While some cry about the destruction of a way of life that has gone from self-sufficient men and women working for wages in exchange for labor to the same men and women working to provide a lifestyle for upper echelon bankers and Corporate morons, I say carry on.

When you pray to the altar of the fiat dollar and ask of the lord only your fair share in the proceeds you often find that share to be below your needs.

While I don't feel the economy has gone anywhere, I still feel sorry for those who have dedicated their entire lives to collecting gadgets, and things.

The lord said to Adam that he had "Dominion" over the animals, bests, and fields. He did not say he "Owned" them. When we gave up that dominion and passed it on to the Government we lost our rights to live on this earth as sovereign men and women.

The failure of our financial system is based on preplanned flaws in our way of life.

In the Bible the lord said "Do not charge my people with usury" . Usury is the complete basis of our way of life. We place our wealth in the vaults of bankers, and ask them to loan it to our fellow man, and pay us a part of the Usury in exchange. We call this a retirement account. Then when we acquire a home we borrow our own money back from the Banker and pay him the Usury. This has got to make our lord smile.

If our system fails it is because there is a limited amount of Usury that can be paid without using the basis. That amount has been reached and the bankers have sent our basis to their own accounts and now we have neither our wealth or our retirement account.

If you start tomorrow divesting yourself of any thing you owe money on in two to three months you will see your wealth returning.

Life will be hard as you Bicycle to work, and the store. You will have to start reading in the day time, and sleeping at night as your cable is disconnected. Then you start buying food based on what you can store, and cook, not on what is pleasing, and advertised on TV.

In three to four months as you learn to grow food in the back yard where the putting green once stood your weight will start dropping to healthy.

Or you can go get the lines to the FEMA relocation camps where they have free food, free health care, and no work. Then in a week or two probably a hot bullet to your forehead.

Time to chose!