their own trough AFTER, the tax man comes and gets his cut.

It is that level a lot of poor people don't fully understand how the 80% to 90% taxation system really works because anyone who has really bucked the system gets their economic opportunities greatly reduced and that leaves them much less capable of accumulating wealth legally.

So in looking at the map, you can see where the Obama supporters and people who actually need levels of socialism end up, but that is very often because they were not surviving particularly well in the red areas either. Those red areas in a lot of ways are the places where you can get shot or arrested for subsistence living, let alone harvesting resources out of "the wild" at a level that would actually represent an accumulation of personal wealth without a hell of a lot of financial favor arrangements made ahead of time to people who expect to do exactly none of the labor. You don't even get to those resources without handing a lot over up front. Back when this country was originally established, that was not the case.

So the political march to socialism is inevitable and that is what has caused me to look back at Europe and how they dealt with these things.

First, the socialist countries of Europe apparently are not all anti-gun. Sweden has legal gun ownership although has reduced that in recent years, Britain went socialist long before they went anti-gun, so in the 1980s, you had lots of guns in the UK, and socialism. What happened was a series of events and covert operations on the part of the government to try and disarm the public, which appears to have mostly worked.

Finland has relatively open gun ownership and low crime I think mainly because they managed to maintain a single culture society. Russia is all fucked up, but realize, they were fucked up for a really long time, at least the last 150 years. Personally, I think those people have a certain evil nature that runs in their genetic code so it is hard to use them as an example of how to do anything right, except in that way they manage to mix crude skill and technological innovation to keep up with more advanced societies, or at leas threaten the advanced societies in some way that scares the shit out of the rest of the world, you know, like savages with nuclear weapons.

All of that said, there are lots of socialists in Europe right now who are still all for traditional values, gun rights, and personal freedom, but they recognize that someone owns everything, and with economic opportunities being limited by that, they will cover just enough basic services with socialism that nobody uses those freedoms to decide it's time to start chopping off fiefdoms from the major countries.

That is with one exception, back to Russia. Now considering those people are basically fucked up and evil in their DNA, a bunch do try hard to be good people, hence some strong religious balance with them, and during their most repressive times, they had this idea of "Shipping people off to Siberia", where supposedly it was a harsh short and brutal life in the wilderness. What we learned though is that those who survived there actually have done not half bad. Repressive laws in the rest of the Soviet states did not apply as much to the Siberians mainly because it was so hard to enforce those laws on people in remote places. Even when the Soviet machine tries to move in hard on Finland, which has relatively similar climate and topography, they got stalled because the Finns were pretty well organized for surviving the climate.

A big difference for us in the US, we can get those levels of freedom within a day's drive of any major metropolitan area. It's as simple as getting land in the red areas as home turf, and then smaller enclaves in the blue areas for access to certain aspect of the economy, but also unlike Siberia, our ability to travel works better.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: 10 dire consequences #155119
11/08/2012 11:09 AM
11/08/2012 11:09 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor:
[b]Obama decision puts America on trajectory toward financial mega-disaster[/b]
Well, yes. But the truth is, things would have been no different on Romney. Yes, the country is headed for a financial disaster. The last chance to do anything about it died with the Ron Paul and Gary Johnson campaigns. One way or another, the country is going to have to pay for its past mistakes.

The financial disaster of 2007 could have been a down payment, but we ended up borrowing our way out of that. How many more times can we do that? Not many.

But you know, when people look at Tuesday's election, they're looking at the wrong race. Obama won because there was no real difference between him and Romney. (Contrast that with the election of 1980,between Carter and Reagan. There was a real difference, and the election wasn't even close.)

But look at the election results that really mattered. There is a strong conservative streak that runs through both parties, and it seems like no one wants to tap into that.

I'm certainly no Republican, and I feel pretty dumb giving the GOP political advice. But it's time for the GOP to realize there is no such thing as big-government conservatism. If you're for bit government, you're not a conservative.

If the GOP wants to be voice for the future, it needs to get rid of the politics of Bush I, Bush II, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Give the boot to Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Sean Hannity, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Todd Akin.

You have people like Justin Amash, Jeff Flake, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Thomas Massie. And even Jim DeMint is coming over to our side. These are the people the GOP can win with. Quit trying to be like the other guy. Give the people a real, intelligent choice.

Gary Johnson got 1.0% of the vote, while being outspent nearly 700 to 1. Do the math.

UPDATE: Maybe I should give up free market anarchism and start a new career as a GOP consultant. Tim Carney just said pretty much the same thing I just did. though a little more eloquently.

...Populist movements in the past have often been ugly because they scapegoated vulnerable minorities. The new Republican populism shouldn't blame the "47 percent" of Mitt Romney's imagination, or immigrants seeking to make a better life. The new Republican populism should declare war on the cronies and special interests who use big government to rig the game in their favor and deny opportunity to those trying to climb the ladder and live the American dream.

It's time for free-market populism and a Republican Party that fights against all forms of political privilege -- a party that champions all who want to work and take risks in order to improve their lives and raise a family....
Onward and upward,

Re: 10 dire consequences #155120
11/08/2012 10:13 PM
11/08/2012 10:13 PM
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The economic meltdown is inevitable anyway. Sure the welfare state has been costly, but that's not even getting into the police state which now has expenditures equal to the Cold War military, or a couple of ongoing wars, but there was a lot of fake prosperity that the bills are coming due for and two ways that works, either build an economy capable of paying it off with new productivity and technology (not likely since corruption and cronyism seem to screw that up every time) or hyperinflate the debt out of existence, which will leave the country less creditworthy as a whole.

What the hell were they thinking in California when the cost of a regular single family home in a lot of "middle class" neighborhoods was fast approaching $500K for new buyers? When the cost of building permits and other intangibles was regularly higher than the actual costs of the materials to build anything? When guys go to jail for heading out in the woods and putting up a little cabin to live in, because the woods is "public property".

You cant get young people to be in the mood to start their own lives and families when they graduate universities in debt and looking at $10 per hour "careers" while the corporate world is only interested in the top 10% at actual career level wages. This thing about "kids" staying home past age 30 is getting pretty common, up to the point that is also not sustainable past two generation without gentrified wealth accumulation, and that is getting less common. The Republicans know by now they can't continue lying to the rural populations about why people are remaining poor and downwardly mobile and expect to keep political loyalties intact.

Just look in your average craigslist right now at housing prices vs wage offers on common housing options vs common wage options, and that's across the board. Everything out there right now demands certificates and or experience, most housing requires background and credit checks one way or another. People regularly are forced to lie about the income requirements for the housing, whether it is to rent or buy, but the fact is, it's not sustainable in the long term period.

There has to be a crash to trash the fake wealth and then have an economic rebuild on the basis of productivity. Social services put a humane standard of living floor on pensioners but this shit about non-producers triple dipping to be millionaires several times over, guess what, the rest of us can't afford that no more than the working poor can afford what is functionally an 87% tax system.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: 10 dire consequences #155121
11/09/2012 01:57 AM
11/09/2012 01:57 AM
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ConSigCor, good one. Real good one. Breacher your post just above was spot on in many ways.

They the ones who want to perpetrate all this destruction have made a fatal error in judgement. They have left no exit for us. With nowhere to go, we must fight and with extreme prejudice.

Done here.

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: 10 dire consequences #155122
11/09/2012 09:37 AM
11/09/2012 09:37 AM
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somewhere-where am I?
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somewhere-where am I?
All good points but the heart of the matter is only certain people in power want a collapse for their revolution. Other puppeteers want things to last just a little longer, just a little longer... a little longer as they squeeze the last paste out of the America toothpaste tube.

Collapse is invevitable and ultimately would be good for the country but a majority of preppers and patriots in their hearts aren't quite ready to take that leap, it's going to be forced on us and those doing the forcing will have the initiative to spin the collapse in their favor, when they're ready.

Be your own leader
Re: 10 dire consequences #155123
11/09/2012 05:16 PM
11/09/2012 05:16 PM
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Listen this stuff dovetails with that big $43Trillion ripoff the banksters did and apparently CNBC did some big investigative journalism thing to show how the money was getting laundered. Then some executive over at CNBCs family got murdered and we are being told to believe that it is an open and shut case of the nanny stabbing all of the kids and then slitting her own throat. Riiiight. Is that kind of like JT Ready going insane shooting his family and then offing himself, but the feds picked up the witness who survived and are not letting her speak to anybody?

The next round of Occupy is going to make the LA riots of 93 look like the summer of love over that shit.

I am saying it now and again and again and again until it sinks in. Get the retreat locations together, the enclaves and enclave governments established with their own cooperative agreements and communication protocols.

Don't wait until "bugout time" to set that up. You need to be setting that up NOW because setting up real retreat places takes a lot of work, effort, and supplies so that when you do "bug out" you are heading to a preset location with prepositioned resources.

I also don't want anyone to lose sight of the fact that we need to be able to sit out the first stages of this in order to determine what the sides are so we don't get played as tools by the wrong kinds of people.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: 10 dire consequences #155124
11/09/2012 05:41 PM
11/09/2012 05:41 PM
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I am saying it now and again and again and again until it sinks in. Get the retreat locations together, the enclaves and enclave governments established with their own cooperative agreements and communication protocols. Don't wait until "bugout time" to set that up. You need to be setting that up NOW because setting up real retreat places takes a lot of work, effort, and supplies so that when you do "bug out" you are heading to a preset location with prepositioned resources. I also don't want anyone to lose sight of the fact that we need to be able to sit out the first stages of this in order to determine what the sides are so we don't get played as tools by the wrong kinds of people.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: 10 dire consequences #155125
11/11/2012 05:14 AM
11/11/2012 05:14 AM
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Ten Health Ranger predictions about December 2012 and the first half of 2013

Mike Adams
Natural News
November 11, 2012

Obama’s re-election has set a number of things in motion behind closed doors that are about to emerge before the Summer of 2013. If anything, Obama’s victory has accelerated the timeline of financial collapse that’s now a foregone conclusion for the United States of America.

Here’s what I see unfolding between now and mid-2013 (or before other dates as stated below):

#1) December 21st, 2012 “Mayan Calendar” day will be a bust

Nothing special will happen on this day other than lots of people meditating globally, which is, in a way, a special thing all by itself. But the universe isn’t coming to an end.

The day after the non-event, watch for the mainstream media to blame “doomsday websites” for claiming doomsday was going to occur. In truth, most alternative websites are claiming nothing much will happen on that day.

#2) Before January 2, 2013, another huge fiat money creation scheme will be initiated by the Fed to prevent a U.S. bankruptcy

The U.S. government won’t be allowed to go bankrupt just yet. Although it has run out of money yet again under the insane debt spending blowout of Obama, the debt ceiling will be raised yet again, and the Fed will print new money to keep buying up U.S. debt.

The long-term effect of this compounding debt spiral is, of course, financial suicide, but that doesn’t seem to occur to today’s zombified voters who are really only concerned with how many handouts they can get right NOW!

#3) Just like he did last year, Obama will use New Year’s Eve (or possibly Christmas Eve) to sign another police state executive order

Last year, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) executive order on New Year’s Eve, cleverly burying news of the event underneath New Year’s celebrations nationwide.

The NDAA gutted the Bill of Rights and turned America into a bonafide police state, with no due process, no Fifth Amendment, and no Bill of Rights. It authorized secret arrests, secret kill lists of American citizens, and endless secret prison detainment without ever being charged with a crime, among other things. It signified the complete destruction of the Bill of Rights, andObama signed it in secret.

This year, he’ll use a similar holiday cover to sign some other devastating executive order that, for example, criminalizes criticism of the government (or something else similarly ridiculous).

#4) Massive food inflation will strike the USA beginning in February or March

The droughts of 2012 will be felt via sticker shock at the grocery stores beginning in the first quarter of 2013. Watch for not just price increases on most products made with wheat and corn, but also shrinking food package volumes so that manufacturers deliver less food in a similar-looking package.

Manufacturers will “downsize” their packages, in other words, while keeping prices the same. This is another way food inflation hits home.

#5) The TSA will engage in a massive hiring spree and expansion into the streets, running roadside checkpoints

Pedophiles unite! Buoyed by the Obama surge, the TSA will ramp up its hiring and begin building a literal army of pedophiles, thieves and psychopaths which will soon begin to appear across the USA running roadside checkpoints.

I also predict that the vast majority of Americans are now so brainwashed into a slave mentality that they will gladly agree to TSA body cavity searches on the side of the road in the name of “protecting us from terrorism.”

This isn’t mere conjecture. A brilliant new survey commissioned by InfoWars has revealed that an astonishing 35% of Americans would voluntarily wear “shock bracelets” if required by the TSA in order to fly.

In addition, nearly one-third of Americans would also accept body cavity searches by the TSA as a prerequisite to flying. These disturbing survey results reveal that roughly one-third of Americans have already surrendered their dignity to a slave-inducing police state, and many would actually smile in the name of “security” while they are being medically raped by the TSA in the name of a completely fabricated “war on terror” stolen straight out of the novel 1984.

#6) The expansion of the welfare state will kick into high gear with explosive growth in food stamps and unemployment

Under Obama, food stamps and unemployment claims have already experienced alarmingly worsening numbers. Watch for things to get even worse as more Americans thrown out of work by the failed economic policies of the Obama administration sign up for free food and paycheck entitlements from the government.

This is part of the plan, of course: Gut the economy and make the population entirely dependent on government. From there, it’s a slam-dunk to get elected as a socialist or even a communist, and the U.S. economy begins to take on the look of a nation like Venezuela or Argentina.

#7) A wave of unemployment will gut America’s economy as Obamacare causes employers to fire workers en masse

As Obamacare kicks in (2013 and 2014), employers will do three things to avoid going bankrupt under the financial oppression of socialized health care:

1) FIRE more workers to reduce overall business size.
2) REDUCE workers’ hours to below the government mandated threshold for health care.
3) OFFSHORE more jobs to other countries.

The net effect of this will be, predictably, millions more Americans out of work or working two or three low-paying jobs, none of which actually provide them the health care they were promised by Obama.

#8) A wave of crime seizes America

Following the mass layoffs and slashing of employee hours, the nation will begin to see yet more families and individuals in a state of economic desperation.

This will inevitably lead to more crime as people turn to theft to try to make ends meet. Watch for more copper thefts as well as more emboldened hit-and-run crime tactics (such as motorcycles being driven through shopping malls, smashing jewelry store cases and making off with the loot).

I predict you will see more vehicles smashing through the front doors of retail stores, more home burglaries and more muggings, especially in high-population cities where Obama’s economic policies have the most devastating impact. Right now, Detroit is already a “war zone” where police warn visitors not to enter the city, and Chicago will soon join the ranks of cities where gangs run rampant, outnumbering police by a wide margin.

#9) Another radiological scare will erupt as Fukushima’s fuel polls suffer continued structural failure

This is not a sure thing, but chances are that Fukushima’s remaining structure will suffer a partial or total collapse within the next year, causing an unprecedented release of radiation that will reach U.S. shores.

This could happen at any moment, technically, thanks to another earthquake or tsunami. Even a typhoon could cause sufficient damage to topple a large fuel containment pool. For some inexplicable reason, nuclear fuel pools are stored above ground in the Fukushima facility, making them highly susceptible to environmental damage.

#10) Massive government crackdowns on the free speech of anyone advocating liberty

Watch for free speech to be increasingly called “hate speech” when it criticizes the government or advocates liberty. Watch for renewed efforts to censor internet sites that advocate liberty and freedom. You may see Google removing such sites from its search engine. YouTube will get even more aggressive at banning videos that teach liberty, and the mainstream media will continue to pound propaganda into the minds of the mainstream zombies, teaching them that people who believe in liberty are somehow “terrorists.”

In fact, the next four years will be a tumultuous time for the free speech of those who criticize government and Obama. At the same time, the “free speech” of those who threaten conservatives with violence will be completely tolerated, if not encouraged. Even right now, it is publicly acceptable to make threats of violence against conservative white people, but never against liberal black people.

This double standard will get even worse over the next year or so, to the point where you’ll see TV pundits and comedians like Bill Maher or Michael Moore openly advocating the arrest and killing of anyone who does not believe in Obammunism. The rhetoric of violence is just a preview of what’s coming in the physical realm.

The NDAA, of course, gives Obama the “right” to pursue precisely those actions: No judge, no jury and not even a warrant required!

A revolution is in America’s future

This is all the prelude to the coming “Cultural Revolution” in America, where the political left will soon call for the mass culling of all survivalists, independent farmers, and anyone who follows a lifestyle of self-reliance. Individuality will be seen as a threat to the leftist collective, and those who do now bow down to the power of the police state will not only be arrested and terminated; the mainstream media will CHEER the entire process through hate propaganda disguised as “protecting America from terrorism.”

To help pull this off, a false flag event will almost certainly be staged that depicts some hapless gun owner as a crazy person who poses a threat to society. Watch for another Colorado-style mass shooting, or the bombing of a government building followed by the immediate blaming of a convenient patsy. All the usual suspects on talk radio will also be blamed for it: Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and so on.

What you can do to protect yourself during this rise of terrible evil

There is little question now that those who believe in the real America are sooner or later going to have to take a stand against the Obammunism agenda and the endless hoards of “useless eaters” who now only exist to feed off the government (while confiscating as much wealth from the producers as possible).

How and when this actually happens is anybody’s guess, but it will likely take many years to completely unfold.

I’ve always advocated non-violent revolutions via the ballot box, but at this point it’s obvious that those who suck the economy dry through never-ending handouts are now the voting majority. They now outnumber the innovators, the entrepreneurs and the productive citizens of society. From here, it’s only a downward spiral as citizens repeatedly vote themselves more and more handouts until the entire system collapses in both financial and cultural ruin. As Ron Paul recently said, “America is far gone.”

“We’re over the cliff,” Ron Paul recently said on Bloomberg Television. “People do not want anything cut. They want all the bailouts to come. They want the Fed to keep printing the money. And they don’t believe that we’ve gone off the cliff or are close to going off the cliff. They think we can patch it over, that we can somehow come up with some magic solution. But you can’t have a budgetary solution if you don’t change what the role of government should be. As long as you think we have to police the world and run this welfare state, all we are going to argue about is who will get the loot.”

Preventing the total economic destruction of America will now require a Ron Paul Revolution, where tens of millions of Americans march in the streets and demand an end to out-of-control government and all its evils. Yet, the U.S. government has designated the very act of marching in the streets as an “act of terrorism,” so these protests would almost immediately escalate into a shooting war.

We are nowhere near the point where the population at large is awake enough to engage in such actions, by the way. Things are going to get much worse before they get better.

The next four years are going to be like watching an economic train wreck in super-slow motion, augmented by bursts of police state activity, censorship clamp-downs and of course increased government confiscation of everything you own: Land, money and even formerly private companies.

Today, we are living in an occupied nation, where the vast majority of those who claim to be running the country are, in reality, enemies of the state. They are dismantling, day by day, America’s economy, America’s workforce, America’s industries and even American pride. What will be left in four more years will be nothing but a shadow of the great America we once knew.

Prepare yourself.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: 10 dire consequences #155126
11/11/2012 01:50 PM
11/11/2012 01:50 PM
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We all know what it's going to take.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."

"Make your plans dark as night then strike like a thunderbolt."
-Sun Tzu

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Re: 10 dire consequences #155127
11/11/2012 02:00 PM
11/11/2012 02:00 PM
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I've got a little piece of advice for you guys:


The Marxists have figured something out that you haven't as yet.

They don't need it.

Now it may still collapse under the sheer weight of the whole thing but it won't be anytime soon. Years, at least.

They are going to milk us for all it's worth and we will pay to bring in and support millions upon millions of turd worlders.

All while your liberty goes right on down the shitter.

Want to know what's left for us?


That's it.

Forget the economic collapse. It isn't going to happen in time and it would work against you in any event.

Either fight for your freedom or just bend over.

The War for America
Fight Everywhere
Re: 10 dire consequences #155128
11/11/2012 02:46 PM
11/11/2012 02:46 PM
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Slow, controlled collapse is what they want. Make everyone poor and dependent. Stir strife between the races. Cause a civil war. They will then bring "order" out of the chaos. And the unprepared, desperate people will welcome their new status of servitude on the global plantation.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: 10 dire consequences #155129
11/11/2012 04:25 PM
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A little cheesy humor.
Fight and you may die. Run you may live at least awhile.
Choose this day. Which way you want to go. The choice is yours.

Re: 10 dire consequences #155130
11/11/2012 06:56 PM
11/11/2012 06:56 PM
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Originally posted by drjarhead:
I've got a little piece of advice for you guys:

That\'s what Mary Grabar, among others, say, but I respectfully disagree. The economic collapse may not happen overnight, and in fact may take a couple years to play out, but it is inevitable. And with a dozen states and dozens of cities on the verge of bankruptcy, the federal government will be powerless to do anything about it. Have the treasury print more money? That's something you can only do so many times, and we have pretty much used up our allotment already.

People talk about "entitlements," and what will happen when these are cut, but they're overlooking the elephant in the room. What will happen when California can no longer pay its correctional officers? What will happen when Los Angeles has to pay its thousands of police and firefighters with IOU's? Ans what will happen when millions of public sector workers find out their pensions are worthless?

President Obama is often accused of being a Keynesian economist. He's not. Even John Maynard Keynes knew you can't raise taxes in a recession. But at this point, it really doesn't even matter. A depression, probably with a little hyperinflation thrown in for good measure, is inevitable.

But don't worry about some takeover by some shadowy group of elites. There won't be any elites anymore.

What we have to fight for is the next economy. And we will have to fight to keep our freedom. Communists and fascists are already seeing a resurgence in Europe, and you know they'll be here.

That's what we have to be ready for. The economic collapse, and especially the aftermath.

Onward and upward,

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