Welp Sniper yu dun figgur owt ahs a joo hatir that wah I never was on Stormfront ur any otir whit powir sites yondir...

So it's okay for Israel to act as Nazi Germany did?

It's okay for Israel to headshoot a Hamas leader as he signs a treaty the Jews will renege on yet again?

It's okay to keep over a million people penned up in a open air desert prison about just twice the size of the District of Columbia?

Palestinians are all EVIL? Might as well say that about Native Americans, blacks, and anyone else you probably call 'nigger'.

Millions of Palestinians should be murdered so some Eastern European Jews can peaceably commit endless under the table nuclear brinkmanship, espionage, false flag attacks without worrying about internal threats?

I'll tell you something Marksman, I was at one time as much an unthinking fundamentalist as you are-but then I actually sat down and read the Bible... and I eventually found the truth.

Jesus called the Jews the Synagogue of Satan. Some of the disciples were giving praise to what they presume to be God on their knees and Jesus said "let them pray to their god, for he was a murderer and a liar and the devil from the very beginning."

Jesus and Yahweh-not at all alike. Read the account of Exodus and how Yahweh didn't die for our sins but exterminated children, had his crazed followers commit genocide. You see Jesus commit genocide? Jesus said "woe be unto you if so much as a hair on a child's head be harmed". Do you think that someone who gave such a warning would murder every firstborn child in a nation?

Don't quote anything by Saul of Tarsus either, he never met Jesus, never was an Apostle exept by self-declaration and most of his teachings contradict Jesus'.

You have no basis, no cause, no right to call for genocide of a people just because they impinge on your fundamentalist leanings.

Who again is the nazi here?

Maybe you should just not worry about being a militia man and just wait for the Rapture. You'll wait a long time.

Be your own leader
