It appears the government has crossed the line of sanity and declared war on the people and the constitution. They make simple things crimes, like smoking pot, taking prozac, say a pray in a school or owning a gun, so that they can claim that they are only limiting the rights of criminals. This is why there is a prohibition against infringement of rights by government.

The administration and many members of congress are out of control, and the president needs to be impeached for seditious treason. He made claims that he intended to implement fundimental change and has advocated deliberate violation of the constitution and thus the overthrow of the government. Well, he did so and committed sedition and treason in process.

Sadly, the senate majority leader will need to be removed from speakership to do so. Maybe he can be targetted for corruption and failure to do his job? I just don't know the legal process to make it happen. The constitution gave the states the ability to recall a senator that was out of control. I'm not sure if the 17th amendment removed that ability.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...