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To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158264
03/03/2015 03:10 AM
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To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos of Washington State

by Kit Lange | Mar 2, 2015

As patriots, we all make decisions every day about the fight for liberty. Is this battle worth fighting? Is this rally worth going to? Should I stay home and just call legislators? Is it all hopeless anyway? These are decisions that no one can make for us. The moments that we choose to stand are ours and ours alone.

Certainly in any conflict there are a hundred jobs that need doing, and people as a rule are diverse enough in personality and character that there is a place for anyone who wants to be there. In the liberty movement and the current fight for our freedoms, this is also true. There are those who work to influence the legislators, calling and writing and campaigning. There are those who step forward to run for office, allowing their private lives to become public fodder in the hopes that they can work to effect change from within. There are those who spend their time on social media, debating and educating and attempting to influence those who are further behind in their journey. All of these jobs are important. All of these jobs are necessary. The loud networkers and group leaders and event planners and forum admins have a place, and what they do matters. I do not fault them for not standing next to me on the line; on the contrary, we need those people who call and write and keep the pressure on our elected officials. We need the people who network and man the internet radio stations and write the blog articles.

The problem is that a good number of them do fault us, for standing. For showing up in person and staring down those who would enslave us. For being uncompromising and refusing to back down. For being willing to sit silently in a steel cage, facing indefinite detention while being treated like the enemy.

There are many who, in the last few months, have denigrated those of us who are standing in person and armed. They have called us names, blocked us from their pages and groups, written articles about their belief that we are all stupid and uneducated attention whores, and even insinuated that we are federal agents attempting to rile up the people for the purposes of getting the ‘real’ patriots arrested. I have read literally thousands of articles and comments and forum posts written by people who claim the title of patriot and yet sound more like the people we are standing against. Go home, they say. Shut up. Stop making us look bad. Stop being so loud. You’re gonna get us all in trouble with Daddy. That’s what all of that boils down to. We are afraid, and we wish you’d stop rocking the boat. What is even more pathetic is that often these are the same people who will loudly proclaim that if the government showed up at their front door, by God, then they’d fight. You just wait…they will be epic warriors, who will rise to save the Republic. You’ll see.

I say that if you cannot be faithful now, then you will not be faithful later.

As an American born of blood and gunpowder, it shames me to know that so many of my countrymen are so utterly worthless to the cause of liberty. As someone who believes so strongly in this cause that it literally forms the core of my heart, it breaks me to know that so many are willing to go about their days accepting restriction after restriction, accepting the thousand little deaths that our liberty dies every day, not even seeing the death and destruction that is at the end of this road—the same road that people have died to prevent us ever being on in the first place. As a woman, it absolutely disgusts me that so many grown men in this country have so little in the way of balls. Does it not shame you at all that there are women standing the line with their children while you can’t even muster the courage to show up? Does it not make you feel small to sit in your group chats and pontificate about us while you’re sitting in the rear with the gear? When you’re sitting at your lunch dates with the FBI “opening dialogue,” does it never occur to you the lives that are at stake, and the danger your mouth could be putting them in? Here’s a news flash: It should.

While you so-called patriots in Washington State sit on Facebook and run your mouths, patriots in Tennessee are making the trip this week to stand with us. Patriots in Alabama who are suffering from life-threatening illnesses will be here. Patriots on the East Coast are working day and night to help spread the word. Patriots in Montana and Arizona and Idaho and several other states across this country are literally standing by to drop what they are doing, to leave their families and jobs and lives to come here and help defend our state, our land, our rights. They will come to defend our lives with their own, if necessary. An entire nation of patriots stand ready to rise up and help us, and yet you still cower.

Thankfully, there are men and women in this state who do not fit this description of gossipers and cowards. There are those who show up unfailingly every time. Their hearts are true and their loyalty unquestioned. Every time they leave their home to stand in another action, they know that this could be the time it goes horribly wrong. Every time they stand, they have that fleeting decision to make. They watched the video of a fellow patriot arrested. They heard the story of his detention, put in a steel cage like an animal. Denied the rights that so many have died to secure and protect. They understand that in four days, that could be them.

They will still come. They will stand, because to them liberty is worth more than popularity, more than their public image. More than life. These people are my brothers and sisters and I am humbled to stand next to them. They are faithful now, and I know they will be faithful to the end.

So for those of you who spend your time whining in your forums and your Facebook groups about those of us who have literally pledged our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to ensure that you have the right tomorrow, next month, and for all your life to sit at your keyboard and do nothing except talk trash about us, I have one thing to say.

You’re welcome.

“…the hour is fast approaching, on which the Honor and Success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding Country depend. Remember officers and Soldiers, that you are Freemen, fighting for the blessings of Liberty–that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men…” – George Washington, General Orders to the troops, August 1776

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158265
03/03/2015 05:22 AM
03/03/2015 05:22 AM
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Someone post some dates and places for these things. I think it's getting high time for road trip and face to face with some people.

I doubt I will be able to talk any sense in to them, but at least I can relay some of how this has worked from experience - like months at a time in a concrete box with not much of a fuck being given from those people. That's not mentioning how they continue to treat Strat and the utter abandonment after he gave so much for the cause and he got run off his land and scammed out of his time, money and work trying to establish the sanctuary.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158266
03/03/2015 07:05 AM
03/03/2015 07:05 AM
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The same group of so called patriots that Kit is talking about are the same bunch who turned their backs on Strat like they 'never knew him'.

They are Judas or Judenrat if you prefer.

The same kind who turned their backs on Charlie Puckett and so many others I've lost count.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158267
03/03/2015 07:49 AM
03/03/2015 07:49 AM
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More reason to sort some of his out in person with a series of face to face meetings.

I am not really with that volunteer to get arrested sort of thing but I can't do jack shit from a mountain fortress except be waiting out my supplies vs enemy patience, and we simply don't have the firepower to be taking any capitol cities.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158268
03/05/2015 03:23 AM
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Why Spokane. Why now.

One of my best friends called me up yesterday to urge me, to plead with me, not to go to Spokane. He had a lot of reasons why. One point he raised was that some in the open carry/We Will Not Comply movement seem to be determined to become "scarier than the people they oppose" by "dressing like operators in Iraq" and "wearing masks and clown get-up." He pointed out the long-ago critique of a leftist looking back on the anti-war movement who bemoaned that they lost the larger argument when the anti-warriors, through riots and Weatherman actions, "became scarier than the Vietnam War itself." Anthony, I pointed out, was dressed in a suit and tie. "Yeah," he retorted, "but the press didn't run his picture, did they?" He has a point.

It is incumbent upon us to insist upon our rights but not to appear as out-of-control loons when we do. Armed civil disobedience puts a premium upon principle and discipline and some folks, frankly, lack both. Of course, he complained, "I know you're not going to listen to me and you're going to do what you want to do anyway." He concluded by telling me he was was putting me on another prayer list. Good. I need all the prayers I can get, as do we all.

His principal fear, and one that is well taken from the vantage point of experience (and we both have more than twenty years in this movement), is that a. the crisis is coming; b. we are nowhere near ready; and c. we are our own worst enemies. All true. And yet, what are we to do? But before we answer that question, let me ask another upon which the first depends: What do we know? Specifically, in this instance what do we know about the situation in Washington state?

Here's what I know, or can reasonably deduce from past experience.

1. The state authorities are, as in CT, frankly at a loss to know what to do about armed civil disobedience of I-594. They are at a loss and they are scared, both personally and policy-wise. Like Malloy and his minions in CT they are frozen in inaction because of the uncertainties.

2. The Feds share their fear. THEY picked this fight with Anthony Bosworth deliberately. They singled him out, among others who were open carrying and they detained him, threw him in a steel cage and sought to intimidate him and turn him. They did this, on video, without reading him his Miranda rights, then denying him a lawyer, indicated that they could, NDAA-like, essentially make him disappear, in actions that were deliberate. It was the entire purpose of the exercise. They are seeking to provoke a confrontation. They are seeking just the sort of response we are going to give them on Friday so that they can bring their considerable resources -- seen and unseen, including a considerable army of snitches and agents provocateurs -- to bear to crush the nascent movement with a discrediting incident.

3. The selection of Spokane as the battlefield in this "the federal empire strikes back" scenario is also no accident. Spokane is a hotbed of those so-called "racist right" groups that the FBI controls (and has for many years) as so many COINTELPRO assets. Spokane is also a hotbed, strangely enough, of both current and former spooks, from both sides of the Cold War, which, in case you didn't notice is even colder now than it was then. And yes, I'm talking about current Russian agents of influence (who are, oddly enough, trying to make inroads in the so-called "patriot movement" up there) as well as failed and broken down American spies and former intelligence assets retired for incompetence, blown covers, failed operations, etc. I could go into the subject of the large number of official but phony driver's licenses provided by the authorities to such people, but that is for another day.

4. This witch's brew provides a rich backdrop of potential competing conspiracy theories and plausible deniabilities to the feds in case anything should "Accidentally Happen." In the aftermath, should they be successful with whatever provocation they have in mind (and remember, a la the Elohim City/OKC bombing events prior to 19 April 1995, there are certainly likely to be competing agencies and provocations that may get out of the hands of the agencies and provocateurs themselves), it will be difficult in the ashes to determine federal culpability -- which of course is the predicate for the operation(s).

5. I also know that it is reported by sources that the Southern Poverty Law Center has (again, just like Elohim City in the pre-OKC bombing days) its own snitches in place in Spokane who are seeking to work their way into the ranks of the armed civil disobedience movement. They are also researching a big hit piece on the WA state activists. The timing of that "expose" will tell us much.

All of these are perfectly understandable reasons for cancelling Friday's rally. The Feds apparently want it -- NEED it -- and are marshaling their resources to achieve a certain outcome. Why go ahead? Because we must show ourselves to be free men and women who will stand our ground, with principle and discipline, in the very fangs of leviathan's bloody mouth. It is no accident that I intend to take my speech subject from the lessons provided by 1 Samuel, Chapter 22. It is not enough to oppose something from afar. We must stand in the gap, even (sometimes) on battlegrounds of our own enemy's choosing.

Of course it is also true that this piece may remind the analysts -- if not the operators and decision takers of the federal government -- that radar works both ways. They may think we're a bug on their screens. They should understand that they are a bug -- albeit a much BIGGER bug -- on ours as well. In the aftermath of whatever happens -- IF they themselves arrange for something to happen (for we will not, it is not in our interest) -- that many things previously hidden that they seek to remain hidden will be exposed. Something for them to think about this day as I get on the plane to carry me to Spokane.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158269
03/05/2015 02:59 PM
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Okay, I get it, they are deep in American Redoubt turf, not out around Seattle or Olympia.

I can see that as legit turf for some sabre rattling. It is functionally a lot like the State of Jefferson area along the California/Oregon border which had previously been left alone by both state governments, and locals happily got pretty selective about what laws they wanted to apply on which side of the border. Lots were unhappy when the feds got to setting up shop more heavily in Grant's Pass and Arcata.

I have work and other stuff going on so if it is this coming weekend I won't be there. Maybe they can take a page from the Occupy book and manage to keep altering the location of the rally faster than the opposition can respond in force.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158270
03/06/2015 03:37 AM
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Update: from Mike V

Mindful of the weather I got to the B'ham airport several hours early. Unfortunately, I was just informed that the flight in is delayed, putting me too late to get the connector from Charlotte to Seattle. at the moment they cannot promise to get me to Spokane any sooner than tomorrow night, which is not optimal to say the least. We are currently working on alternatives such as driving to Atlanta but the ice storm has made road conditions bad as well. Will let you know what happens. Crap.
Screwed by US Airways -- again. And yes that's twice in one day by the same folks.

So, we put together an alternate route that started in ATL and went to Seattle and I was going to drive from Seattle to Spokane and still make it. I rented a car in B'ham, got on the road to ATL and got here, finally with 30 minutes to spare, only to be told by US Airways that I had to be here 45 minutes before the flight and since I wasn't -- they wouldn't give me a boarding pass. I am now sitting in ATL airport waiting to get a rental car back to B'ham. This has been the most expensive cluster coitus to no purpose ever. It would seem, if I were paranoid, that the Fibbies have gone into total screw mode. I say that not so much for what has happened to me but for what I am briefed is happening on the ground in WA state. They are evidently into a full court press now, with much psywar directed at the leadership. The rally cannot be cancelled, so they are going ahead with it. I hope all you Threepers who are within driving distance will show up to support them. I will post my speech -- the one I was going to give -- in these pages tomorrow morning. Those of you who do show up should bring all the video equipment you can. I can't tell you how frustrated I am at this moment, but there's nothing more that I can do at this time.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158271
03/06/2015 03:38 AM
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Gun rights protest planned at federal courthouse

March 6, 2015

By Mike Faulk / Yakima Herald-Republic

Conservative gun advocates will protest in front of Spokane’s federal courthouse today after a Yakima man was arrested in front of the building last month for carrying a firearm.

Anthony Bosworth, a former candidate for Yakima County sheriff who became known for his exploits with other far-right conservatives promoting their agendas on YouTube and in government office buildings across the state, was arrested Feb. 25 and cited for failing to disperse.

Bosworth argued that he has a right under the Second Amendment to carry the weapon on federal property, even though state and federal laws ban it.

Bosworth’s wife is one of the administrators of the Facebook event page for the protest, dubbed “Our State, Our Rights: The Patriots Answer.” Attendees are being encouraged to bring their firearms.

“Bring your sidearms. Bring your long guns. This is a peaceful rally. But it is an armed one,” the Facebook page reads.

The liberal nonprofit Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights reports on its website that the event will also be attended by Mike Vanderboegh, an Alabama native and longtime activist in gun rights and militia movements. Vanderboegh has attended similar rallies in Olympia.

Gun rights rallies have picked up across Washington state since voters last year approved Initiative 594, which strengthened the state’s law requiring background checks for gun purchases.

On Thursday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Spokane issued a news release reiterating the laws governing the carry of firearms on courthouse property. The release noted recent protests.

On Monday, U.S. Eastern District Court Chief Judge Judge Rosanna Malouf Peterson in Spokane signed a general order expanding the weapons restriction to include access areas to federal courthouses in Yakima, Spokane and Richland. That includes sidewalks surrounding the building, plazas, lawn areas and parking lots, U.S. Attorney Michael Ormsby said in an email.

A weekend-long gun rights rally is tentatively planned in Yakima County on June 20 in the Tampico area. The event dubbed the “Arms Expo” is being organized by a network of Second Amendment activists statewide, co-organizer Sam Wilson, of Everett, said.

Not all Second Amendment advocates are supportive of the recent demonstrations, however. In January, a representative of the Second Amendment Foundation told KPLU Radio in Seattle that the “We Will Not Comply” movement is a “clique of gadflies.”

The Second Amendment Foundation is challenging portions of the background check law in federal court. On Thursday, state Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a motion to dismiss the case.

I-594 was approved in November with 59 percent of the vote. According to a news release from Ferguson on Thursday, no one has been prosecuted for violating the law to date.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158272
03/06/2015 03:40 AM
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From Mike...

Enemy action in Washington state. No adults in the room. I guess the CIA is cool with the FBI blowing the cover off several of their ops in the Northwest.

"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times and you can be damn sure it's enemy action." -- Military maxim.

Among the aggravations of yesterday was a continual interruption of communications between the Washington state activists and others, including me. Their cell phones were being seriously screwed with -- blocked calls, dropped calls, repeated calls not even ringing into the recipients, a call to a radio station call-in show made impossible. Yes, the empire wanted them to understand what the malevolent eye of Sauron meant. No doubt such fed-induced problems will continue today, as they vector all their snitches, agents provocateurs and badge-heavy thugs on Spokane.

It is evident that no one in responsible authority got my message about potential blowback from a light-switch operation to spook operations in the Northwest. Either the CIA doesn't care, doesn't take us seriously, or finds itself no longer the adult in the room, now hostage to the children of lesser gods of the FBI.

Motivating me to pick up the cudgel of the PATCON scandal would also be directly counterproductive to the FBI. It is equally evident that they don't care.

Keep Anthony and Maria Bosworth, Kit Lange and all the WA state activists in your prayers this day. The thoughtless federal thugs are moving to some conclusion that they will, in the end, find laden with unintended consequences.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158273
03/06/2015 04:24 AM
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Interesting to disect and study what was going on.

I have had commo issues lately but blame it on messed up phones except all of my computers, especially a week ago have been running bad, really bad, like a long delay between the time enter and click a command or click a button on the keyboard and the time something happens according to my will. It is like the computers have had lazy and disobedient minds of their own.

Its like a survival retreat game I play based on zombie apocalypse. Most of the game runs in Adobe flash, you get into a map, give the commands, the little survivors got to run around killing zombies and recovering material from the ruins of a city. If they don't get to an exit zone in a particular map on time, they "die" again. Once the countdown starts you figure it's time to click the over to the exit zones, except that's when the shit stops working. They stand around doing nothing or plinking at zombies while the clock runs out and the commands obviously are not getting through.

It's an allegory to a lot of things. Whether it is fed spyware or just some fuckup at Yahoo interfering with the game, I learn that you can know what needs to be done, know what to do, know what to tell everyone, give all the right commands at the right times but if you can't communicate with your people, its all fucked but the game won't stop for you, it won't acknowledge that its someone or something else fault, you still suffer the penalty of the failure when locked out of the game.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158274
03/06/2015 04:40 AM
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I hope some of those guys are armed with cameras and recorders, as well as guns. And a few hand-held radios might come in handy. Make the thugs screw with them, too.

Onward and upward,

Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158275
03/06/2015 12:10 PM
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Spokane protest to defy judge’s gun ban on federal grounds

March 6, 2015 10:13 AM MST

Despite a last-minute legal maneuver by a federal judge to ban guns on federal property, not just inside designated facilities as provided for in United States Code, protesters plan on going ahead with today’s armed demonstration at the Tom Foley Federal Building in Spokane, the Patrick Henry Society confirmed in a Thursday post by activist Kit Lange. While the “We will not comply” advocates have reiterated their pledge to protest peacefully, they have also anticipated a legal response that could include arrests and prosecutions.

Those risks arise from an order signed Monday by Chief United States District Judge Rosanna Malouf Peterson of the United States District Court, Eastern District of Washington, who issued an amendment to existing general orders to thwart today's demonstration. It's being held in protest after activist Anthony Bosworth was arrested Feb. 25 by DHS police, caged, pressured by FBI interrogators to give up information about his associates, and released with no charges, but with a “Failure to comply” citation.

The apparent illegality of his arrest last month is highlighted by the judge's order, as had he been violating the law, it would not be needed. Additionally, Bosworth’s firearms were confiscated and have not been returned.

Anticipating a strong reaction to their defiance, the protesters have advised supporters “It is IMPERATIVE that we have as much video and photographic evidence as possible.” Realizing that recorders can be confiscated, they are also seeking means “to livestream the event.”

Another concern is the potential for a provocateur with an agenda to stir up trouble in order to discredit the group. Organizers are taking steps to ensure those in their trusted ranks conduct themselves peaceably, taking appropriate precautions to protect themselves from staged “guilt by association” actions.

In a related development, liberty advocate and citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh, who was on his to join today’s protest, was prevented by bad weather resulting in cancelled flights. After being shut out at Birmingham, he rented a car and fought through hazardous conditions to drive to Atlanta to fly out from there, only to be denied a boarding pass by US Airways, evidently for arriving with 30 minutes to spare instead of 45. Denied the chance to deliver it directly, he has posted his speech on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog.

In addition to Vanderboegh's travel being blocked, Lange is reporting other disruptions on her Facebook page. The post also updates supporters on preparations being made by authorities.

Today’s peaceable assembly is scheduled to be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time at the Tom Foley Federal Building, 920 W Riverside Ave Spokane, Washington 99201. Those who cannot make the rally in person can monitor the “Our State, Our Rights” Facebook page, follow the @libertybosworth Twitter feed, and return to this report throughout the day for relevant updates and additional resources as they become known.


Anthony Bosworth phoned Gun Rights Examiner after the event with a recap. All went well and peacefully. He did see snipers and helicopters. He spoke with authorities before the event, including one involved in his prior arrest (with whom he shook hands) and let them know they were going to defy the ban. They reiterated it would be a violation. He informed them he intended to anyway, and advised them to go inside the building and he would handle the crowd of supporters. They for the most part did so throughout. Bosworth initially walked the property and was then joined by other demonstrators. They were not confronted. Afterward some of the police personnel thanked him for being professional and maintaining control. He saw no signs of any of the provocateurs some feared might emerge, but did see some individuals thought to be undercover agents posing as homeless men. He is wrapping up at this writing and looking forward to ending a long day, as he only got about an hour of sleep last night.

Judge cited 18 U.S. Code § 930 (f) for authority

Maria Bosworth Twitter feed: Snipers positioned on rooftops.

Maria Bosworth Twitter feed: Anthony walking on grounds.

Maria Bosworth Twitter feed: "Dhs backed arrests..we are on the ground."

Maria Bosworth Twitter feed: "If they take an inch we will take a mile" Anthony Bosworth speaking liberty.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158276
03/06/2015 05:07 PM
03/06/2015 05:07 PM
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Sorry, the more I see this, the more I don't like it. I like the concept, but this is volunteering to get arrested, which is NEVER a good thing.

I like the idea of a rally of some sort, but you got to give the individual cops an excuse and means of walking away if things get dicey, and that means not pushing it on ground they are obligated to defend to the death. This is a government courthouse, not pen full of cattle they stole in violation of a court order. It's also not backwoods BLM land they know they should be letting people on anyway.

Why the hell are these people going to get all tiffy on the steps of a government building and volunteering to get felonized on weapons violations while treating Kerodin and his citadel project as somehow tainted because he has a record?

I want to defend the people who want to be defended, defend the rights that people want to exercise. The people of Washington state voted for what they wanted and they will end up with the government they deserve, now the people of Washington state thinking that means they can impose that on an autonomous zone full of people hell bent on denying them unilateral control, that's where you got something.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158277
03/06/2015 06:14 PM
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For those of us old enough to remember the Cold War, this is all a little bit familiar. Both sides are trying to push each others buttons, to gauge their reactions and see how much they can get away with.

The problem is, a cold war can turn hot pretty quickly. We don't have nukes to sort of put a damper on things, so one moron with an itchy trigger finger can blow things up fast.

Onward and upward,

Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158278
03/07/2015 02:48 AM
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Airforce your right. MAD is in play. And, neither side is playing all their cards.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158279
03/07/2015 02:54 AM
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Police allow armed activists on federal land despite ban

Frances Wang, 6:04 p.m. PST March 6, 2015
Gun rights activists host armed rally in front of Spokane Federal Courthouse

SPOKANE, Wash.-- Police with the Department of Homeland Security allowed armed activist on federal land Friday morning despite a recent order expanding weapons restrictions to federal grounds including the Thomas S. Foley.

The order and protest happened within the last week when an armed Iraq war veteran was arrested outside of the Thomas S. Foley Courthouse in Downtown Spokane. Anthony Bosworth said he does not believe he was breaking any laws by carrying an assault rifle outside the federal courthouse.

His arrest was caught on cell phone video.

#UPDATE Despite officer's reminder, protestors have moved from sidewalk to federal grounds to make speeches.
— Frances Wang (@KREMFrances) March 6, 2015

On Friday, about 50 supporters maintained that Bosworth did nothing wrong and that federal agents owe him and them an apology. The activists arrived around 11:00 a.m. A majority of the protesters arrived together carrying flags, signs and firearms along the sidewalk outside of the federal courthouse.

One man's protest with a rifle staged in front of the Spokane Federal Courthouse last week sparked a big gun rights rally. KREM

Bosworth led the group which was warned by authorities upon their arrival. The officer warned the crowd that guns were not allowed on federal grounds and asked armed activists to remain on the sidewalk which is public property. The group agreed to remain peaceful. However, many expected it to turn ugly.

The protesters stayed off Federal property until Bosworth's conversation with a police officer. The two came to an agreement that he and about a dozen others could do exactly what he was doing when he was arrested before.

Early exchange between an officer %26 Anthony Bosworth. Officer says he's trying to help protestors.
— Frances Wang (@KREMFrances) March 6, 2015

Within an hour of the protest starting, armed activists had moved onto federal grounds in front of the courthouse to hear Bosworth speak. However, authorities did not stop the group. The same officers who warned the activists told KREM 2 News that authorities would respect the protest even though they are on federal property. The officer added that armed activists will not be cited or arrested as long as they remain peaceful.

KREM 2 on Your Side asked why no arrests were made Friday and found out that police backed down. They said because everyone was peacefully protesting, they allowed them to openly carry on federal property. As part of the agreement, Bosworth showed protestors what line they could not cross and told everyone that their guns could not be loaded.

Bosworth's wife said he has not faced charges for his original arrest and he still has not got his gun back.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158280
03/08/2015 02:15 AM
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The Battle for Washington State
Liberty for All Federal Protest: The Rest of the Story

by Kit Lange | Mar 7, 2015 |

Every time we have a rally or action, I sit down later and write an article about what happened. As the intel officer, I am also privy to information that the public does not know. Sometimes the weight of that information weighs heavily on me, and yesterday it seemed almost crushing. The depth and breadth of the efforts being put against us were unlike anything we had seen yet. We were used to dealing with state authorities, used to putting up with the cowards and the naysayers—so used to it, in fact, that the slimy hit pieces and childish Facebook foot-stompings have become nothing more than a running joke among those of us in the Liberty for All core group.

This, however, was a whole new ball game: this time we were going up against the force of the federal government, against agencies whose sole directive is to leverage government control over law-abiding patriots. This time, we were met with tactics we expected, but had not experienced yet. Communications were disrupted or even blocked; those of us in the leadership could call anyone except each other. Emails never reached their destination. In one particularly asinine instance, a rental car company literally claimed that they changed their policy midway through the day in order to prevent us from renting a car for Mike Vanderboegh to get home—after the airline inexplicably barred him from boarding his flight to Washington, effectively leaving him stranded at the Atlanta airport.

rally8Behind the scenes, in the Facebook chats and the various group conversations, another operation was ongoing. Known, confirmed federal informants were working in conjunction with each other to disrupt the rally efforts and discourage people from attending. Citing secret inside sources they had access to, they claimed it was a trap, claimed that anyone involved with it would be filmed and catalogued, or even arrested and detained indefinitely. Their efforts, while concerted and well-executed, underlined both their own cowardice and a basic misunderstanding of who they were dealing with. They apparently don’t understand the level of fortitude that my brothers and sisters possess.

We already knew all of those things were in the works, and the only people these fools deterred were the ones who would not have the courage to stand in the face of them anyway. As a result, these little stoolies had the opposite effect they intended. Their efforts decreased our numbers, yes…but they also managed to purify them. Those who showed up yesterday would have stood the line until their last breath; if it had gone badly, they would have died with a smoking gun in their hand protecting the man next to them. So, as a side note, I’d like to sincerely thank those who spent so much time and effort on their propaganda and disruption campaign, and ask that you do it again next time. You did us a great service.

Those of us in the leadership spent countless hours planning and gaming out the rally, answering a million and one questions with no good answers. What if someone got arrested? What if we met with a huge presence? What if, God forbid, they opened fire? What if? We knew that tensions would be incredibly high, and the information coming across my screen was almost terrifying. Some who were privy to the intel coming in even asked if maybe we should cancel. The entire situation was a pile of tinder on a hot, dry day…just waiting for a spark.

The night before, the leadership sat in someone’s livingroom and soberly looked at each other across the room. We had planned all we could, done all we could—and still, no plan survives contact with the enemy. Cancelling, for us, was not an option. We would stand the line, and we would lead from the front—no matter what. We did not sleep that night. As the sun peeked over the desert mountains, with heavy hearts and unshakeable resolve we hugged our kids, we put on our guns, and we went to work.

As we made our way to Spokane, messages came in to us from all over the country. Words of love and support, of fiery defiance. It warmed my heart to know that there were others on the road at that moment, coming to stand with us. We reached the destination about an hour early, met up with some familiar faces, and started walking to the rally point. As we came around the corner, I saw a large group of people halfway down the block. Shining in the middle was the bright yellow of a Gadsden flag, and I knew I was home. We rallied up and started walking to the courthouse a few blocks away, and we started singing the national anthem. Loudly. Imagine the sight—30+ patriots, with flags and rifles, boldly marching down the sidewalk while singing the Star-Spangled Banner for the whole world to hear. This is liberty. I held back tears as we stood on the corner waiting for the light to change.

As we reached the courthouse, several DHS vehicles were outside. As we stood on the sidewalk, outside federal property, a few of us started scanning—and found what we were looking for. Aside from the DHS helicopter overhead, there was a roving perimeter manned by SUVs with fake license plates. A homeless man on the sidewalk next to a building, holding a smartphone that was taking video. Another man sitting on a bench pretending to read a book while watching closely. Someone else walking around through the crowd trying to chat up the attendees and get their business cards or contact information. There were snipers on the roof…many of them, positioned in such a way that no matter where we were in the area, we could be taken out any moment.

rally3Think about that for a moment. In a public area, where a group of law-abiding, America-loving patriots were gathered to exercise their rights and stand for the Constitution, the federal government had snipers trained on us, ready to put a bullet in our heads at any moment. If that simple fact does not stir something in your core, then you are beyond hope. These were only a few of the things we saw; much of what was in place and what happened behind the scenes will not be spoken of here.

The DHS agent who was involved in Anthony’s arrest came up and shook his hand, telling him that they wanted to see a safe event and asking us to please not bring our guns onto the plaza again. Anthony pointed out that a judge’s arbitrary decision does not make law, that we absolutely have the right to be there. After several rounds of “please don’t do this because it would be a really bad idea for you,” Anthony turned to the crowd.

“You are all individuals. You make your own decisions. Do we stand here on the sidewalk, or do we take the plaza?”

rally7It was a formality for him to even ask. We would be taking the plaza. We did, however, agree not to approach the doors of the building. We moved onto the plaza grounds, half-expecting to be arrested.

But we weren’t.

Just to give you some perspective, let’s recap. Anthony was arrested for being openly armed on that plaza. AFTER his arrest, they amended a rule to state that NOW firearms aren’t allowed on the property, which proves they knew Anthony wasn’t breaking the law when they arrested him. Yet now, with their “rule” in place, a whole group of armed patriots were standing on the plaza in direct violation of it…and they did nothing. We took photos of the snipers, of the agents moving in the crowd, of the vehicles and personnel they had working against us. We know our own, and we know those who do not fit.

We made sure to get a photo standing in front of the building; the photo’s perfect caption was given by another one of our number: They said we couldn’t stand there. We stood. And while we did not get Anthony’s firearms back, we will. I can promise you that.

There are those who will say that we are paranoid, that the feds in attendance were simply looking out for our safety, or that there was never any danger and all of this was standard protocol for an armed rally. They did not see what we saw. They were not there watching what happened leading up to the event. They were not in the quiet conversations where we read collected intelligence and were so sickened by it that we literally just closed our eyes and prayed to God Almighty for our safety. They did not see the incredible, insidious operation to derail every single thing we were doing.

There are those who will say we were lucky, or that we never should have been there to begin with. Some will say that we are radioactive, that even associating with us is dangerous because we have “Fed attention,” and somehow that’s a communicable disease. To them I say good riddance. You would never have had our backs in the fight anyway. At this point, federal attention is almost how you know you’re doing your JOB.

What people should take away from this is simple. It is the same thing we have been trying to tell people over and over for months, even years. If you stand, you can win. If you don’t, you won’t even have a chance.

Could there come a day when we stand, and it does not end with joyous victory? Yes. Every time we go, every time we stand could be that day. But here’s what you don’t understand:

The idea of arrest or harm is not a reason to stay away. That’s the reason to GO.

Because on that day, your brothers and sisters will need you. They will need every able-bodied patriot, every rifle, every man and woman who believe in liberty. If you stay away out of fear, or because you think you’re waiting for the “big SHTF event,” then you are effectively telling your fellow patriots that you aren’t willing to come in until they’re already dead or arrested. How do you reconcile that?

Come stand NOW. We need to know that when the day comes, you aren’t hiding out somewhere waiting for us to go down so you can decide whether it’s bad enough to stand up. When that day comes, we need to be able to look to our left and right and already see you there.

THAT is what this fight requires. That is what liberty demands.

Yesterday, standing on federal property, I looked around and I saw enemy everywhere. But I also saw people who would have given their lives in a heartbeat, who understand the cost and are willing to pay it next week, tomorrow, or two seconds from now. Yesterday is now part of history, and our children will remember the days that their parents stood. They will tell their children later that this is how it is done. That liberty can NEVER be allowed to fall, even if it means that every single one of us does.

We will not comply. Not today, not tomorrow, and not even if our blood pools on the ground.

You have our word.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158281
03/08/2015 06:10 AM
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I can see for Mike V it will reach the point of having to smuggle him across the country in a new style of transport system. Kind of like pony express underground. Coordinate hot swapping him between fast cars and RVs on different legs of the journey. In theory, you can cross the country in 40 hours that way, especially driving high speed at night, then slower in an RV in the daytime. The bonus is arriving well fed and well slept with the RVs being I the mix as opposed to crammed up in an airliner seat and all jet lagged upon arrival or stranded at an airport under surveillance.

Once you reach the point of being able to get him across the country without the Feds being several steps ahead of you, then you are on to something.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158282
03/08/2015 06:30 AM
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A quote is pertinent here...
It is evident that no one in responsible authority got my message about potential blowback from a light-switch operation to spook operations in the Northwest. -

Motivating me to pick up the cudgel of the PATCON scandal would also be directly counterproductive to the FBI. It is equally evident that they don't care.-

-The thoughtless federal thugs are moving to some conclusion that they will, in the end, find laden with unintended consequences.
The protest movement in Wash. is dealing with the same operatives and Judenrats that Strat had to contend with. Those people never learn to let it go and walk away. However, they are known, and not nearly as invisible as they seem to think. While they play games, they forget that those same games can be played on them.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158283
03/08/2015 03:05 PM
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This from Mike V...

No big surprise to us, but Bill Morlin of SPLC was at the Liberty for All rally. The US Marshal's Service issues threats by way of SPLC. A reminder that the One Hundred Heads Life and Casualty Company has a group policy on Liberty for All.

Bill Morlin, SPLC toady, former hack "journalist" and intimate friend of the FBI and ATF.

I knew about this ahead of time (you may recall I mentioned it here:

5. I also know that it is reported by sources that the Southern Poverty Law Center has (again, just like Elohim City in the pre-OKC bombing days) its own snitches in place in Spokane who are seeking to work their way into the ranks of the armed civil disobedience movement. They are also researching a big hit piece on the WA state activists. The timing of that "expose" will tell us much.

We received this confirmation by email after the event:

Facts not mentioned in info about the rally at U.S. Courthouse was the fact that Bill Morlin from the Southern Poverty Law Center was on scene. I know him for when he was a reporter for the Spokesman Review and talked to him on site. He went to work for them a few years ago. Just thought you would like to know.

Here is his "report": "Armed Protesters March on Federal Courthouse in Washington."

Morlin's usual M.O. is to sidle up to participants without identifying himself (or to say he is a "journalist" which of course is a lie now that he's working for SPLC) and goad them into making incendiary comments. This usually works with neoNazis and other weak-minded fools, but apparently he couldn't use that to great effect on us. Or perhaps he was just keeping his distance because he expected federal-inspired violence. He sounds positively dispirited with this observation:

It wasn’t immediately known what caused federal authorities to balk and not allow the protest in spite of the issuance of a court order on Monday by Chief U.S. District Court Judge Rosanna Malouf Peterson. A public notice released Thursday by U.S. Attorney Mike Ormsby and U.S, Marshal Craig Thayer said anyone coming on the plaza or attempting to enter the courthouse with weapons or firearms would be subject to arrest for contempt of court and violating federal law.

However, it would seem from this comment at SPLC that there is a fall-back plan. One "Joel Lawler bwd1967" writes:

My friend at the USMS tells me that they have clear pictures of every swingin' Richard that entered the plaza carrying a weapon, and that arrests pursuant to 18 U.S.C ss 900 will be made in the near future on an individual basis to protect the public and the arresting officers. Sounds like a sensible plan to me.

Of course, the One Hundred Heads Life and Casualty Company has a group policy on all members of Liberty for All. So I guess anytime the United States Marshal's Service feels froggy. . .

LATER: I left a comment there which I will repeat here since i doubt it lasts long: "Mike Vanderboegh to Joel Lawler: Nice way to start a civil war courtesy of the 100 Heads Life and Casualty Company."

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158284
03/08/2015 06:35 PM
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Well thanks to another series of fuckups, flakeouts and betrayals the hardened sanctuary sits abandoned and inoperable. Even the water system and food supply was thoughtfully pulled out a few months ago.

The scariest thing about Bill Morlin is he is some creepy older guy, then he mentioned being a junior in high school in 1984, that's the scary shit. He is the same age as me..

Wasn't I just getting old at around 35 when I joined this forum?

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158285
03/09/2015 03:17 AM
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More from M.V.

U.S. Marshal's Service: Risking Civil War From A Failure of Institutional Memory. Bundy Ranch -- only with bullets this time.

Institutional memory is a collective set of facts, concepts, experiences and know-how held by a group of people. As it transcends the individual, it requires the ongoing transmission of these memories between members of this group. Elements of institutional memory may be found in corporations, professional groups, government bodies, religious groups, academic collaborations, and by extension in entire cultures. Institutional memory may be encouraged to preserve an ideology or way of work in such a group. Conversely, institutional memory may be ingrained to the point that it becomes hard to challenge if something is found to contradict that which was previously thought to have been correct. Institutional memory may have influence on organizational identity, choice of individuals, and actions of the individuals interacting with the institution. -- Wikipedia.

I was talking over the current situation in Washington state with a friend yesterday, specifically this gem of a comment found at the SPLC website:

My friend at the USMS tells me that they have clear pictures of every swingin' Richard that entered the plaza carrying a weapon, and that arrests pursuant to 18 U.S.C ss 900 will be made in the near future on an individual basis to protect the public and the arresting officers. Sounds like a sensible plan to me.

My comment at the time was "Of course, the One Hundred Heads Life and Casualty Company has a group policy on all members of Liberty for All. So I guess anytime the United States Marshal's Service feels froggy. . ."

The problem, we agreed, is that those of us who were in the liberty movement in the 90s have, collectively, a much longer and thus better institutional memory than the United States Marshal's Service. As the citation above makes plain, institutional memory can save, or destroy, an organization. The problem is that most USMS (and FBI, and ATF, and, most especially DHS) employees date their own memories (and their agencies' institutional memories) from 11 September 2001. Subsequent to that, most of them probably got a little experience in Iraq and Afghanistan with the beating up on the Hadjis and then came home to apply the same techniques in the by now long-militarized federal law enforcement. (Note the tricks related by Anthony Bosworth after his "rendition" in this radio interview.)

Oh, the Marshals may vaguely remember their agency's sanitized version of the death of US Marshal Degan at the beginning of the Weaver Siege, but they have no memory of the rise of the militia movement and the cold war we waged with the their masters the Clintonistas for the rest of the decade. The reinvigoration of that movement, the voluntary arming of a much greater number of citizens responding to Obama administration depredations, the rise of the We Will Not Comply movement and the implications that has -- all these things are not viewed in the context that knowledge of the 90s provides, if they are considered at all.

Oh, the response of the armed citizenry at Bundy Ranch got their attention briefly. But no one fired at Bundy Ranch. The feds wisely backed down. However, what is threatened in the above comment at the SPLC, if we take him at his word that this reflects USMS intentions, will initiate another Bundy Ranch -- only with bullets this time. That is not a threat. It is a dispassionate observation based upon a study of history and our own institutional memory, which includes a much more perfect understanding of the federal militarized police establishment than they have of us. (You must also credit the disinformation of the SPLC as a contributing factor in that as well, for the FedGov parrots their line at the highest levels.)

My fervent wish is that some adults in the room at the middle-management levels of the USMS recall now from the dim recesses of their memories and inform both their superiors and their subordinates that they may be working from defective institutional memory and thus taking decisions based upon false assumptions. For a raid (or raids) on Anthony Bosworth and the other activists of Liberty for All, based upon a federal judge's chapped ass caused by the defiance of her edict which is, at best, dubious in law, could certainly touch off a much greater response on the part of an outraged armed citizenry than anyone now receiving a federal paycheck would expect -- and not just in Washington state. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see that, just an operational and accurate institutional memory.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158286
03/09/2015 12:35 PM
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SPLC chatter predicts arrests of Spokane liberty activists

March 9, 2015 11:11 AM MST

by David Codrea

A courageous individual, demanding recognition of his rights, stands in defiance against the awesome power of a state intent on crushing any who challenge it.
Maria Bosworth

In spite of federal law enforcement officials shaking his hand and telling liberty activist Anthony Bosworth they appreciated his leadership in keeping a Friday armed rally at a federal building in Spokane peaceful and orderly, now that the protesters have dispersed, they may be “swatted” one-by-one for defying a federal judge’s last-minute order banning guns on complex grounds. That’s a not-implausible expectation voiced under a post by former “investigative reporter with a special emphasis on ... extremist groups” Bill Morlin, who presented his recap of the rally on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “HateWatch” blog.

That SPLC categorized the group of protesters as haters in the first place fits into its standard practice of smearing Bill of Rights-promoting activists by conflating them with violence-initiating bigots and subversives. The tactic has paid off for the group, with the Department of Homeland Security essentially partnering with SPLC to profile Americans who believe in the Constitution as “domestic threats.”

An SPLC presence at the rally was no surprise. Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars had predicted it. Also no surprise are some of the comments under Morlin’s report, one in particular claiming U.S. Marshal sources plan on arresting identified participants on an individual basis.

That is a possibility I discussed with Vanderboegh before the rally, and highlights a real fear that has the potential to move those holding irreconcilable positions closer to conflict. A federal judge who threatened contempt charges in her order has been defied. If that is not followed through with enforcement, her edict will have been flouted in a most public and visible way, and her position, ego and anger give strong personal incentive to demand obedience at all costs. So expect those in charge of federal enforcement – and those who enthusiastically follow their orders – to ensure their monopoly of violence authority cannot be successfully challenged by mere upstart citizens.

If arrests are made, expect rules of engagement to treat targets as armed and dangerous, so that any encounters will be planned to surprise and overwhelm, and also to demoralize others from attempting similar future acts of defiance. Expect guns to be confiscated from those arrested, and the media to fully exploit the potential to gin up public fears by displaying “arsenals.” Expect "child protective services" to wield power if it can. Expect prosecutors to bring the full power of the state, with all of its resources, down on people with limited means to defend themselves, and to economically cripple defendants with asset forfeiture if it looks like they intend to try. Expect homes to be foreclosed on, or evictions from rental units, when incomes are cut off and breadwinners are no longer free to earn them. Expect sentences to be severe to set an example of what anyone who defies the state can look forward to.

And expect some, seeing this, to know that “shall not be infringed” is a meaningless phrase unless accompanied with an unbending commitment to see the words are honored in spite of personal costs. And that is where things can really get precipitous, if ramping up enforcement produces the unintended consequence of corresponding resistance by those who fully understand that, and not just in Spokane.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158287
03/10/2015 08:32 AM
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When you took the office of governor of the State of Washington, you held up your hand and took an oath to uphold the Constitution of our great state. Included in that is the protection of citizens and their rights. In short, you took an oath to stand for the liberty secured by the WA State Constitution.

Article I of that document states that “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” That consent is and always has been contingent upon the willingness of said government to protect and guard the rights of the people, because that is the entire purpose of government.

Currently the state and federal governments are seeking to control and enslave the people through denial of their rights. You are doing nothing to stop it.

Article II of that document reaffirms the Constitution of the United States as the supreme law of the land. Your oath to uphold the State constitution includes adherence to that statement. You are not upholding this oath.

Article III of the WA State Constitution states that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Recently a WA state citizen was illegally arrested by the federal government and denied his liberty. His property was taken from him and has not been returned. Every single one of his rights secured by both the federal and state constitutions was violated. You have done nothing.

As governor of the state of Washington, it is your duty and your calling to serve the people of this state and protect their rights, whether you agree with their politics or not, whether you like them as people or not. Anthony Bosworth’s arrest was illegal, as evidenced by the rules being (illegally) changed after his arrest to reflect what the federal government originally arrested him for. His property was confiscated. He was kept in a steel cage for hours with no access to an attorney as promised by the Constitution, and interrogated for hours by federal agents, who laughed at his assertion of his rights.

It does not matter what your position is on guns, or whether you like Anthony Bosworth as a person. His rights were violated, and this happened on your watch. The Constitutions that you swore to uphold were violated before your very eyes by the federal government, and nothing has been done.

After the peaceful and calm protest of these violations at the federal courthouse in Spokane last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center—which has partnered with the Department of Homeland Security to help decide who’s an “extremist”—wrote an article predicting the arrest of Liberty for All members, including Anthony Bosworth, his wife Maria, Sam Wilson, and myself.

What is our crime? The exercise of rights protected—not granted—by the WA State Constitution and that of the United States of America. The exercise of rights you promised to uphold when you took office. We dare to speak of liberty, we dare to stand against tyranny, and now we are being threatened with the same fate that Anthony has already undergone once.

We, the patriots of Washington, appeal to you now. We want no fight. We want no conflict. We wish to be left alone in peace, to raise our families and live in liberty. We ask that you stand with us and stop this violation of our rights, as is your duty. Under no circumstances do we seek violence, nor will we start violence. We are not, in any way, “anti-government” as the SPLC claims. We simply demand that the government adhere to its Constitutional limits, protecting and maintaining the rights of the governed.

Please understand this: We will not comply with these continued infringements. We will no longer be controlled and have our rights violated. There is no more compromise. If an inch of liberty is taken from us, we will take back a mile. Because of this, we face persecution, arrest, and even death.

You can stop this from happening. It is your job to stop this from happening, by upholding your oath to the Constitution.

If you do not stand up now, patriots in your state will be arrested by an out of control federal government seeking to quash the liberty movement. If that happens, there will be a reaction among We the People that will have a ripple effect far outside Washington State. At that point, you will be complicit in the beginning of a civil war. That is not something any of us want.

We appeal to you as a father, a husband, as a man who has taken a solemn oath to protect and defend the rights of the people of Washington. You govern by our consent. If you would like to keep that consent, then we ask you to stand up for the people you serve. Regardless of your political position, the people have rights that must be protected.

We await and expect your public reply within 3 days. If we have not heard from you by that time, we will accept that your position is in agreement with those who wish to criminally enslave the people of Washington State.


Kit Lange
Anthony Bosworth
Maria Bosworth
Sam Wilson
and the patriots of Liberty for All

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158288
03/10/2015 03:45 PM
03/10/2015 03:45 PM
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Archangel1 Offline
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So what will they do in 3 days? Nash their teeth and raise the curved hands showing their finger nails?

More than likely, the governor will add to the pile in the name of safety against the dangerous ruffians.

Heck, we found out today that Hillary didn't violate the law or lie either. The secret service had control of the server. The ATF didn't send arms and money to Mexico. O was within his authority to bomb Libya, the Arab Spring brought great peace to the middle east, Benghazi was a protest about a video, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is not Islamic and unemployment is down to 5%. Wow, the economy hasn't been this good since Bill Clinton was in office.

Where is my shovel? It's beyond hip deeop.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158289
03/10/2015 04:16 PM
03/10/2015 04:16 PM
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Originally posted by Archangel1:
So what will they do in 3 days? Nash their teeth and raise the curved hands showing their finger nails? (...)
I don't know, but I get the feeling we haven't heard the last of this.

Onward and upward,

Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158290
03/10/2015 05:18 PM
03/10/2015 05:18 PM
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ConSigCor Offline OP
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They are doing what ALL apathetic amerikans should be the tyrants the finger and telling them to F off.

A tyrannical government can pass all the oppressive laws they want, but they can't enforce them if everyone refuses to comply. That same gov can't violate the rights of the people if they refuse to be intimidated. Nor can that same gov. steal your property if you refuse to allow it.

It's time people man up and step up to the plate.

It really is that simple.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158291
03/11/2015 03:53 PM
03/11/2015 03:53 PM
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The way the SDS and Weathermen did it, prior to coming to power and influence with the White House....was they lawyered up fairly early in any sort of conflict so their attorneys got notice whenever warrants were issued against anyone in the organization.

Cooperative defense agreements are held on file so that they cannot legally be called to testify against each other as codefendents, but that did often open certain aspects of certain cases up to conspiracy charges.

The federal public defenders traditionally assign different attorneys to different defendants AFTER indictment, so a person has no legal representation during much (if any) of the pre-arrest phase and that critical 48 hours which is generally allowed between arrest and indictment, when interrogation is often the most severe.

Pre-assigned attorneys slows down any process by which someone can be compelled to break from the group and testify against the others. Now that does not prevent someone from being a confidential informant, but it slows it down, especially if they are present for any legal strategy meetings and it comes to light later on in court that their presence was to undermine a legal defense. It may not prevent a conviction, but it provides ground for an appeal, even years after a conviction.

It is one thing to issue warrants on everyone, another to actually catch them, another to gain indictments, and yet another to be able to get any charges stick.

I just personally see this as Adam Kokesh times 50 but time will tell whether or not it has been an effective tool in the conflict to do these government building armed tresspass stunts.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos #158292
03/11/2015 04:54 PM
03/11/2015 04:54 PM
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Okanogan County Washington Sta...

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Okanogan County Washington Sta...

Bosworth Arrest: Federal Judge Could be Charged Under the Law

Under the law, the federal judge who recently signed a rule to ban firearms from federal property could be charged with a host of crimes that involve penalties including imprisonment and more.
After the 25 February arrest of Anthony Bosworth from Liberty for All in front of the federal courthouse in Spokane, WA for carrying an unloaded and legal rifle, federal authorities realized that the law was not on their side. The law clearly stated that the property was not included in the firearms ban, and as a result they had to release Bosworth. Obama-appointed federal judge Rosanna Malouf Peterson decided after the fact that she would simply impose her personal will on the people, and so last week she signed an order extending the ban to all the property as well. As a result, LFA went back to the scene of the illegal arrest and stood on the same ground while armed with firearms that, this time, were loaded.
While many complained on social media that the rabble-rousers of LFA had once again “ruined it for everyone else” with their stand, the truth is that Judge Peterson was not only out of line in her decision, she was absolutely against the law. Please note 18 USC § 242, which states the following:

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