Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Yes, they learn. So must we. Adapt and overcome.

If they dumb down the future generations, it's our own fault.

[b] Pull your children OUT of the public indoctrination centers and home school them. Turn off the globalist propaganda. TV brainwashes everyone. Train up your children in the way they should go. Accept NO gov. interference.

Teach them, right from wrong, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and our history. Teach them to be independent, self sufficient and able to think for themselves. Teach them a skill or trade. Prepare them for a hard future. And, have a little fun too. [/b]
What CSC said. Tho I wouldn't be satisfied teaching them just one skill. If you folks went camping as kids teach outdoor skills to your kids. When I went to college the 1st time while there a school district sent their rep to chat with the department head of my outdoor skills program. Long story short me and 6 or 7 other college kids spent 5 days teaching 6th graders how to survive in the woods. Not just ecology but how to build a fire without matches. How to build small shelters. Signaling. Food gathering.

I also was a counselor and had my own cabin of 12yr old boys to watch over and teach them good info. I think it taught me more. I know it was one heck of a learning experience for all of us.

One last thing. Teach your kids some basic SD. Like how to deal with bullies other than getting beat up and running home crying. I learned first hand the best way to deal with a bully was beat the living snot out of him. I was in school in the 50s and 60s. No one took guns to school back then. If we had a pocket knife it was in our pocket and no one called the police if they saw a knife with a 2 inch blade. Also teach your kids the policeman IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Most cops are merely REVENUE COLLECTORS. Teach your kids if they get jammed up at school and cops are called KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT until mom or dad get there. In most states an advocate for the under 18 set is mandatory and near EVERYDAY we read about some poor 7yr old read the riot act by POS school administrators with a pig present rubbing their hands with glee as they railroad kids for chewing pop tarts into an L. Or a kindergartner kisses another 4yr old and people go bonkers and call out the cavalry and everyone has a conniption fit.

I'm a big believer in home schooling and or private schools. Be careful tho with private schools. Do your own research. And for crying out loud take a good look at the kids textbooks especially history books. I seen once some kids dad pulled down a history book. Started reading the Bill of Rights. Read the 1A fine. Read the Third A just fine. The dad was decidedly miffed upon seeing the 2A was flat out missing.

Grass fed Beef..it's what's fer supper July 4th.