I don't think I ever stated he didn't deserve getting money out that he put in.

My entire point is that we should try our best not to get into that system.

We all do make mistakes... no one is perfect. I used the readily available example for a few ways I saw that we can avoid being on the .gov handout.

And, if it is used for extended periods, it does become a burden to others. There is a point where we take out more than we put in... and then it doesn't work.

I was primarily using Tobor's situation as an example, since he so readily volunteered such details. It was a pretty detached analysis, not intended to be directed as an attack at Tobor. Look at my refence to him as "that guy", or "this guy" or whatever it was... I didn't even remember who I was talking about. I was analyzing a situation, not a person.